Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1398: Yao Ning【3】

However, everyone thought of Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu's perverted strength, and they sighed. They were not ordinary children at all.

If you have a pair of these cute and smart children, you have to wake up in your dreams!

"What a loving family! Don't worry, none of you can leave!" A cruel grin appeared at the corner of Yao Ning's mouth. The next moment, his palms shot out of thin air, and he slammed toward Mu Yan in front of him!


The applause is roaring, the air waves are surging, and the wind roars, terrifying.

Two huge palm prints, like two majestic mountains, slammed on Mu Yan's body!


Mu Yan had no resistance, and his body was like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down, crashing into the crowd, scared the crowd backing hurriedly for fear of being affected.

"Grandpa!" Nalan Xueling's complexion changed, and she rushed towards him and reached out to support him, "Grandpa, how are you?"

"Cough...I'm fine." Mu Yan suppressed the blood that was about to gush from his throat and swallowed it abruptly. He looked at Nalan Xueling with a solemn expression. Go! Obedient, go!"

In front of the **** emperor, he did not have any resistance at all, and the palm of Yao Ning had already seriously injured him!

If it weren't for the armored body with the Azure Dragon bloodline, I'm afraid he would have broken his heart just now!

The power of the **** emperor is really too strong, not what he can resist!

"I said, none of you can leave!" Yao Ning's eyes were cold and disdainful, looking at him condescendingly, like a **** from above, looking down at the ants under his feet disdainfully.

"Yao Ning, you can kill this man casually. Leave those two children with me, and I want to live." Hua Yun's eyes flashed, and her eyes fell on Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu. A quick calculation flashed in the depths.

These two children are strong at the king of gods!

To reach this level of strength at a young age, they must have something that can speed up cultivation or a pill in their hands, or their bodies are different from ordinary people. Wouldn't it be a pity not to catch them and study them?

Yao Ning didn't know Hua Yun's plan, he nodded, "No problem."

With a movement, he grabbed Nalan Xueling with his palms into claws!

At the same time, the aura of the **** emperor class exudes, like a huge mountain shrouded in this space.

Nalan Xueling was shocked to find that she could not move!

The black star-like eyes stared incredibly, and Yao Ning's palm quickly approached!

"All things in the world, for my use! Broken!"

Nalan Xueling bit her lips lightly, resisting the pressure on her body, pinching his hands with her hands, and murmured in her mouth.

Suddenly, a gust of wind started to blow her clothes flying, and she finally broke free from the coercion of Yao Ning, grabbed Mu Yan's arm, moved under her foot, and flashed behind her, which could not be avoided.


Nalan Xueling's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood couldn't help but squirted out, and her slender body was crumbling.


Yao Ning squinted, and his eyes on Nalan Xueling were filled with surprise. He thought that he could easily catch her, just like catching a chick, but she did not expect to be avoided by her! This was beyond his expectation!

What strength can a nine-year-old child have? It is easy to catch her, and he never expected such a result! For a while, I didn't even come back.

"It seems that I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have some skills." Yao Ning suppressed the shock in his heart and said coldly.

This is not what a nine-year-old child should have!

Raising his wrist, a palm blasted out, and he blasted towards Nalan Xueling without hesitation.


A small figure blocked the front, and the gust of wind blew his black robe, setting off his exquisite and lovely face with a cold and evil charm, especially those purple eyes like glass, the evil charm and proud. Thrilling, full of domineering domineering!

Without hesitation, Jiujiu's hands met Yao Ning's palm.

Under the collision of the two palms, I saw Jiujiu's figure retreating rapidly, and she had to withdraw more than ten meters away before she could stabilize her figure

A trace of red blood dripped from the corner of his white mouth.

Although Yao Ning stood still on the spot, there was a surge of blood in his chest, but none of this could compare to the shock in his heart. He stared at his eyes incredibly, and his eyes were filled with deep shock. This is a four. Years old?

Can you even take his palm?

Although this palm only took half of his strength, it was definitely not something a four-year-old child could carry!

"The two of them are not ordinary children. I suspect that they are homeless people, or they have been specially trained since they were young... This is also the purpose I asked you to catch them." Hua Yun lifted her footsteps lightly and walked to Yao Ning's side. , Whispered softly, whispered in a voice that only two people heard.

Yao Ning immediately understood. He concealed the horror in his heart, and his unkind eyes fell on Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling. If this is the case, they should be caught and studied.

If the research is done well, there will be no problem for him to become a god!

Mu Yan was dumbfounded, and he couldn't handle Yao Ning's move, but Jiujiu actually took it! ! !

Is he really only four years old? ? ?

No matter how great his talent is, he won't have such a strong strength!

The opponent is a powerhouse at the Divine Emperor level! !

Unless you have the strength of Tier Nine Divine Emperor! But before he had seen Jiujiu's strength, he was just a **** king!

Seeing the horror in his eyes, Nalan Xueling explained softly, "Grandpa, in fact, Jiujiu is the ninth-order divine emperor. He has hidden his strength before."

After all, if such a strong strength is exposed, it will definitely be scared to death!

Mu Yan just froze for a moment before reacting, admiring Jiujiu and Xiaoling's mature mind.

"Boy, if you surrender now, we can let you go, lest I bully the children." Yao Ning raised his head proudly and said lightly.

The corners of Jiujiu's lips disdainfully tick, "Did you not bully children?"

"It seems that you are determined to die!" Yao Ning's eyes flashed murderously and sneered. "You are not an ordinary child. A four-year-old child can never have the strength of the 9th-order God Emperor! You are a master. Don't you? You despicable slayer, you are shamelessly occupying the body of a four-year-old child! Now I will walk the way for the heavens!"

When everyone heard the words, their eyes suddenly appeared in a daze, and they looked at Jiujiu with disdain and contempt, turning out to be a homeless person! Shameless!

It was really shameless to **** the body of a four-year-old child!

How could there be such a cruel person in this world?

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