Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1366: Insidious Yaozi He [3]

Suddenly losing such an outstanding genius, he felt extremely heartache.

Just when Yaozihe and others were about to close the passage, they saw a figure rushing towards the Yaoling Realm in the Lingfeng Peak.

It is Yaoziqiu.

"Ziqiu, what are you doing?!" Sect Master Yao was shocked, his body moved, he had reached Yao Ziqiu's side, blocked his way, and looked at him coldly.

"I'm going to find Mu girl! She must be lost!" Yao Ziqiu's face was calm, but his eyes were full of firmness.

"You know it's impossible." Sect Master Yao said lightly.

Everyone who enters will get a sign to guide the way out, in case those who enter the realm of medicine spirit cannot find the exit.

So Mu Qianyue could not have been lost at all.

"No matter what, I will go in!" Yao Ziqiu was determined and walked towards the Lingfeng, but Sect Master Yao grabbed his arm.

"Ziqiu, it's impossible for me to let you in." Sect Master Yao said in a cold voice, Yao Wangzong had lost an amazing talent, and could not lose another Pill Emperor.

Such a blow is too heavy!

After that, Sect Master Yao directly dragged him out despite Yao Ziqiu's opposition.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the line of sight, the light purple dress was flying, the beautiful face with a touch of coldness, and it was rushing towards the exit!

Mu girl!

Yao Ziqiu's eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement and joy.

Yaozihe's pupils shrank, but there was an expression of horror on his face, Mu Qianyue? How can it be? Is she not dead? !

I saw that she hadn't come out before, so in Yao Zihe's heart, he believed that Mu Qianyue was dead!

However, I didn't expect Mu Qianyue to suddenly appear like a ghost at this moment. You can imagine how severe the blow to him was!

Yao Xin stared at the same incredible eyes, as if he had seen a ghost, "Father, she, she..."

She couldn't say the rest, and she didn't know how to speak.

A look of cruelty flashed in Yaozihe's eyes.

However, Yao Ziqiu waved his hands to Mu Qianyue excitedly, "Mu girl, come out! Hurry up!"


Suddenly a slow and dull voice sounded, and the originally split Lingfeng was slowly moving closer, and the passage was quickly closing!

Yao Ziqiu turned his head and saw that Yao Zihe was activating the formation to close the channel. He couldn't help but widened his eyes in anger and roared, "Yaozihe! Stop it!"

Sect Master Yao, Yao Ziquan and the others were also shocked, apparently they didn't expect Yao Zihe to suddenly start the closing formation!

After all, Mu Qianyue had already appeared, and it was okay for them all to work together to maintain the passage.

"Yao Ziqiu, the realm of Yao Ziqiu has become very unstable and manic. I am also thinking about the development of Yao Wangzong. Don't blame me." Yao Zihe's face showed a hideous look.

"Fart!" Yaoziqiu howled angrily. He didn't look at Yaozihe anymore, but changed his body and rushed towards Mu Qianyue.

In an instant he fell in the middle of Lingfeng, his palms blasted toward both sides at the same time, and the momentum of the Ninth-Order Divine Emperor radiated from him, majestic and mighty, like a devil!

The violent palm shadow bombarded the two huge and incomparable half-mountains that slowly came close to heal, but they still couldn't withstand the terrifying pressure!

The power of the formation is not something Yao Ziqiu can contend!

The majestic and terrifying coercion fell on Yao Ziqiu's body, making his face pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes widened, his teeth clenched, his body blocked in the middle.

At this moment, he was originally not a tall figure, but he became tall and tall, like a giant god.


Yaoziqiu grunted angrily, and the blue veins on his forehead violently revealed one by one, but he did not move like a mountain. He also resolutely blocked the two peaks with his body, and used his weak strength to interact with this. Fa, heaven and earth are contending, just to fight for a ray of life for Mu Qianyue!

The others were all stunned, looking at each one dumbly, as if they hadn't recovered from the astonishment.

"My lord!" Yao Chi hurriedly stepped in and fell on Yao Ziqiu's body, fighting against this formation with him, maintaining the passage.

Sect Master Yao, Yao Ziquan and the others reacted, and a group of figures rushed over, and under the combined efforts of everyone, the formation was finally stopped, but after a while the formation was slowly activated again.

At this time, Mu Qianyue had already rushed out of the realm of medicine spirit. After Yao Ziqiu and others saw that Mu Qianyue had successfully come out, they rushed out one by one.


In the next moment, the two halves of the huge mountain were completely merged together.

The towering and tall Lingfeng exudes endless aura of coldness.

"Mu girl, I knew you wouldn't die!" Yao Ziqiu stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth and looked at her with a smile.

A warm current surged in Mu Qianyue's heart. She naturally saw the scene when Yao Ziqiu rushed out to open her mouth with flesh and blood. She didn't expect that he would even care about his life in order to save himself! It seems that he really regards himself as an apprentice!

She also feels extremely honored to have a master who treats her sincerely, but this matter still has to respect her master Dongfang Pride's opinion.

After all, one code returns to code.

The realm of life spread out and enveloped Yao Ziqiu's body.

The full-bodied vitality radiated, and Yao Ziqiu's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yaoziqiu stared in surprise, "The Realm of Life?"

Sect Master Yao's eyes were also full of horror, and then a helpless smile appeared, "Mu girl, I didn't expect you to hide such a hand!"

Yaozihe stared at Mu Qianyue fiercely, with a terrifying expression on her face, she was not dead! Did she kill the eighth-order **** king? How can this be! But if she didn't kill it, why did the person he sent died but she survived?

Yao Xin's face was also full of jealousy. She gritted her teeth angrily. Why did she not die? Didn't Dad say that someone has been sent? Why is she still alive? Especially she actually has such a perverted realm as the realm of life! God is so unfair!

Mu Qianyue only glanced at Yaozihe and Yaoxin, then retracted her gaze, raised her head to look at Yaoziqiu and Yao Sect Master and others in front of him, "Grand Elder, Sect Master, thank you for your help just now."

If it were not for Yaoziqiu's desperate protection, I'm afraid she would really be locked in.

"It's good if you can come out." Yaozi Qiuchang exhaled and said with lingering fears.

God knows, he thought she was dead, how heartache, anger and sadness was in his heart?

Fortunately, Mu girl is fine!

"Zihe, you didn't listen to the order just now, you opened the formation privately, and almost killed Mu Girl, it's too much! You go to the cold valley to face the wall for half a year now!" Sect Master Yao turned his head to look at Yao Zihe, eyes There was a trace of anger, and he said coldly.

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