Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1358: The Realm of Medicine Spirit【1】

However, everyone thought that Mu Qianyue had reached the realm of King Pill at such a young age, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Such a talent, if it were buried, it would be a real pity.

Her pill skill talent is several times better than the great elder Yao Ziqiu!

At that time, the great elder Yaozi Qiuye was only a pill sage who only reached the age of thirty!

And Mu Qianyue is already King Pill at this moment, maybe before she is thirty years old, she became King Pill, not necessarily!

Thinking about this, everyone's gaze at Mu Qianyue was no longer scornful, but full of envy and admiration!

Genius and strong are respected no matter where they are!

At first they were full of hostility towards Mu Qianyue, because Mu Qianyue stepped on Yaoxin's light; on the other hand, they didn't know Mu Qianyue's pill talent.

At this moment, they were completely convinced by Mu Qianyue's extraordinary talent!

In addition to the prestigious Hongmeng Ding and the tenth elder of the promise, Sect Master Yao also gave Mu Qianyue almost all his life's experience in alchemy, and allowed Mu Qianyue to enter the medical book pavilion for a chance to read medical books at will.

Yao Xin and Yao Wenle also awarded awards one by one.

After the alchemy test was over, everyone also dispersed one by one.

Mu Qianyue returned to the Qiuyuan and put the Hongmengding Ding into the space of Tongtian Tower.

"Okay, here is my space world, you can transform it at will." Mu Qianyue looked at the majestic Ding in front of him, with a faint smile on her lips.

As her voice fell, a ray of light flashed, and Hong Huang Hongmeng Ding suddenly turned into a little boy about five or six years old.

The small round face carved in pink jade, thick eyebrows, **** eyes, and wearing a blue robes, looks very cute.

"Master, is this your space? Wow! It's so big! Master, you actually still have room for life!" Xiao Meng's eyes swept to the surrounding verdant mountains and forests with excitement. This huge space is full of aura, compared to medicine. The spiritual realm is even more dense!

"Well, you can live here in the future. If you want to come out, you can come out at any time. You haven't transformed before people, so you appear in human form, and they won't recognize you." Mu Qianyue laughed Tao.

"Wow haha, great!" Xiao Meng danced excitedly.

"By the way, Xiaomeng, why did you choose to contract with me automatically?" Mu Qianyue asked her doubts.

Yes, when Mu Qianyue was on the martial arts field during the day, before Mu Qianyue tame it, it automatically contracted with herself.

Because there were a lot of things at the time, she didn't cross-examine.

"Well, that's because I felt an ancient aura from the master's blood. This breath is very close to me, so I contracted with you." Xiao Meng laughed.

Mu Qianyue squinted suspiciously, "The breath of the ancient and wild?"

Is there such a great power in her blood? Why doesn't she feel it herself?

"The power of the wild is hidden in the depths of your blood. If you don't stimulate it, you won't feel it, Master." Xiao Meng explained.

"Oh..." Mu Qianyue's doubts in her eyes continued, but she added a bit.

"Xiao Meng, are you from the ancient times?" Mu Qianyue's eyes fell on him in surprise.

"Um... it should be." Xiao Meng frowned her cute brows in doubt, and thought carefully, "I don't remember the past things clearly, because before, I didn't have the wisdom, and I couldn't transform myself. It was just I probably know that I am from Honghuang, otherwise my name would not be Honghuang Hongmengding..."

"This name is too awkward. Change it. You will be called Hong Huangding from now on." Mu Qianyue thought for a while.

"Hong Huangding? It sounds not domineering at all! No!" Xiao Meng refused.

"You want to refuse, then I will call you Yuanzi from now on." Mu Qianyue's eyes fell on him unkindly.

Xiao Meng was taken aback, looked down at his young body, with a grieved expression, "Where are they round? Obviously very slim!"

"Aren't you round when you turned into a cauldron?"

"..." Xiao Meng looked at the sky speechlessly, "Forget it, Honghuangding will be Honghuangding, it sounds much better than Yuanzi."

Mu Qianyue smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Good..."

Xiao Meng pouted aggrievedly, his eyes filled with tears, and he looked pitiful, as if Mu Qianyue had done something bad to him.

"Xiao Meng, what level did the ancestor's alchemy of Yao Wangzong reach before?" Mu Qianyue asked with a straight face.

"Naturally it is the highest realm pill god. After becoming a pill god, alchemy no longer needs a medicine cauldron. This old guy abandoned me." Xiao Meng said very depressed.

Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up when she heard the words, "I don't need a medicine cauldron to become a pill god?"

"Yes. After becoming a pill god, you can refine pill medicine anytime and anywhere, and you can immediately refine the pill by wrapping the medicinal materials in flames."

Mu Qianyue's eyes suddenly showed a look of admiration.

"Then how is your former master's pill skill talent?"

"He is not my master. I and Yao Qing are only a cooperative relationship. It was he who lifted my seal and let me see the sun again. So I volunteered to follow him and help him refine his alchemy, so his alchemy grew very fast." Xiao Mengdao, looking at Mu Qianyue, a smile of excitement appeared on her cute and delicate little face, "Master, you are my first master. I feel the breath that makes me feel at ease and familiar with you, master. , So I want to be with you."

Mu Qianyue nodded clearly.

I just didn't expect to be the first owner of Xiao Meng.

"Okay, go and play by yourself, I'm going to practice." Mu Qianyue said lightly, took out a few medicinal spirit crystals given by Sect Master Yao, and absorbed the pure energy inside and turned it into true vitality...

After a night of practice, Mu Qianyue's strength has risen to the pinnacle of Tier 3 Divine King.

Unexpectedly, these seemingly small medicinal spirit spars could increase her so much strength!


In the dim hall, a cold candle light lit up, making the atmosphere in the hall even more depressing and frightening.

Yaoxin's charming face was filled with squalid anger, "Father, don't you say that Mu Qianyue can't conquer Hongmengding? Why is Hongmengding contracted with her?"

Yaozihe's eyes were filled with doubts, "This is also my strange place. It stands to reason that we have tried all those methods, but we have all failed. Why can Mu Qianyue conquer the primordial grandeur?"

He kept thinking about this question, but couldn't understand it.

After a pause, his turbid slightly squinted eyes flashed with a wicked murderous intent, "I have arranged the manpower. After entering the medicine spirit tomorrow, Mu Qianyue will definitely die! Xin'er, don't worry, medicine The name of Wang Zong’s first genius medicine pill is still yours, no one can take it away! You are the best

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