Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1375: Abolish clan status【1】

"Yes." Yao Ziquan respectfully blessed, got up and walked in front of Yao Xin, gave her a cold look, stretched out her finger to accept the ring, then turned to the high platform, and handed it to Sect Master Yao.

Sect Master Yao erased the soul mark that Yaoxin left on it, checked her mind in Najie, and then handed it back to Yaoziquan, "Take it away, put it in the treasure house, and put everything into categories. it is good."

"Yes." Yao Ziquan still nodded respectfully.

And Yaozihe stood in place from beginning to end, with a gloomy face, he did not say anything to stop him, because he knew that everything was a foregone conclusion, even if he resisted.

It's a pity that my father is still in retreat, otherwise the father would not dare to embarrass Xin'er so easily!

Seeing Yaoxin sitting on the ground with despair, Yang Qinchun's face finally showed a triumphant smile, Yaoxin, didn't you expect it? You will end up like this too! This is the price you pay for bullying me and not being a human being!

Yao Xin looked up in a daze, looked at Yang Qinchun's arrogant face, and suddenly angrily rushed towards Yang Qinchun, "It's all you bitch! I'm going to kill. You, kill you!"

"Ah...husband, save me..." Yang Qinchun hurriedly hid behind Yao Fei.

Yang Qinchun grew up in the deep palace since she was a child, and her mother was Queen Yun, so naturally she was used to the tactics of the harem.

Although Yaoxin is talented and arrogant, she is much inferior to Yang Qinchun in terms of scheming. From a young age to most people, no one dared to resist her orders. In Yaowangzong, she never needed to fight for favor. Talking about these methods , Of course she is no better than Yang Qinchun.

Yao Xin didn't even touch Yang Qinchun and was stopped.

"Yaozihe, you really have a good daughter!" The Eighth Elder said in a cold voice with a smile.

Yaozihe's face was pale, gloomy and ugly.

"Xin'er, let's go!" Yao Zihe stepped forward to hold Yao Xin, and walked outside.

In front of the gate of Yaowangzong’s vermillion, Yaoxin’s charming face was filled with tears, and her expression was aggrieved and pitiful. "Father, I don’t want to leave Yaowangzong. This is my native home. You let me go. Where else can I go? Father, I don’t want to go, I don’t want to leave you..."

Yaozihe comforted with a gentle expression, "Xin'er, first go to He's House on Shilong Road in the south of Yaocheng City under the mountain, I will find a way to get you back to Yaowangzong, and wait for your grandpa to leave. With him, everything is easy to talk."

Fortunately, he secretly bought a private house in Medicine City, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

"Father, I don't want to... If I leave now, it will be difficult to come back in the future! Besides, that **** Yang Qinchun hurt me so miserably, how can I leave so easily? I must kill her! "Yao Xin's eyes were filled with hatred anger.

Yaozihe's face became cold, "Xin'er, you are too impulsive! Only after Yang Qinchun's conspiracy was involved, this matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is useless if you say anything, and the lord cannot change your words. If you are now Killing her will only make things worse! Don't worry, Dad will find a way to get you back to Yaowangzong and make Yang Qinchun and Yaofei pay the price! I won't let them go! "

His eagle-like eyes were filled with raging anger.

A lowly secular woman even dared to count his Yaozihe's daughter, it is really damn! If it weren't for this time he was fined for a year in seclusion, nothing like this would happen!

Fortunately, if he performed well in the cold valley, he will come out early, otherwise Xiner will be alone and helpless, I am afraid the situation will be worse!

Thinking of this, the resentment and hideousness on his face went deeper.

"That bit of Yang Qinchun, I didn't expect to hide so deeply! Back then, your grandfather kindly gave her mother a token, but he did not expect to incur misfortune for you. When your grandfather leaves the customs, he will take care of her! Xin'er, you Obediently, go to Medicine City. Take this first. There are a lot of pills, medicinal materials, and money in it. There are also many maids in the He's house. Although they are not as good as the King of Medicine, the environment will not be worse." As Zihe spoke, he took a green ring from the ring space in his finger and placed it in Yaoxin's hand.

He killed a paladin and snatched this ring from others.

Yaoxin pouted aggrievedly, and reluctantly took over, "This space for receiving the ring is too small, and all the pills I made before have been collected, and there are a bunch of good things..."

"Let's just go ahead, my father won't let you eat this dumb loss! No one wants to bully me Yaozihe's daughter!" Yaozihe's voice was cold, with a frightening chill.

Then he raised his head to look at Yaoxin, with a trace of pity in his eyes, "Xin'er, after you go to He's house, be quiet and don't make any more movements. During this time, you will be there to hide your powers, and we will look for them again. They take revenge."

"En." At this point, Yao Xin could only nod her head, then raised her head and glanced at the magnificent Yaowangzong, a cold light surged in her autumn-like eyes, and then quickly turned and left.


After the matter was dealt with, everyone retreated, but Yaoxin’s incident spread quickly in Yaowangzong like a hurricane, and everyone was talking about the matter in a low voice. It was nothing but a sigh of Yaoxin’s true face. heart……

Yang Qinchun strolled in the garden, it seemed that she was in a good mood because she overwhelmed Yaoxin, with a happy smile on the corners of her lips, and her long and white neck standing tall, as if she had become a medicine. Wang Zong's woman.

Unexpectedly, Yao Xin looked smart, but was much easier to deal with than Mu Qianyue. Now that Yao Xin has been expelled from Yao Wangzong, it will be Mu Qianyue next month!

Suddenly she lifted her eyes and saw the light purple figure walking towards her face, and a smug sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth. She moved slowly over, blocking Mu Qianyue's path, and sneered, "This is not ten Elder? Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Mu Qianyue paused, with her hands around her chest, and a trace of evil in her bright black eyes, "Yang Qinchun, don't think that you are qualified to deal with Yaoxin. I am not the brainless person of Yaoxin. An idiot! Those methods of yours are really low-level, but I also admire you."

Yang Qinchun's face changed, and his face became slightly distorted, "Mu Qianyue, you are responsible for all this for me today! You must pay for it!"

"I caused it?" Mu Qianyue was stunned, Yang Qinchun's face is really thick!

How could the matter between her and Yaoxin be caused by her? Why doesn't she know what she did?

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