Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1412: Nine-Nine Power【3】

It's so despicable and shameless!

An old man in his sixties said that a four-year-old little nanny is not a man and angers others. What is it that is not mean and shameless?

They have never seen such a shameless person when they grow up!

Besides, they are not yet men, but just a little boy, okay?

Jiujiu's brows frowned slightly, her beautiful purple eyes filled with domineering and unparalleled aura, "Smelly old man, you are the one to regret! I will beat your old friend without knowing you!"

When the words fell, he rose from the ground, swept straight for nine days, and landed on the opposite side of Yao Ning, at no slower speed than Yao Ning!

When everyone saw this, they all shook their heads involuntarily, but it was a pity that this was a gifted little baby! Obviously, Yao Ning's method is radical!

Hey... this kid is still too arrogant, so easily irritated!

Hearing that, Yao Ning was so angry that his mouth was crooked, and his eyes were terrifying, "Smelly boy, I'm going to kill you! I will make you regret that you provoke me!"

At this moment, the energy ball in Yao Ning's hand had already accumulated, and his hands were blasted forward, and the energy ball suddenly turned into a blue light, and quickly smashed towards Jiujiu!

The terrifying energy directly blasted the air into a ‘chik’.

Jiujiu met his almost cannibalistic gaze without any fear, pinched the tactics with both hands, his small face was cold and stern, "Yanhuang blood, talent is unlocked! Azure Dragon blood, talent is unlocked!"

Two ancient and powerful bloodlines opened at the same time at this moment, and the momentum of Jiujiu instantly climbed to the edge of the first-order **** emperor!

It can be said that he is a quasi **** emperor at this moment!

Although he is not a true **** emperor, his strength will not differ too much!

A black and simple dagger ghost sword appeared in Jiujiu's hand, and the cold light flashed above the cold blade, with a powerful momentum.

A move blasted out, the momentum was boundless, and the endless true vitality surged on the blade, turning into a great sword, mercilessly slashing toward the energy ball that blasted forward!

The sharp sword light rubbed the air sharply, and the space was distorted at this moment.

"Boom boom boom..."

In an instant, the two energies blasted together, making waves of roaring sounds.

The space was torn open a black hole, and a terrifying space storm raged out of it!

The dazzling light at this moment made everyone unable to open their eyes.


Two figures fell out from two opposite directions.

One big and one small, it is Yaoning and Jiujiu.

Jiujiu's body flew upside down fifty or sixty meters in the air before he could stabilize his figure, his small face was pale, and a trace of red blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

He narrowed his purple eyes lightly, and his whole body was unparalleled.

However, Yao Ning was even more miserable. His body was hit by the tumbling air wave, and he turned several somersaults, and then retreated for nearly a hundred meters before stopping!


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with raging anger when he looked up at Jiujiu.

"Damn little beast!" His eyes were dark and vicious.

"You don't die, don't be so rampant!" Jiujiu snorted coldly.

The crowd below was already stunned, staring in horror one by one, with a look of shock and disbelief.

This little milk baby, who seems to be only about four years old, has defeated a **** emperor?

Hmm...If he is not a homelesser, then he must have inherited the full strength of a certain strong man!

For a while, everyone speculated in their hearts.

Even if everyone's hearts are full of doubts, no one dares to say anything. Where is the strength of others, do you dare to say too much?

Unless you are tired of living!

Strength is everything!

Yao Ning was so embarrassed when he was beaten on the spot, the anger and hatred in his heart really couldn't be said, and he just wanted to devour Jiujiusheng.

As well as the weird and contemptuous gazes of those below, it made Yao Ning Ruguang on his back, just wanting to find a hole in it.

"Little beast, I have taken down this grudge! I will definitely ask you for this bill in the future!" Yao Ning roared, and after throwing a sentence, he quickly rushed to the ground below.

At this moment, his speed was so fast that he immediately rushed to Mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling, and quickly slapped two palms.

Then he swept back to Hua Yun and Ouyang Ying's side, grabbed the shoulders of the two, and disappeared into the crowd in a flash.

Jiujiu didn't even have a chance to chase him, so he took Huayun and fled away embarrassed!

Yao Ning was already very poisonous and his strength was restricted. He used the method of burning martial souls to forcefully increase his strength.

The burning of the martial soul is also limited, if the martial soul is burned out, then he will completely become a waste!

Therefore, after burning the martial soul, they usually use quick battles to kill the enemy. If you can't kill, you can only escape quickly!

And Yao Ning's martial arts had already been burned by a quarter, and he knew that if he continued, he couldn't kill ninety-nine!

I thought that if I chose to burn the martial soul, I could catch and kill this nasty little beast. I never thought that he had two powerful bloodlines at the same time!

This completely exceeded his expectations. In the last match with Jiujiu, Jiujiu did not show it, so this time he miscalculated!

If the damaged spirit is not repaired in time, its cultivation talent will stagnate for a lifetime.

Therefore, Yao Ning didn't intend to stay here anymore, and fled with Huayun in embarrassment, like a bereaved dog.

"Huh, I ran very fast." Jiujiu snorted, his figure moved and fell from the sky.

Although the ninth-order divine emperor is only one step behind the divine emperor, the gap in strength is huge!

If it were not for Moshang Fengling who had poisoned Yaoning beforehand, Jiujiu would not have been able to defeat Yaoning.

Rao was so, Jiujiu was also seriously injured.

"Nine-nine, how are you doing? Are you okay?" Mu Qianyue walked to him.

"Mother, I'm fine." Jiujiu wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, raised his face to Mu Qianyue and showed a handsome smile, "Mother, I can protect you and sister! In the future, not only dad can protect you, I Okay!"

"My family is really amazing." Mu Qianyue smiled, the realm of life expanded, and a faint light enveloped him, recovering his injuries.

Jiujiu's internal injuries healed instantly, and his face returned to ruddy.

"Little guy, after four years of absence, you have become so perverted! Even more powerful than your mother and father! As expected of their son, he has inherited their fine traditions and gave you the best part. !" Moshang Fengling said with some taste.

She also really wants to have such a son who is against the sky. !

Nalan Xueling's cute white face showed a smile with Rongyan, "Nine-nine, then you will cover me in the future, I will walk sideways on this continent."

"Okay! No problem!" Jiujiu smiled, and immediately his little brow wrinkled in dissatisfaction, "It's a pity that they let them run away!"

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