Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1415: Pitman【2】

"How much?" The young man's eyes were locked on Nalan Xueling's body, but he asked the shopkeeper.

I have to say that this little girl is really beautiful and cute, just like an enamel doll carefully carved from the sky, especially the **** and bright eyes, like stars, very charming.

Her body exudes a quiet and charming aura, like an elf.

But when he thought of this little girl's misdeeds, the young man curled his lips in disapproval, so what if he looked good? The key is that the character is too rough!

"My son, the total is two thousand one hundred and twenty-four thousand. Well, since you buy so many medicinal materials all at once, the next fourteen thousand will be forgotten for you. You only have to give two thousand and one hundred. Two hundred thousand is enough." The shopkeeper cracked in front of the counter for a while, then lifted it up for a while, looking at the teenager with excitement.

"What?" Hearing this, the young man almost jumped up. He retracted his gaze and strode to the counter, glaring at the shopkeeper, "You didn't count me wrong? Or did you secretly add money to me?"

"No, no, these are clearly marked prices. I have been selling this medicine for hundreds of years, and I have been operating with integrity and without any deception. The bloodroot weed just now, but you bid for it yourself. It's none of my business. "The shopkeeper said quickly.

Business integrity is the most important thing. Otherwise, if there is no integrity, customers will no longer come to the door and the drugstore will close down sooner or later.

Seeing the young man’s suspicious and displeased expression, the shopkeeper continued, “Look at these medicinal materials, I chose the best medicinal materials in the store! The years are more than three hundred years old, the price will naturally be more expensive, and I still I gave you a 10% discount and deducted the back part, otherwise it would be more than 21.2 million!"

The young man looked at the shopkeeper and did the calculation, knowing that he hadn't lied to himself, but his face was too black.

Looking up to the little girl's eyes full of cunning light, the young man knew that he had been pitted again!

Just now, he only took care of opposing this little girl, and didn't notice that she chose the best medicinal materials in the store!

Hey, forget it, because I am a pill master anyway, these medicinal materials should be kept for later alchemy.

Anyway, I can get revenge on this little girl, so that she can't buy medicinal materials, hum!

Then the boy paid the money and packed all the medicinal materials into the space for receiving the ring, before he was ready to leave.

"The shopkeeper, I helped you to make a big deal and gave me a 30% commission."

When the boy reached the threshold, he suddenly heard the sly and sweet voice of the little girl behind him, slipping on his feet and almost falling.

He turned his head to look at the elbow-supported forehead in the drugstore, and leaned back lazily at the counter with a beautiful smile on the face of the little girl, only to feel a burst of blue smoke from the top of his head, and suddenly had an urge to punch someone.

Just now she chose the medicinal materials for the magic horse, all deliberately?

As if noticing his gaze, Nalan Xueling turned her head back and looked at him with a smile, "Just as you think in your heart."


One sentence made the anger in the young man's heart reach its peak, and his body trembled with anger.

"You, you are too shameless!"

"You wanted to rob me, and I didn't force you." Nalan Xueling looked innocent.

The young man twitched his mouth fiercely, and couldn't feel his heartache. He was pitted twice in a day by a little girl who was several years younger than him. Can he be depressed and heartache?

The key is not to talk about the money he pitted, but actually went to ask the shopkeeper for a commission!

Is it so shameless?

The shopkeeper was taken aback, "Commission?"

"Yeah! If you didn't have me, could you sell that bloodroot grass for 10 million yuan? Later, he would buy more than 20 million medicinal materials in one go?" Nalan Xueling raised her eyebrows, "If it is in the future If I meet such a fool again, I will definitely come to you and double your medicinal materials! Let me make a lot of money!"


The boy was so angry that his eyes were red, and he pitted him and said he was a fool!

Ahhhhh! Don't bring such a bully! !

The shopkeeper's eyes flickered, "Okay! But 30% is too much, I can only give you 10%!"

"The shopkeeper can't be too much, 10%, are you coaxing your children?" Nalan Xueling snorted coldly.

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched, isn't she a child?

"Well, I'll give you 20%."

"30%, no discussion. This is a long-term business." Nalan Xueling looked at him with a smile.

The shopkeeper pondered over and over again, thinking that this is indeed a good way to make money. Anyway, there are quite a lot of such fools, and today they sold more than 30 million medicinal materials, which is equivalent to a few months. Income!

So I thought for a while and nodded, "Okay! I promised you."

The shopkeeper immediately took out a small card containing nine million Profound Crystal Coins from the counter and handed it to Nalan Xueling.

"There are a total of 9.3 million Profound Crystal Coins in it, which is your reward."

Nalan Xueling took over with a smile, "The shopkeeper, you really are a smart person! Talking to a smart person is the most refreshing!"

Mu Qianyue, who had been watching all the time, couldn't help but shook her head with a smile.

Mo Shang Fengling stared in surprise, "I'm a good boy! It's incredible! Xiao Ling looks cute and cute, but I didn't expect to be so cunning!"

More than nine million Xuanjing coins, which have been used to move your mouth, are in your hands!

Don't be too simple! !

Jiujiu pulled the corners of her mouth, and her sister started to cheat again.

The young man at the door walked back angrily when he saw the situation, glaring at the embarrassing two, "You guys are bullying people together, right?"

"No! I'm just here to buy medicinal materials." Nalan Xueling shook her head, with an extremely innocent expression on her cute little face.

"My son, these medicinal materials are clearly priced, and a discount is given to you. We will never deceive anyone. Besides, you will buy these medicinal materials voluntarily. No one will force you. If you are not happy, then you Let me give some medicinal materials to this little girl." The shopkeeper thought for a while and said.

Although making money is important, the reputation of the drugstore cannot be destroyed.

"Well, let it out. I just need these medicinal materials." Nalan Xueling nodded kindly, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Huh! No way!" The young man grunted, didn't he just spend a little more money? Anyway, what he has is money!

Throwing a word coldly, he turned away angrily and left the drugstore.

If you continue to stay, he will definitely be **** to death, so let's leave!

He must have not read the almanac when he went out today, that's why he got into such a cheating little fairy...

Nalan Xueling and Mu Qianyue also followed out of the inn.

"Mother, leave the bloodroot grass to me. You go back to the inn and wait for me." Nalan Xueling looked at the direction of the boy's departure, her eyes flashed, and she looked at Mu Qianyue.

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