Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1404: Hypocrite [1]

"I never felt lonely before, but your appearance rekindled the faith in my heart. Girl Rong, could you give me a chance to take care of you?"

Tian Yiheng stared affectionately at the woman in front of him, and his eyes fell on her beautiful face with affection.

The cold color between Hua Rong's eyebrows and eyes deepened, "Tian Yiheng, I am very grateful to you for saving me, but I don't like you, and I will never be together! My Wanhua Island has Wanhua Island. It's impossible to get married with a man in the distance."

"It's okay if you don't like me. Feelings can be cultivated slowly." Tian Yiheng's eyes are still gentle, soft as if water can drip out, "As for the distance of Wanhua Island, I have heard some before, as long as you After leaving Wanhua Island, I believe the owner of Wanhua Island will not embarrass you too much."

The beautiful flower-faced eyebrows are frowning, and there is an unpleasant expression in his eyes. Why doesn't Yi Heng understand this day? She clearly said everything so clearly!

"Well, let's not say these unhappy words." Tian Yiheng smiled.

"Tian Yiheng, I still have a task. I have to rush back to Wanhua Island first. Your life-saving grace will let people send me a thank you gift." Hua Rong said lightly.

Tian Yiheng heard this with a look of reluctance in his eyes, "Girl Rong, are you leaving so soon? Can't you stay here for a few more days?"

"Sorry, I'm not an idler." Hua Rong's tone was indifferent and cold, with a slight estrangement, without the slightest reluctance.

Tian Yiheng thought for a while, and then sighed lightly, "Girl Rong, since you are leaving, I won't force you. It's just that I have a small request. It's my birthday in twelve days, can you stay? Come down and spend my birthday with me, and then leave?"

Seeing the woman's frown, Tian Yiheng quickly explained, "Miss Rong, don't think too much. Since my wife passed away ten years ago, I have never had my birthday or laughed again. Although I am the Sect Master of Tianmen Sect, I have spent every day in solitude over the years, and there is no one on my mind. I just hope you can spend my birthday with me..."

"Okay." Hua Rong thought for a while and nodded. After all, her life was saved by others, and they were just making a small request. If she refused, it would be too unkind.

"It's great! Miss Rong, thank you for staying to celebrate my birthday." Tian Yiheng's face showed an excited smile, "Go, let's go and pick two clothes inside."

"The clothes are no longer needed, my clothes are enough to wear." Hua Rong faintly refused.

"Then help me choose, there are too many styles in it, and I don't know which one is suitable for me. With you, I believe that your vision will not be wrong." Tian Yiheng smiled.

As the master of his Tianmen Sect, there are naturally countless clothes, and there is no need to come to the shop to choose them personally. Someone will personally deliver them to his bedroom for him to choose.

It just happened to be passing by, so he went on a whim and wanted to experience the feeling that he hadn't had in a long time.

Seeing that he had said so much, Hua Rong couldn't refuse. She stepped up and was about to follow him into the shop. An excited voice rang from the crowd, "Rong'er!"

Hua Rong faintly frowned, turned his head and looked around, and saw a figure rushing over excitedly. Even in the turbulent crowd, Hua Rong still saw his Qingjun eyebrows at a glance.

Hua Rong's heart was cruelly twitched, she had already planned to forget him, why did he appear in her sight? He has wives and children, and grandchildren, so why bother to provoke himself?

At this time, Mu Yan had already walked in front of her, with a happy smile on his handsome face, and his narrow and deep eyes looked at her unblinkingly, gentle and full of affection, "Rong'er, I finally found is you!"

"Girl Rong, do you know each other?" Tian Yiheng was taken aback when he saw Mu Yan, a flash of light flashed deep in his eyes.

Only then did Mu Yan notice Tian Yiheng on the side, and he was slightly taken aback, "Sect Master Tian, ​​are you here?"

"En." Tian Yiheng nodded lightly.

"Rong'er, where have you been these days? I have been looking for you..." Mu Yan withdrew his gaze, and his gaze fell back to Hua Rong's body, but Hua Rong coldly interrupted him before he finished his words.

"Young Master Mu, we are not familiar, please call my full name."

"Rong'er, you misunderstood me, in fact..." Anxiousness flashed in Mu Yan's eyes.

"Miss Rong, let's go in." Tian Yiheng interrupted Mu Yan's words, and smiled at Hua Rong in his eyes full of smiles.

"I'm tired, let's go back." Hua Rong's beautiful face was indifferent and alienated, and she coldly threw a word, without giving Mu Yan a chance to defend, turned and left.

Tian Yiheng hurriedly followed behind him.

"Rong Er..." Mu Yan's anxious expression on his face became even worse, and he hurried to catch up, but was stopped by Tian Yiheng, "Mu Master, since Miss Rong said that she didn't know you, you should not disturb her. Good."

"Sect Master Tian, ​​what do you mean?" Mu Yan's face suddenly became cold. He interrupted himself just now, the meaning was not obvious, it couldn't be more obvious now.

Is he trying to obstruct himself?

"Don't you know what you mean? Miss Rong doesn't like you. You'd better not be stalking, and be self-aware!" Tian Yiheng snorted lightly, and a look of contempt flashed deep in his eyes. .

And Hua Rong's figure has disappeared from the crowd.

Tian Yiheng glanced at Mu Yan coldly, and chased after him with a move.

Looking at Huarong's disappearance in the crowd, Mu Yan clenched his fists under his sleeves.

Lan'er, I won't let you leave me! You are my wife, and the only wife of Mu Yan in my life!


As night fell, a cold moon was shining in the yard, and there was only a cold silver brilliance left, against the camphor trees in the yard, as if it was coated with a layer of silver frost, beautiful and beautiful.

Hua Rong sat in the courtyard, watching the table full of dishes, her spiritual consciousness had already flown nine days away, and Tian Yiheng's caring voice was in her ears, but she couldn't hear a word, and her mind kept floating. That handsome, familiar face, that wounded look...

She couldn't help but throbbing tightly.

Would he think he was a sloppy woman?

Well, all this is not important anymore, is it?

After 12 days, she will return to Wanhua Island, and will have nothing to do with him.

"Rong'er, what are you thinking? Are these dishes unappetizing?" Tian Yiheng couldn't help but ask when she saw that she had no appetite.

Hua Rong put down the chopsticks in her hand, Shi Shiran got up, "I'm full. Sect Master, I'm going back to my room to rest."

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