Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1414: Pitman【1】

The young man turned blue with anger, and his mouth turned crooked, "What did you say? How dare you say that I have no money? This young master's money is enough to buy you! Seven million!"

He really can't swallow this breath!

It's really hateful, he was actually mocked by a little girl who seemed to be only eight or nine years old, saying he had no money?

Would he have no money for his dignified Young Master of Medicine King? There is no problem buying several empires!

It's just that he doesn't like staying in the Medicine King Sect. He is either facing the pill furnace all day or facing the old-fashioned group of old-fashioned people, so he chooses to come out and practice alone.

Although he did not take away a penny of Yao Wangzong's wealth when he came out to practice, he relied on his identity as a pill pharmacist to cure people's illnesses and make alchemy, and quickly accumulated a lot of wealth. In just one year, he received the precepts. In the space, the money inside can be compared to a treasury!

This little girl who hadn't done anything, said that he had no money! ! !

It is really tolerable, which is unbearable!

"Eight million!" Nalan Xueling raised his eyebrows, angrily at his angry eyes.

"Ten million!" Angrily, the boy directly raised the price to ten million.

Ten million?

When the shopkeeper heard the words, the whole person became uncontrollably excited, and there was a dazzling light in his eyes, too excited to himself.

Wow ha ha ha... it was posted! This time I really made a profit!

Originally only needed more than three million bloodroots, but this time it sold for ten million! !

Make a big profit! !

He quickly turned his head to look at Mu Qianyue, "Girl..."

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes.

"Okay, I'll give you ten million!" A sly light flashed between Nalanxue's black pupils, and she looked up at the teenager and snorted coldly, "Idiot, buy a bloodroot grass for ten million. It really is a prodigal son."

"You, you..." The young man was so angry that his body shivered, and his heart was depressed to death. If they hadn't robbed them of themselves, would this bloodroot grass rise to 10 million? He had bought three million long ago! He will not be taken advantage of!

What is irritating is that this little girl still scolds herself as a prodigal son, so angry and angry! ! !

She also caused her to become a prodigal son! If she hadn't angered herself, how could she call out ten million all at once?

Although he has a lot of money, he also earned the money!

"The shopkeeper, give him this bloodroot, we don't need it." Nalan Xueling ignored the frantic teenagers and said to the shopkeeper on the side.

The shopkeeper thought for a while, the price of ten million is already very good, and there is no chance to rise again, so he nodded happily and said to the boy, "My son, I will help you pack this bloodroot plant."

The young man frowned and looked at the bloodroot in his hand with a heartbroken expression. He seemed hesitant and depressed...

Seeing the entanglement on his face, the shopkeeper was startled, wouldn't he want to regret it, and don't want it? It's not that such a thing has never happened. As long as you don't give money, you can go back at any time. After all, you can't force the sale of this thing.

Thinking of the imminent loss of 10 million yuan, the shopkeeper's heart suddenly aches.

"Aren't you trying to cheat? Or that you don't have so much money at all and have been pretending to be generous?" Nalan Xueling grinned.

The boy was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, "There are ten million in this card, take it!"

With a flick of his palm, he took out a card and threw it in front of the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper hurriedly picked it up with both hands. When he got the gold card, the smile on the shopkeeper's face was almost piled up into chrysanthemums, and he was very excited.

"Wrap this bloodroot grass for me." The young man handed the bloodroot grass to the shopkeeper, looking like a noble son.

The shopkeeper quickly hugged the medicinal materials, handed them to the boy respectfully, and said with a grin, "My son, this is your medicinal materials, my son, please take them. My son, do you need to see other medicinal materials?"

The young man took his hand and twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, looking at other medicinal materials? Heh, do you think he has too much money to spend? If it hadn't been for a few shops and there was no bloodroot, he wouldn't have spent 10 million to buy this bloodroot!

I'm so mad at him! He just wanted to study a medicinal pill, just because he lacked bloodroot, it cost him such a big price! It hurts so much! !

But his handsome and tender face didn't show it, but he snorted coldly, "The quality of your medicinal materials here is so bad that you won't come again!"

What an unpleasant shopping.

"No, my pharmacy is one of the best in Dapingcheng. If the medicinal materials here are not good, other places can't be good!" The shopkeeper said depressed.

Nalan Xueling covered her mouth and smiled. It was obvious that those words were nothing more than the young man's desire to vent his anger.

"Huh!" The young man snorted coldly, and wanted to walk away. After two steps, he paused, looking slyly at Nalan Xueling and Mu Qianyue who were choosing medicinal materials.

They should also come to buy medicinal materials. Since they cheated themselves, how could he not avenge him?

No way! You have to find the place back!

"Treasurer, I want this medicinal material..." Nalan Xueling stretched out her hand to get a blood ginseng in the jade box in front of her. A white and slender hand stretched out, and she took the blood inside. Participate.

Nalan Xueling raised her head and immediately met the young man's proud and proud face.

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up, is this going to start bidding again?


Nalan Xueling cast a blank look at the shopkeeper, really a greedy fellow! Immediately, she glanced at the teenager's face, and finally wrapped her hands around her chest, "Okay, let me give it to you!"

It is obviously impossible to bid again.

This time the boy obviously wanted to use this method to deal with herself, she was not that stupid.

Hearing that, the young man was taken aback, why did he let him go? Shouldn't she be robbing herself of medicinal materials, and then he will raise the price to make her bleed? Why not play cards according to the routine?

Seeing the boy's stunned expression, Nalan Xueling's black eyes flashed a sly, silly, right? Hey, fight her, she's too tender!

Grabbing a smile, Nalan Xueling continued to pretend to choose other medicinal materials nonchalantly. In short, every time she saw a medicinal material, she was always taken away by the other party intentionally or unconsciously.

In the end, the boy had more than 30 medicinal plants in his hands.

"Hey, why are you like this!" Nalan Xueling looked at him pretendingly angrily.

The boy raised his lips triumphantly, "I call a tooth for a tooth. As long as I am here today, you will never want to buy your favorite medicinal materials."

"Okay, okay, I won't buy it anymore. I will give you all these. I hope you can continue to follow me tomorrow." Nalan Xueling glanced at the medicinal materials he was holding in his arms, and his eyes became more cunning. one cent.

The young man didn't think that the shopkeeper was so excited that he was about to faint. He quickly walked to the young man and took the medicinal materials in his hand, "Master, I will pack these medicinal materials one by one."

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