Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1376: Abolish the clan [2]

"If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have come to the Medicine King Sect, Huo Xi would fall in love with me, and I was the envy of everyone’s Princess Mo! I would not have suffered so much in the Medicine King Sect, let alone. So deprived! All of this is you! You caused me to do this! Mu Qianyue, I will not let you go!" Yang Qinchun's face was completely lost, with a terrifying expression.

"Heh..." Mu Qianyue sneered, not wanting to speak for a moment.

There is nothing to say about a woman who is unreasonably selfish and selfish, and will only put her fault on others forever.

It's a waste of words.

With a sneer, Mu Qianyue turned and left. She had to go to the treasure pavilion. In the last alchemy competition, in addition to rewarding Honghuangding, she could also go to the top level of the treasure pavilion to freely read books or choose one. A pill that I need.

Naturally, she couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

But Yang Qinchun obviously didn't want to let her go so easily.

Seeing Yang Qinchun's figure moved, she immediately stopped in front of Mu Qianyue, once again blocking her path.

"Mu Qianyue, don't leave!"

Mu Qianyue's eyes suddenly became cold, her eyes were cold and sharp, and the corners of her lips became a little cold, "Yang Qinchun, don't you know? If you use the same method too much, no one will believe it. your."

Yang Qinchun's face paled.

Mu Qianyue no longer looked at her, passed her, and walked away.

Seeing Mu Qianyue's disappearing figure, a bloodthirsty cold flashed in Yang Qinchun's eyes.


Yaowangzong’s Treasure Treasure Pavilion is located on an independent Broken Sky Peak. The terrain here is steep and there are formations. It is perfect to set up the Treasure Pavilion.

Outside the Treasure Pavilion, two strong men from the Outer Gate Elite Hall guarded it.

The Treasure Pavilion is divided into five levels, arranged in four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang. The highest level and the fifth level are the top things of the Medicine King Sect, except for the Medicine Sect Master, the Supreme Elder and the Inner Gate. Except for the Ten Elders, Yao Xin, and Young Sect Master Yao Tao, no one has been there yet.

Like Yao Xin and Yao Tao, both of them were native disciples of Yao Wang Zong, and they were geniuses. Naturally, there was a chance, and of course it was just a chance.

Others have no chance to go up even more, and it takes a lot of effort to even go to the third and fourth floors.

And like Mu Qianyue, it was the first one.

The Treasure Treasure Pavilion is made of blue-black stones with invisible material. The whole body reveals a majestic, majestic and depressive atmosphere, just like a giant standing in front of your eyes.

Mu Qianyue walked straight forward, showed the token, and was released.


With a dull soft sound, the stone door of the Treasure Pavilion was slowly opened.

A strong and simple breath rushed towards the face, indicating its longevity, its years...

Neat rows of black wooden frames appeared in front of you.

The entire first floor is divided into two sections, books and medicinal pills.

It is divided into several small sections by the two major sections. There are only five categories in the section of pill medicine, pill prescription, pill medicine, medicinal material, pill technique, and the experience left by the predecessors.

There are only four categories in the large section of the book, exercises, martial arts, history, and travel notes.

The second, third, and fourth floors are also classified in this way, neat and orderly, and they are all labeled, so that people can see clearly at a glance, and can quickly find everything they need, which can save a lot of trouble.

Yao Wangzong did a good job of organizing and summarizing.

After Mu Qianyue entered the treasure chest, she went straight to the fifth floor.

Because of the special token given by Sect Master Medicine, she penetrated the barrier without hindrance and reached the fifth floor.

In comparison, the fifth floor is much smaller, and the space is not large, only about 100 square meters.

The middle is very empty, with a round platform.

The interior is also a circular space. Hundreds of irregular holes have been excavated on the black stone wall, and a faint white light is emitted from each hole.

Mu Qianyue looked up and found that there were things in these small holes, some were books, some were wooden boxes, some were magic crystals...

And those white lights are the power that preserves them to prevent being weathered by time.

Mu Qianyue wandered around in the stone room. The contents inside could be chosen freely, but he could only choose one to take away.

So she is not in a hurry to choose.

Suddenly, her gaze shrank, and she landed on an ancient book made of sheepskin scrolls.

The writing has turned yellow and exudes a long-lasting breath.

Mu Qianyue's heart moved, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and took it out. There were five elegant scripts written on the ancient sheepskin book, the secret history of the king of medicine.

Upon seeing this, Mu Qianyue was stunned, the secret history of Yaowangzong?

Is it the secret of King Medicine?

Thinking of this, a curiosity surged in my heart, reaching out and turning it over.

"Everyone thinks that my Medicine King Sect has existed for thousands of years, and the ancestor was Yao Qing, but in fact this is wrong... The Medicine King Sect has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Was the name of the Medicine King Sect back then? I don't know. Yao Qing was just a medicine boy under the only Pill God in the world hundreds of thousands of years ago."

"The pill god's pill technique is superb and refined, refining all kinds of heaven pill, which can make an ordinary person become an immortal, flying for nine days! So it aroused the wrath of the gods...Finally, the pill **** was affected by the gods. Punishment fell, the whole faction was destroyed, and the only survivor was the medicine boy..."

After reading it, Mu Qianyue was shocked.

It turns out that the king of medicine has a history of hundreds of thousands of years! And that pill god's pill technique was so powerful, he actually refined a heaven pill!

Heavenly Pill, has already exceeded the limit of God Pill!

And the anger of God's punishment is nothing but because that Pill God broke the rules of the world and was killed by God's punishment!

The only medicine boy who survived lived a life of wandering and fleeing, changed his face, and finally escaped the chase of God's punishment.

He became a biological son and had offspring. And the medicine boy desperately protected the pill book created by the pill god.

It is a pity that the alchemy book is incomplete, only the upper part is left, and the lower part was left in the flight...

The medicine boy and his descendants have been searching for the second half of the alchemy. For hundreds of thousands of years, nothing has been found!

After hundreds of thousands of years of development, people in the God Realm seem to have forgotten this matter.

As time flies, hundreds of thousands of years passed in a hurry, and Yao Qing, the descendant of the Yao Wangzong, founded the Yao Wangzong.

But for this secret, the person who wrote it was not Yao Qing, but a person named Yao Youjin stayed behind.

His last sentence is that these are my guesses, but I will use my life to verify this matter...

Mu Qianyue was truly deeply shocked. If she hadn't seen this with her own eyes, she would never know that Yao Wangzong had such a thing.

Above the Pill Sage are the Pill King, Pill Emperor, Pill Emperor, and Pill Zun, and finally the Pill God!

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