Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1388: Ten Thousand Flower Cage【1】

When the eldest went out, she kidnapped a nine-pin pill pharmacist and came back, and she recognized her as the master! Tsk tusk tusk, I really don’t understand Missy more and more, mystery...

When Mu Qianyue learned that her father and mother had not come back to Feibao Tower, the expression on her face became confused. Where did father and mother go? Did something happen on their way back to Wanhua Island?


Inside the restaurant

"Hey, I have been searching for a year, and I haven't found the whereabouts of my mother and father. Isn't my father and mother here?" Nalan Xueling supported her white and round chin, her big beautiful eyes filled with helplessness. .

"It's okay, don't worry." Mu Yan looked at her lovingly, stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head.

"Grandpa Mu, Grandma Hua, I'm really sorry to let the two of you stay with me and 1991, or else you two will go back first, and I and Jiujiu will find it by ourselves." Nalan Xueling looked up In front of Mu Yan and Hua Rong, there was a trace of guilt in the bright black eyes.

"Do I need to be so polite with Grandpa Mu? Haha, I'm fine anyway." Mu Yan smiled.

The affairs of Feibao Tower and Luo Zhengqing were in charge, he didn't have to worry about it at all, and he believed in Yue'er's abilities.

Little did they know that the person Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling were looking for was their daughter-in-law, who wandered outside for more than a year for nothing...

"Nine-nine, Xiao Ling, did your mother and father leave any other clues?" Hua Rong frowned slightly, her beautiful face showing solemnity.

"No." Jiujiu shook his head helplessly. Back then, Niangqin and Dad just dropped a sentence and came to Xuantian Realm to find grandpa and grandma, and there was no clue.

Seeing the disappointment and depression on Jiujiu's pink face, Hua Rong felt a touch of distress in her heart, "Jiu Jiu is not afraid, we can definitely find your parents."

"It's just that my sister and I have delayed your time with Grandpa Mu, and we are very sorry." Jiujiu said.

"We are a family, don't be so polite, don't forget, you two are our god-grandsons and granddaughters!" Hua Rong smiled.

"Grandma Hua, Grandpa Mu is romantic, wise, and kind and tolerant. Why don't you consider Grandpa Mu? I think the two of you are a good match!" Nalan Xueling looked suspiciously on both of them. , Looking back and forth.

Huarong's face flushed, her eyes shyly looked at Mu Yan next to her, as if thinking of something, the light in her eyes faded in an instant...

"Rong'er, will you be with me? I am willing to use my life to protect you!" Mu Yan took advantage of Hua Rong's slender hand and stared at her affectionately and tenderly with a deep gaze.

Hua Rong looked at the handsome face of the man in front of her, and remembered the bits and pieces she had been with during the year, a strange feeling surged in her heart. She suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and withdrew her hand without a trace, with a cold expression. .

"Mu Yan, it's impossible for us."

Mu Yan's complexion became stiff, and there was a sense of loss in his eyes, but his charming and deep pupils were full of determination, "Rong Er, I will wait for you until you are willing to accept me."

"Grandma Hua, Grandpa Mu is very good, why don't you agree to him?" Nalan Xueling looked at Huarong with a puzzled look. She could feel that Grandma Hua liked Grandpa Mu.

And Grandpa Mu and Grandma Hua are both single, and they are the most suitable together.

Sometimes Grandpa Mu and Grandma Hua get along very harmoniously and tacitly, just like an old couple who have been together for many years. The tacit understanding sometimes shocks Xiaoling and Jiujiu.

In fact, sometimes even Huarong herself was shocked. When facing Mu Yan, she always had a familiar feeling. That feeling permeated the depths of her heart, and it was always unnatural.

Hua Rong collected her thoughts and did not answer his question, because she herself was not sure whether she liked Mu Yan or not. Another question was that women on Wanhua Island could not get married...

Otherwise, you will be severely punished!

"By the way, Xiaoling, Jiujiu, we still don't know the names of your father and mother." In order to break this embarrassing situation, Hua Rong decided to change the subject.

"My mother's name is Mu..." Nalan Xueling had just spoken, before the words came out, suddenly a bitter voice came in coldly.

"Hua Rong, you are so bold! You will not return to Wanhua Island for a year, nor will you report to the island owner about the mysterious treasures in the Yanglong Mountains. It turns out that you are meeting men in private here!"

Outside the restaurant, two women in gorgeous pink dresses walked in.

One of the women sneered.

Her face is very beautiful, but her expression is a bit hideous, destroying the beauty.

Behind them are eight women in ordinary pink dresses.

Hua Rong frowned unconsciously.

The woman in the pink dress stepped straight into the restaurant and walked in front of Hua Rong, her eyes swept over Mu Yan, Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu, and finally raised her brows and looked at Hua Rong with a sneer, "You Not only do you have private meetings with men, but you also have children, ha ha... Hua Rong, you are really courageous! It seems that you have completely forgotten the rules of Wanhua Island!"

An anger surged from Hua Rong's narrow and deep phoenix eyes, "Hua Yun, I have only been out for just one year. Both children are obviously four or nine years old. Do you think this is possible?"

"Maybe before this, you had **** with this man, and you also gave birth to a pair of wild species, keeping secret from the island owner!" A smug sneer appeared on Hua Yun's delicate face.

"Come here, grab Huarong and bring it back to Wanhua Island to the island owner!"

Humph! Hua Rong is nothing more than the person picked up by the island owner two years ago. Not only did she give her a lot of precious pills, heal her injuries and improve her strength, but also promote her to a saint!

This made Hua Yun feel a strong sense of crisis!

Hua Rong is so highly regarded by the island owner. Now Wanhua Island is spreading that Hua Rong may be the next saint. How does Hua Yun endure this?

She was selected by the island owner personally because of her outstanding talents since she was a child, and was taken to Wanhua Island for training. From an obscure disciple, she was promoted to a saint. It took her more than 20 years, and it took her more than 20 years. The woman wanted to take everything from her, no way!

The position of the next Wanhua Island owner can only be her Huayun!

I couldn't find a chance before, but I didn't expect to meet Huarong's private meeting man! How could she miss such an excellent opportunity? !

As Hua Yun's voice fell, the four female disciples behind her stepped forward and surrounded Huarong and Mu Yan's table.

"What are you talking about?" Mu Yan's eyes were cold, and murderous intent surged in his eyes, and his eyes looked at Hua Yun darkly. This hateful woman actually dared to say that Xiao Ling and Jiujiu were wild species!

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