Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1367: Insidious Yaozi He [4]

Hearing the word'cold valley', Yaozihe's expression changed, his eyes filled with unwillingness, "Sect Master, I am thinking of the medicine spirit state too! You can't punish me! The medicine spirit state is ours. The foundation of the Medicine King Sect, in addition to the countless rare medicinal materials in it, it also has the painstaking efforts of the people of the Medicine King Sect for thousands of years!"

"There are also those ancient pill recipes left by the ancestor, each of which is extremely precious and priceless! If the realm of medicine spirit is destroyed, how do we face the ancestor?"

Yao Zihe's words were impassioned and righteous, as if he was so righteous!

"The realm of medicine spirit is really precious! But at that time, girl Mu had already come out, so many of us worked together, and it was no problem to support it. But you vainly cared about girl Mu's life and didn't follow the order." It also suddenly became cold, "You will go to the cold valley face wall for a year now!"

"Sect Master, I don't..." Yaozihe's face changed suddenly, and anger was surging in his eyes. Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted coldly by Sect Master Yao, "Dare to speak up, time doubled !"

"Humph!" Yaozi He Leng snorted, shaking his clothes severely, and furiously flicking away.

Yao Xin's face was already pale with dark clouds, after thinking about it, she also turned and left.

Sect Master Yao turned his head to look at Mu Qianyue, with gentleness in his eyes, "Mu girl, the second elder, don’t take it to your heart, his person is a bit more arrogant. If he dares to bully you again, You can just fight back."

Today's matter is indeed Yaozihe's fault, he is naturally on Mu Qianyue's side at the moment.

"Oh." Mu Qianyue nodded lightly.

Fight back? Ha... If she was allowed to catch the opportunity to strike, it would not be as simple as directly fighting back, but directly killing him.

It's just that Yaozihe has been punished in confinement in the cold valley for one year, and she has no chance to start.

Cold Valley is the forbidden place of the Medicine King Sect, and it also exists like a sky prison.

It is not easy to enter the cold valley, so Mu Qianyue doesn't plan to kill him inside, so let him live for another year.

One year later, when he comes out, he will be killed!

"By the way, Mu girl, why did you come out so late? Did you have any trouble?" Yao Ziqiu raised his head and looked at the direction in which the eye medicine Zihe disappeared, and said with all his fingers.

"No. I ran too far by myself, which wasted time." Mu Qianyue shook her head faintly. She didn't tell the story of Yaozihe sending someone to assassinate herself. She still prefers to solve the enemy by herself.

And now that the master of Yao and many elders are here, it is not suitable to tell the truth. After all, Yao Zihe has been the elder of the king of medicine for many years, and there must be many people in his hands.

If there is a conflict between himself and Yaozihe, Sect Master Yao may help someone.

Yaoziqiu looked at her in disbelief, obviously not believing what she said, but he didn't ask any more, but changed the subject, "Mu girl, what baby can you find in it?"

"I found a few more precious medicinal materials, and also got an ancient pill recipe, Huangji pill." Mu Qianyue said lightly, she only said the ancient pill recipe, as for the Lingzhu matter, she did not say it.

If she didn't get anything precious in it, Yao Ziqiu and Sect Master Yao would definitely not believe it. They are both human spirits, and it is obviously impossible to be fooled.

What happened to Huangjidan could be talked about, shocking their perception.

Sure enough, when Sect Master Yao and others heard the ancient pill prescription, their eyes lit up, like a hungry wolf, staring at Mu Qianyue with scorching eyes, "What kind of ancient pill, hurry up Show it to us!"

Mu Qianyue did not hesitate, her palm flickered, and a yellowed sheepskin ancient scroll suddenly appeared in her palm, "This is the ancient pill Fang Huang Ji Pill, and the user can instantly become a Tier 1 God Emperor."

The light voice fell like the wind, and immediately shocked everyone, each of them opened their mouths in horror.


Can an ordinary person become an emperor in an instant?

This is too bad!

I can't even think about it! !

There is such a miraculous pill in the world!

When they saw the introduction in the Ancient Pill Fang Huangji Pill, in addition to being amazed, there was also a trace of regret in their eyes. It is a pity that the user can only stay in the realm of the emperor for life, and can no longer make progress. They believe that such a Huangji Pill will make countless people go crazy!

On the mainland, how many people can become the emperor?

Some people can't become the emperor even if they spend their entire lives!

Then one by one, their eyes fell on the rows of medicine names, and everyone's expressions became weird. Well, there are so many medicinal materials, enough for more than one hundred and sixty! And everything is rare, even some of them have never heard of it!

It is extremely difficult to refine Huangji Dan!

With so many medicinal materials, it is difficult to find them! It's almost impossible!

And Mu Qianyue also realized this, and then took out the elixir of Huangji Pill.

"Sect Master, I have already written down the elixir of Huangji Pill, you can keep this sheepskin scroll." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

"Okay!" Sect Master Yao showed a trace of gratitude in his eyes, and carefully put it away.

Although it is very unrealistic to refine the Huangji Pill, this is the ancient pill recipe, naturally, it must be precious and stored. Maybe someone in the future will refine the Huangji Pill?

After the matter was over, everyone also left.


Sunset peak, in the autumn courtyard.

"Mu girl, honestly, are you in danger inside?" Yao Ziqiu asked when he returned to the Qiuyuan, his dark eyes filled with serious expression.

Mu Qianyue raised her head and looked at him, remembering how he was desperate for himself when he was in the Lingfeng, took a deep breath, and nodded lightly, "Yes. I met the killer sent by Yaozihe, and he stood up Yao Fei’s face. But the opponent has already been killed by me."

"Hey, **** Yaozi! I knew he was not at ease! But I didn't expect him to be so courageous that he would dare to let people pretend to fly into the realm of medicine spirit, but I didn't notice it at the time." Yao Ziqiu His face was full of anger and guilt.

If she had discovered Yaozihe's conspiracy earlier, Mu girl would not be in such a great danger, and she would have almost missed the opportunity to come out.

Fortunately, Mu Girl is okay, otherwise he wouldn't mind breaking the **** Yaozihe!

"Mu girl, don't worry, I will repay this grudge for you! Humph! I will go to the cold valley to kill him now!" Yao Ziqiu's face showed a cold murderous intent, and walked outside.

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