Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1405: Hypocrite [2]

After that, he turned and walked towards the wing behind him, without leaving a trace of affection for Tian Yiheng.

Tian Yiheng's expression stiffened, and a faint cold light flashed through his slightly drooping eyes. He raised his head and took a deep look at Huarong's back, sighed, and said to the maid beside him, "Get everything away."

Then he also left the yard.

A glazed lamp on the red sandalwood wooden table in the house exudes a charming and hazy halo, reflecting the light and shadow coming through the window.

The wind blew, and the shaman flicked, the shadows were brilliant, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance.

Suddenly Hua Rong's eyebrows were cold, and she shouted, "Come out!"

A slender Leng Yi, tall and tall black figure came out from behind the wooden pillars in the corner, "Rong'er."

The man's familiar, affectionate and painful call sounded in the darkness.

"Why are you here?" Hua Rong's expression changed, and she looked at him with some surprise.

"Rong'er, you really misunderstood me." Mu Yan stepped up to her, his phoenix eyes full of lovesickness locked tightly on her body, wishing to hold her tightly in his arms, "In fact, You are my wife, Lan'er is you!"

Hua Rong's figure trembled fiercely, her eyes widened unimaginably. After a long while, she suppressed the shock in her heart, and her beautiful eyes like autumn water returned to her former cold color, "Mu Yan, don't you think you Is it shameful? Or do you think it is not enough to lie to me?"

He even made up such a reason to deceive her!

"Lan'er, what I said is true..." Mu Yan couldn't help but feel anxious, trying to reach out to grab her hand, but she was coldly brushed away, "Don't touch me!"

"Lan'er, how do you believe me?" Mu Yan looked at her with hurt eyes, "I didn't protect you two years ago, so that you were greatly hurt. I have been looking for this for these two years. You, but when I found you, I found that you lost your memory and became the saint of Wanhua Island... Lan'er, you want to beat or scold, I have no complaints, as your husband did not protect you , It's my fault! But please don't ignore me..."

Seeing the man's sincere and painful expression, Hua Rong felt a pain in her heart, a feeling of suffocation that hurts into her bones.

His eyes, deep and bright like stars, were full of hurt and pain.

Hua Rong is confused. Did she really forget something before? But the island owner told her that she lost her memory when she was injured when she was on mission. She had been living on Wanhua Island before...

No, Huayun seemed to have said that she was a dying person picked up by the island owner...

Who should she believe?

Who said that is true?

I can't figure it out at this moment, I just feel a mess in my mind.

"Lan'er, what I said is true. We have been a couple for more than 20 years. We are very familiar with each other. I am very familiar with every inch of your body. There is a cinnabar mole on your left chest. ..."

In a hurry, Mu Yan could only say truthfully.

Huarong's face instantly blushed with a sigh, and she slapped Mu Yan's face with a slap, "You are shameless!"

Mu Yan clutched her sore cheek, and looked at her with infinite grievances in her eyes, telling the truth, how could she become shameless?

"Lan'er, you..."

"Girl Rong, what's the matter? What happened?" Tian Yiheng's caring voice and a sudden knock on the door came from outside.

Hua Rong glared at Mu Yan bitterly, then turned to open the door, Mu Yan consciously hid behind the wooden pillar again.

Hua Rong walked to the door, opened the door, and the cold moonlight shone in and fell on the cold and peerless face of the woman, making her look more floating and misty, like a fairy.

"Sect Master Tian, ​​it's so late, do you still have anything to do when you come here?" Hua Rong stood in the middle of the gate, blocking his vision.

The evening breeze blew her dress, cold and aloof, misty as a fairy.

"I heard something on your side just now. I thought something happened to you, so I quickly brought someone to see." Tian Yiheng's gaze peeked inside, because Hua Rong happened to be in the middle of the road and refused. With the cold expression of others stepping in, he was naturally not so cheeky to go in, so he had to say euphemistically.

"Although the Tianmen Sect is not comparable to a big sect like my Wanhua Island, it is also a top second-rate force in the Profound Sky Realm. Who dares to go to the Tianmen Sect to cause trouble? Just now I was studying swordsmanship, but it made the Heavenly Sect Master worry Now." The corners of Hua Rong's lips raised a faint curve.

A suspicion flashed in Tian Yiheng's eyes, "If this is the case, then I won't disturb you to rest."

Then Tian Yiheng led everyone away.

Hua Rong closed the door again and returned to the house.

"Lan'er, go back with me. Let's take Jiujiu and Xiaoling together to find our daughter and son-in-law. They are at home waiting for our reunion. When the time comes, our family will be reunited and happy." Mu Yan Reaching out to her, the long, narrow and deep phoenix eyes fell tightly on her jade-like face.

"In order to cure your amnesia, our daughter deliberately went to the medicinal spirit realm of King Yaozong, looking for the memory flower, then you will recover your memory. You will remember everything about us again, and naturally Understand that what I said is true, I didn't lie to you!"

A look of looseness appeared on Hua Rong's face. If she didn't believe it before, she had completely believed Mu Yan's words at this moment.

Otherwise, Mu Yan would not even know that she had a cinnabar mole on her left chest!

Although she and Mu Yan accompanied Xiaoling and Jiujiu to find their parents this year, and the year and night together made them familiar, but she has never been exposed to Mu Yan!

And Mu Yan knew this, he must be very familiar with her...

As he said, familiar with every inch of her body...

"Tian Yiheng and I have a life-saving grace, so I can't leave without saying goodbye like this." Huarong frowned, "I promised him to help him once his birthday and leave, so let's go to the mountain first. Daping City is waiting for me at my feet. I will come out to find you after twelve days."

"Okay!" Mu Yan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and his handsome face could not help showing excitement and joy. Holding her tenderness, gently pampering her palms, her eyes were full of tenderness, "Then I and Xiao Ling , Jiujiu is waiting for you at the Yunlai Inn."

This time Hua Rong didn't break free of his hand, with a hint of shyness on her delicate face, she nodded softly, "En."

Looking at the woman's shy and flowery face, Mu Yan's heart was rippling for a while, and she couldn't help but reach out and put her arms around her slender and soft waist, bowed her head and kissed her pink lips, which is a woman's unique fragrance, and rushed towards him , Haunting the tip of his nose, as familiar as he was two years ago, so nostalgic for him, cannot extricate himself...


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