Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1387: Able to bend and stretch【2】

Before Mu Qianyue decided to leave, he went to He's house first to arrange the affairs of Yaoxin.

Yao Xin wore a long pink dress, quietly reading the medical book in the yard, while refining the pill. The light golden sunlight shone on her body, a dim light fainted, blurring dreams, elegant and noble, like a fairy.

Yaoxin, who calmed down, lost a bit of fighting and calculation, a bit less hostile and ferocious, and a bit more mature and elegant, and exuded a fatal and seductive breath.

The maidservants who were standing in the yard waiting carefully all had doubts in their eyes. How could Miss Xin suddenly become so quiet these past few days?

You must know that before Miss Xin, she was always a manic, restless, angry and hateful look, her expression looked very hideous and daunting.

But now, she has a calm and quiet look of embroidered boudoirs, and she is totally different from before. It seems that it has only been a night. Could it be that Miss Xin wanted to open it?

However, Miss Xin relieved them a lot in this way. They no longer need to wait in fear, and no longer be afraid that she will spread anger on them.

It's just that when everyone thinks of the rumors in the streets and alleys, saying that Miss Xin is privately raising the medicine people, they can't help but feel a sense of fear...

Who knows if Miss Xin's quiet and charming appearance is just an appearance?

Just wait on it with care and honesty.

"Okay, you all retreat."

Yao Xin raised her head and faintly waved to the servant girls in the courtyard.

The maids looked at each other, and Yiyan stepped back. They were very puzzled about Yaoxin's sudden change, but no one dared to ask.

And the whole drug city was circulated about Yaoxin's captive drug people, rumors were overwhelming, all kinds of ugly and insulting voices, but all of this Yaoxin did not happen, as if not heard.

As usual, she has blown up her hair long ago!

The servants, maidservants and guards in the entire He's house were secretly discussing the matter.


In the quiet courtyard, a woman's cold voice suddenly remembered.

Upon hearing this, Yao Xin put down the book in her hand, raised her head, and looked at the woman walking outside the courtyard. Her eyes lit up, and a happy smile appeared on her delicate face. She hurriedly greeted her, "Master, why are you here?"

"I came to tell you something." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"I will leave for Wanhua Island early tomorrow morning." Mu Qianyue walked to the pear wood bench in the courtyard and sat down, flicking her sleeves to look at her, and said lightly.

Yao Xin pursed her mouth, her eyes showed a look of surprise and aggrieved, "Master, do you want me?"

There was a mist of water in his big, narrow eyes, which looked pitiful, like a stray cat abandoned by his owner.

If Yang Qinchun saw this scene, his eyes would definitely fall off.

"Well, you go to the Feibao Building in Canglang City first, and bring my handwritten letter. Elder Luo will arrange a residence for you, and you will refine the pill and study there in the future." Mu Qianyue thought for a while. Said.

With Yaoxin, the nine-pin pill pharmacist, the problem of the pill in Feibao Tower was basically solved.

Such good resources cannot be wasted.

"But, master, I can't bear you..." Yaoxin looked at her pitifully.

People who didn't know still thought how good the relationship between them was. Without the blood contract of God, Yao Xin would never be so obedient and loyal to Mu Qianyue.

"At that time I will go to you." Mu Qianyue said lightly, shaking her palms, took out a piece of jade pendant, conveyed a trace of soul power in, and imprinted everything he wanted to say in it, and then handed the medicine, "You After you go, you can find Huo Xi and Elder Luo."

"Yes, master." Yaoxin respectfully took over and nodded obediently.

Then Mu Qianyue left Hezhai.

After Yao Xin simply cleaned up, she confessed to everyone that she had to go out and practice, in order to prevent Yaozihe from looking for her.

He walked out of the yard and went straight to the outside of Medicine City.

But early the next morning, Mu Qianyue, Dongfang Ao and Moshang Fengling set off for Wanhua Island, but Yaoziqiu didn't follow him because he had other things to do.

It’s a bit far to Wanhua Island. On the way, Moshang Fengling and Dongfang Ao have had tempers and quarrels. On weekdays, the two mature and stable people are like children.

Dongfang Ao from time to time staged the style of domineering president, and Moshang Wind Chime is the cold queen, the two always collide with different sparks.

Mu Qianyue had been watching silently, in a posture of watching the show.

However, when Moshang Wind Chime was in danger, Dongfang Ao always stood up for the first time.

Mu Qianyue felt that this was a pair of happy friends. It was too cruel to be with the two of them. Although they quarreled mostly and started to do anything if they didn't agree with each other, the scene of that behavior was clearly spreading dog food!

The two people who were immersed in the tit-for-tat atmosphere didn't seem to realize it.

In front of Moshang Feng Chime, the mature and stable master seemed to lose that kind of superior demeanor at all, but became the kind of annoying, hateful and somewhat cute domineering president!

After bumps and bumps along the way, the three finally reached Haicheng near Wanhua Island.

I took a sea boat and went to Wanhua Island to hand over the famous post but learned that Huarong had not returned.

In desperation, Mu Qianyue and the three had to leave Wanhua Island and walk in the bustling sea city, frowning slightly, where did father and mother go? Did they return to Feibao Building?

Worried, Mu Qianyue, Dongfang Ao, and Mo Shang Fengling quickly went to Canglang City.

Feibao Tower only had Huo Xi, Luo Zhengqing, and Yaoxin who had just arrived a few days ago. Apart from some strong guards, there was nothing else.

"Master, are you here to find me?" Yao Xin was very excited to see Mu Qianyue's arrival.

"En. How are you here, are you still used to staying?" Mu Qianyue nodded, the blood contract of God only made Yaoxin completely loyal to her. Yaoxin's living habits, talents and strength have not changed a bit.

"Master, I'm fine here." Yao Xin glanced at Huo Xi shyly.

Huo Xi's eyebrows were cold, and there was a slight disgust in the depths of his eyes.

At first, Huo Xi was very disgusted with Yao Xin’s arrival. He didn’t forget how this woman made things difficult for Qian Yue, but seeing Yao Xin’s respectful appearance towards Mu Qian Yue, it should be Qian Yue's blood contract with God. Subdued her.

Even so, Huo Xi still had no good expressions on her.

Huo Xi knew the blood contract of God, but Luo Zhengqing and others didn't.

Luo Zhengqing's face was full of doubts. Where did the eldest lady bring such a nine-pin pill medicine master as his subordinate?

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