Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1399: Yao Ning【4】

Even Mu Yan's eyes on Jiujiu changed slightly. It was not that he didn't believe in Jiujiu, but that this thing was too shocking!

The four-year-old ninth-order **** emperor, what does this represent?

It means that you will be promoted to more than 20 ranks in a year!

Is this possible?

Even a genius who is rare in ten thousand years can't do this! But in this year's time, although Jiujiu is mature and cold-looking, he doesn't look like a four-year-old child at all, but he cares about love and righteousness!

And I kept calling him to admire Grandpa and cherish him very much! He also likes ninety-nine...

He never thought that Jiu Jiu would be a home taker, but if Jiu Jiu was not a home taker, why would his strength reach such a terrifying level?

This is beyond imagination!

"Grandpa, this matter is complicated to say, Xiao Ling will tell you slowly later." Smart as Nalan Xueling naturally saw the doubt in Mu Yan's heart at a glance.

Seeing Nalan Xueling say this, Mu Yan let go of the doubts in his heart and was shocked, and nodded, no matter what, he believed them! They are Yue'er's children! If Jiujiu is the slayer, there is no need to come to the Profound Sky Realm to find Yue'er and Jing'er!

The words of the looters were just an excuse that Yao Ning made, so that if he dealt with Jiujiu, he would not be pricked in his spine!

hateful! !

The opposite Yao Ning gave a cold snort, and the next moment he had already attacked, his whole body was cold, and all broke out. The coercion of the **** emperor shrouded in this space and shrouded the entire street, which was frightening. trembling!

Those who were not ashamed of Yao Ning's behavior before have all changed their direction, hoping that Yao Ning can kill ninety-nine.

That's a looter! In the hearts of everyone, they will be jealous when they hear the three words robbed.

Because the looters will sneak into your body unknowingly, swallow your soul, and then occupy your body, replace you as you, and live in this world.

If the looters did not say anything, no one would know that the person in this body had already changed the soul.

So everyone will have an inexplicable fear in the hearts of those who rob them.

And Yao Ning is taking advantage of everyone's psychology, and he is also on the side of justice!


Yao Ningyun's palms that had been brewing for a long time finally blasted forward fiercely.

The unparalleled strength and the terrifying and mighty shadow of the palm slightly twisted this world!

The violent wind blew the black robe of Jiujiu, his jade-like face was indifferent and determined, without the slightest fear, his small body stood on the spot like a rock.

He can't let go!

Because behind him is his sister who loves him, and grandpa!

Therefore, he must protect them!

He didn't retreat, but moved forward, his body moved, rushing forward, his small body turned into a black figure, his palms blasted out without hesitation, and they met Yao Ning's palms!


A loud noise!

Everyone felt that the entire city under their feet was shaking, and smoke was everywhere.

The majestic and mighty waves of air directly drove all the onlookers out and poured a large area.


Jiujiu's body was like a kite with a broken string, and it slammed backwards, hitting the ground with a bang, and the hard Dali bluestone was instantly smashed into a deep hole.

Jiujiu's face was pale, and a mouthful of blood continuously poured out of his mouth.

"Jiu Jiu!" Mu Yan's expression changed drastically. Looking at Jiu Jiu's injured appearance, his heart was in pain. He rushed forward and hugged Jiu Jiu who was pale and embarrassed, "Jiu Jiu, how are you? Up?"

Looking at the person in his arms, Mu Yan's heart was filled with self-blame and distressed.

It's him who is useless as a grandfather. Not only can he not protect his granddaughter and grandson, but he must protect himself!

In front of the strength of the God Emperor level, everything is in vain!

"Nine-Nine..." Nalan Xueling's figure flashed and fell in front of Nine-Nine, her beautiful and narrow obsidian-like eyes were filled with mist and anger.

Upon seeing this, Hua Yun showed a proud look on her face.

The expression on Yao Ning's face was similarly hideous and cold. He walked towards Mu Yan, Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling, his arrogant and arrogant expression, as if he was looking at a prisoner under the stairs.

The dull and oppressive footsteps sounded on the street, and Yao Ning walked over slowly.

"Let's say, did I catch you and go, or do you follow me?" Yao Ningju looked at Mu Yan contemptuously with condescending eyes.

Jiujiu's expression changed, and Nalan Xueling's eyes flashed with determination.

Mu Yan suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling, and threw them into the crowd behind him. Then he stepped out and stood up to block the way. He pinched his fingers, and his body quickly swelled and became bigger. He was this preparation. Blew!

"Nine-nine, Xiaoling, run away!"

I hope my self-destruction can buy them more time!

Anyhow, he is also a seventh-order emperor!

Such self-detonation power is great, it can destroy half of the city!

"Grandpa! Don't!"

Upon seeing this, Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling's eyes changed drastically, and their hearts were filled with anger and amazement, but they were helpless! I can only watch my distance getting further and further away from Mu Yan, and watch Mu Yan's body soaring rapidly, like a balloon that will explode at any time!

"Not good! He is going to explode!" Yao Ning's eyes changed in shock, his face was angry and shocked.

Damn bastard, dare to choose to blew up!

He is the closest to him at this moment! !

The blew of a seventh-order **** emperor, he could not stop it at all, nor could he resist that terrible power!

He flashed under his feet and quickly retreated behind him, hoping to exit that distance range.

"Life is precious, don't just choose to explode! Everything is easy to discuss!" At this moment, suddenly a leisurely and indifferent voice sounded slowly in the air.

A silver needle flew like a stream of light, and instantly pierced Mu Yan's body.


I saw Mu Yan's body suddenly resembled a deflated ball, and the accumulated violent true energy instantly vented away.

His face was pale, his face was covered with cold sweat, and he looked back at the person stepping behind him.

"The seventh-order divine emperor, it's not easy to practice, it's so blew up, it's a pity!" Lai Ren said with a smile in a pale blue gown.


After Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling stabilized their figures, they rushed over from the crowd, and saw that Mu Yan was okay, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yao Ziqiu? What are you doing?" Yao Ning's face sank, and he looked at the man in the cyan gown in front of him a little displeased.

No, it is Yaoziqiu.

"Yao Ning, you are really shameless! The Supreme Elder, who is the King of Medicine, is embarrassing the two children here. If this spreads out, do we need the face of King of Medicine?" Yaozi Qiujunlang There was a touch of contempt on Xie Si's face.

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