Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1413: Poor cock...

Otherwise, I really want to kill them all!

He will not let go of the bad guys who bullied his mother, sister, grandpa, and grandma!

"You can run to the first day of the middle school, but you can't run to the fifteenth." A cold light appeared in Mu Qianyue's eyes. Now that he knows the identities of the two of them, is he afraid that he can't get revenge in the future?

"Yes! There will be opportunities in the future! It is estimated that they will be so depressed now!" Mo Shang Fengling smiled.

"Several people, there is Guo Xiaohao, the lord of Daping City, which family or sect are you disciples?" At this moment, a middle-aged man's voice came from the side.

Mu Qianyue turned her head to look at him, frowned, did not answer his words, Mo Shang Fengling, Jiujiu, and Nalan Xueling also looked at him.

Guo Xiaohao blushed immediately, feeling a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, and quickly explained, "Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to inquire about you. It’s just that you are so young and powerful, but I just want to make friends with you. That's it."

"I am the tenth elder of Yao Wangzong, these are my family members." Mu Qianyue said lightly, and all the problems were solved in one sentence.

Then he misunderstood how he liked to misunderstand, it was none of her business.

"It turns out that you are the tenth elder of Yaowangzong, disrespectful and disrespectful." Guo Xiaohao smiled heartily with joy on his face.

"I don't know how many people can go to my city lord to sit down, and I am willing to treat you kindly." Guo Xiaohao said.

These few are peerless geniuses!

Especially those two children, their talents are absolutely amazing! Such a genius is better to win, not to offend!

"Um... the people who fled just now are also the elders of Yao Wangzong." Mu Qianyue looked at him lightly, meaning it was obvious. If you want to win Yao Wangzong, I am afraid that you have offended those people just now. , It must be impossible to win.

Guo Xiaohao waved indifferently, "I just want to be friends with a few people. As for those few people, forget it. To bully the small by the big and to strengthen the weak is very shameful to me!"

Mu Qianyue smiled and faintly refused, "We still have business today, I'm afraid we can't go to your house as a guest."

Feeling the alienation in Mu Qianyue’s tone, Guo Xiaohao didn’t dare to force it. He just smiled and said, "Those who have something to do first, come to my city lord’s mansion if you have any needs in the future. I can help Guo Xiaohao. The place is obligatory!"

"So thank you Guo Chengzhu for his hospitality." Mu Qianyue smiled.

People are good at talking, and she doesn't need to be cold to others. One more friend is better than one more enemy.

After all, things in the future may be unknown.

Because of the True Blood Pill, Mu Qianyue rushed to find the last herb, bloodroot.

Mu Qianyue and his party quickly came to the last shop.

The drugstore is very large, there are not many people, and the environment is quiet and elegant, which is very special.

But Mu Qianyue didn't want to watch these, but went straight to the counter and asked, "The shopkeeper, do you have bloodroots here?"

"Yes, there is just one last plant!" The shopkeeper nodded.

Mu Qianyue was overjoyed when she heard that, Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling also showed joyful smiles on their small faces, and they finally found it!

"That's it." The shopkeeper led Mu Qianyue to a medicinal wooden shelf in the corner.

Because bloodroot grass does not need many people, it is not sold very well, so it is placed at the end. The best-selling medicinal materials are generally placed in the most prominent position in the front row.

"Huh? Where's the bloodroot grass? It's still there before?" The shopkeeper looked at an empty pill box on the medicine shelf, suddenly forced.

Mu Qianyue furrowed her brows, turned her head and looked to her side, only to see a teenager who was about fifteen years old, holding a medicinal plant in her hand and looking carefully.

It was a blood-red medicine crooked and twisted like a finger.

Mu Qianyue's gaze fell on his hand, his eyes lit up suddenly, bloodroot grass!

"The shopkeeper, how do you sell this?" the boy asked towards the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper suddenly looked embarrassed.

"This young man, can you give me this bloodroot grass? I have an urgent need." Mu Qianyue looked at him sincerely.

The young man raised his brows, his brows were filled with arrogance, "No, I have an urgent need!"

As he said, he looked at the shopkeeper and asked, "How much is this?"

"Five or five million Xuanjing coins." The shopkeeper thought for a while and said.

Obviously, he was sitting on the ground and raising the price, and a bloodroot plant that he usually can't sell at this price.

He saw that Mu Qianyue was in a hurry to use it, but the young man refused to let it, so he offered a high price.

Anyway, no matter who buys it, he will not lose money.

"What? This bloodroot grass costs five million? The shopkeeper, you are obviously a pitfall! This bloodroot grass is only more than three million mysterious crystal coins, you actually said five million! You are too dark!" The boy couldn't help but jumped up, looking like a thunderous and angry face.

The shopkeeper's face floated unnaturally, and he hummed, "Do you want? If you don't want it, let this girl."

"You..." The boy turned pale with anger.

"If you don't have money, just put down this bloodroot grass." Nalan Xueling puts her hands around her chest, and the corners of her mouth are curved. , We want it."

"Good." The shopkeeper's smile bloomed, and excitedly reached out to grab the bloodroot in the young man's hand, but he was blocked by the young man.

The boy kept the bloodroot grass in his arms like a baby, "What are you doing? I just think it's expensive, and I didn't say not to buy it!"

"Huh! Isn't it five million Xuanjing coins? This young master has money!" The young man raised his eyebrows and looked at Nalan Xueling, slightly angrily. Master wants you to see how rich I am!"

The shopkeeper's heart ached the corners of his mouth, he should have said ten million if he knew it!

I feel that I lost a lot of money in an instant, so heartache...

Seeing the distressed look of the shopkeeper, Mu Qianyue thought for a while and said, "The shopkeeper, I have 6 million out of it. I want this blood-rooted grass."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Good, good!"

Although it is far from ten million, he has also made a lot!

Half of the money was made in vain! Today is really a good day to make a fortune!

"You!" The young man's expression changed drastically when he heard the words. Seeing that this medicinal plant was about to fall into his hands, the other party started a bidding!

He just wants to vomit blood!

Nalan Xueling spit out her tongue at him, "Poor dick, if you don't have money, quickly give up the medicinal materials! I can compensate you a little!"

Humph, she was not the kind of bullying person, but this kid is too hateful!

The mother talked to him sincerely, but he was like a two-hundred-and-five hundred and five, which is really hateful!

This made her couldn't help but target him!

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