Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1365: Insidious Yaozi He [2]

But how did that eighth-order **** king die?

Yaozihe's heart was full of doubts, and he couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that after killing Mu Qianyue, he encountered other dangers, so he died?

Apart from this possibility, there is no other possibility. If you tell him that Mu Qianyue killed the eighth-order **** king and killed him, he would not believe it!

Because this is simply impossible!

There are indeed some strong people on the mainland who can fight across tiers, or use medicinal pills that can temporarily increase their strength to assist in killing strong enemies. One or two tiers across tiers are already great, and no one can cross tier five. ability!

What's more, he also gave that person a Storm Origin Pill that could temporarily increase the strength of the first rank?

While he waited nervously, Lingfeng's path was slowly opened again, and then a group of figures walked out of it.

Yaozihe saw Yaoxin walking in the crowd at a glance, and a touch of joy was dyed in his eyes, and he shouted at her, "Xin'er! Come here!"

"Father!" Yaoxin smiled on her charming face and walked quickly to Yaozihe's side.

"Xin'er, what can you gain in the realm of medicine spirit this time?" Yao Zihe's eyes fell on her gently and comfortedly, and asked with a smile.

"Father, I found ten precious thousand-year-old medicinal materials in it, and also got a medical book, and my alchemy has broken through the realm of ten-pin pill saints!" Yao Xin quickly said her harvest.

"What? Have you broken through to the realm of Pill Saint?" Yaozi He heard this and was overjoyed. A few days ago, Xin'er just broke through the nine-pin pill pharmacist, but she did not expect to break through to the realm of Pill Saint so soon!

Even Sect Master Yao and Yao Ziqiu couldn't help looking sideways at her.

"Yes! It seems that Xin'er's talent is also very strong! It is estimated that it will not take long to become King Pill, haha..." Sect Master Yao's eyes were full of admiration. There are great benefits.

"Xin'er, what kind of medical book you got in it, show it to me." After a pause, Sect Master Yao continued.

"Yes!" Yao Xin shook her palm, took out a medical book made of yellowed sheepskin scrolls, and respectfully handed it to the master of Yao.

She still respected Yao Sect Master in her heart.

When Sect Master Yao opened the ancient medical book and saw the signature Yao Qing on it, his eyes were shocked and excited, "This turned out to be the medical book left by the ancestor!"

"What? The medical book left by the ancestor?" Yao Ziqiu was shocked and looked at Yao Xin with a weird look. She actually left the dog~shit~ luck and got the medical book left by the ancestor of Yao Qing!

Yaozihe was even more excited when he heard that, "Haha, it is indeed my daughter of Yaozihe, she is outstanding! It is estimated that the ancestors did not want our Yaowangzong things to be obtained by outsiders, and saw Xiner so excellent and outstanding. Mingming pointed out that Xin'er found this medical book!"

When other people saw this, their eyes showed envy and jealousy.


It turned out to be a medical book left by Sishen!

Yaoxin's luck is really good!

Yaoxin raised her lips triumphantly, with a proud and triumphant smile on her face.

Yaoziqiu snorted coldly, calmly, and said nothing. He raised his head and looked at the illusory road in the middle of Lingfeng. He didn't see the familiar figure, and there was a touch of anxiety in his eyes. Why hadn't Mu girl come out? Did you forget the time?

Yao Xin raised her head and glanced at the crowd, but did not see the familiar figure, her lips couldn't help but a sneer, it seemed that the person sent by Dad had succeeded.

At the thought of Mu Qianyue's death in the realm of medicine spirit, Yao Xin's face was full of triumphant expressions, Mu Qianyue was finally dead! No one will rob her of the limelight and take away the light that belongs to her!

And she is destined to shine, and Mu Qianyue can only turn into a touch of loess in the realm of medicinal spirit in obscurity, and become the fertilizer for those medicinal materials!

Yaozihe saw that Mu Qianyue had not come out, and a cold light flashed quickly in his slightly drooping eyes. It seemed that Mu Qianyue was dead, otherwise he would not have come out until now! As for why the man he sent had his life card broken, it must be that he encountered other dangers inside!

With the strength of his eighth-order **** king, Mu Qianyue is not his opponent at all!

At this moment, almost all people walked out of the realm of medicine spirit, but Mu Qianyue was never seen!

Yao Ziqiu's brows were tightly frowning, and Sect Master Yao's expression was a bit ugly. After all, Mu Qianyue was the person he liked, and now she is also the tenth elder of Yao Wangzong. With such a shocking talent, what if she had any accidents. , This is an irreparable loss for Yao Wangzong!

"Sect Master, the time is coming..." Yao Ziquan reminded him aloud.

He also admired Mu Qianyue's talent very much. If Yao Wangzong had such a talent, he would definitely develop to a new height!

But if she...

He dare not think about the latter thing!

But Mu Qianyue hasn't come out until now, she must have had some accident, otherwise she would not have come out until now!

Sect Master Yao raised his hand, his eyes locked tightly on the front exit, "Wait."

Yao Ziqiu's face finally showed anxiety and panic. Could something really happen to Mu girl?

Turning his head to look at Yao Zihe next to him, there was a cold smile on his face, and Yao Ziqiu's eyes couldn't help but feel a bad premonition.

Damn Yaozi, he must have done something!

If something happened to Mu girl, it definitely has nothing to do with him! He will never let him go!

"Sect Master, the time is up, we can't wait any longer, this will have a great impact on the medicine spirit realm, and it will easily cause the space to collapse." Yao Zihe said coldly.

"Yes, Sect Master, the Medicine Spirit Realm must be closed as soon as possible. We have already delayed for a while..." Yao Ziquan also said, although Mu Qianyue's talent is very strong, even surpassing the Great Elder, he does not I hope Mu Qianyue will die.

But compared to the realm of Medicine Spirits, Mu Qianyue's life and death became less important!

"Hey..." Sect Master Yao sighed lightly, with a deep regret on his face.

What a pity such an outstanding genius!

"Wait a little longer, if she hasn't come out yet, shut it down."

Yaozihe is not talking, so what if you wait a while, anyway, Mu Qianyue is already dead, it is absolutely impossible for her to come out alive again!

Time passed by every minute...

Finally, the last bit of time passed, and Mu Qianyue still did not come out.

Yaozi He An sighed in relief, the expression on his face was triumphant and cold.

"Turn it off..." Seeing the gazes from Yaoziquan and Yaozihe and others, Sect Master Yao said weakly, his expression slightly tired, as if he was a teenager in an instant.

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