Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1418: Is he not as good as a beast?

"En En En En!" Yao Tao nodded. After experiencing this year outside, he either found something casually to satisfy his hunger, or ate in a restaurant, and he didn't feel very satisfied.

I didn't expect to be so good today!

Most of the beggar chickens basically entered Yao Tao's stomach, and he burped to his satisfaction.

Nalan Xueling took out two white jade bowls from the ring space and filled him with a bowl of mushroom soup.

Although there is no seasoning in the mushroom soup, they are very delicious.

After you are full, come with a bowl of light broth. Don't be too cool!

"Eat so full!" Yao Tao lay down on the ground with a satisfied smile on his face.

Above the head is a blue sky, and a round of sunset is hanging on the horizon, slowly falling.

The afterglow dyed the sky red, and the sunset glow was red and magnificent.

The breeze blew by the ears, with a hint of coolness in the evening.

Unspeakable comfort.

After eating and drinking, lying down and admiring the scenery, I only feel that there is no such thing as a life faster than here.

"Is this meal satisfactory? Should I be able to forgive me now?" Nalan Xueling also lay down, looking sideways at Yao Tao beside her.

Hearing that Yao Tao turned his head to look at her, his eyes fell on the girl's white and moving little face, a sly flash in his eyes quickly.

"Unsatisfied." He quickly reduced the smile on his face and snorted coldly, not to mention how arrogant and arrogant his expression was.

Nalan Xueling only wanted to reach out and beat this shameless stuff to death. He ate the most happily, ate the most, and hiccups. Now come to tell her that he is not satisfied?

Don't eat if you are not satisfied!


Yao Tao's proud hands were resting on the back of his head, with one leg on the other, kicking and kicking. In short, even if he was lying down, there was no image at all, it was completely like a scumbag.

Nalan Xueling stuck out her tongue at him disdainfully, and then suddenly sat up, staring at his eyes unblinkingly.

The girl's face suddenly approached caught him off guard. That peerless beauty suddenly slammed into the depths of his heart and was deeply burned in his heart.

The fragrance that belonged to the girl came, with a hint of sweetness, it smelled very good.

Yao Tao looked at her blankly, only to feel that there was a blank in his mind at this moment, only this face that was too beautiful to describe in words.

The girl's lips are rosy and soft, like a peach blossom in April, scorching but not glamorous, clear and unique, giving him an urge to kiss, and a fragrant taste.

In fact, he did the same, and couldn't help but lift his chin and put his lips together.

All this is almost involuntary, even he himself did not realize what he was doing.

Just as his lips were about to kiss the soft lips of the girl, a warm little palm suddenly covered his lips.

"What are you doing?" Nalan Xueling covered his mouth with her hand in time, her eyes widened in dissatisfaction.

Only then did Yao Tao come back to his senses, his face burst into red with a sigh, and it went directly to the root of his neck.

But he would never admit that he just wanted to kiss her secretly!

Is it true that, as she said, she is a pervert and rogue, not as good as a beast? Not even a nine-year-old girl let go?

No no no...

He is only fifteen years old!

Ah, what are you thinking about!

Yao Tao raised his hand and quickly wiped on her smooth and white face, and said casually, "Uh...I see oil stains on your face, I want to wipe it for you."

"Oh, isn't it?" Nalan Xueling squinted suspiciously, let go of her hand, and sat upright.

Yao Tao quickly sat up on the grass and stared at her dissatisfiedly, "It's because you suddenly got so close to me, what do you want to do?"

"I..." Nalan Xueling's beautiful face showed a sly and weird smile, which looked like a little fox.

"I want to see when the Psychedelic Sanction will happen."

He held his cute white chin with both hands, and looked at him slightly, with an unkind smile on his face.

"Psychedelic San?" Yao Tao's expression changed.

"Yeah, don't the last soup from my soup feel particularly fragrant?" Nalan Xueling smiled badly.

Yao Tao was furious at once, "It turns out that you invited me to dinner for a purpose..."


Without uttering the last word, his consciousness gradually became a little fuzzy, half blurred and half clear.

"Hey..." Nalan Xueling laughed triumphantly, reached out and patted his face, "This is the first time this lady cooks for someone else to eat. You should feel very honored. If it weren't for bloodroots, I would I won't talk so much nonsense with you!"

Originally she could be robbed by her strength, but this Yao Tao gave her a good feeling. Although a little unpleasant happened before, Yao Tao was not a bad person.

So she didn't intend to embarrass him too much, as long as the bloodroot grass was taken away.

The poison given by Aunt Feng is too toxic, and only Psychedelic San is the best, which can make people lose consciousness for a short time.

However, the medicinal effect of Psychedelic San, the less effective it is for people with profound strength, especially Yao Tao who is also a pill master.

So Nalan Xueling could only let him temporarily relax his vigilance, and by the way, if he invited him to a meal, it would be clear.

"Give me the bloodroot in your hand."

Under Nalan Xueling's orders, Yao Tao involuntarily took out a jade box and handed it to Nalan Xueling, but his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

He was conscious of consciousness, but his behavior was out of control.

Nalan Xueling happily took the bloodroot grass and quickly collected it into the ring space, then wiped his finger on the tip of his nose and moved under his feet. The small figure has turned into a gust of wind and flew out, and disappeared into the emerald green in a blink of an eye. In the mountains and forests.

At this time, Yao Tao finally regained his mobility. He couldn't help standing up and shouting in the direction where Nalan Xueling disappeared, "Nalan Xueling!!! How dare you lie to me, I'm never finished with you!!" !"

Ahhhhh! ! !

It's really hateful! !

He trusted her so much that he even took out his most precious medicine stove and served her as a pot of soup to drink. As a result, she got psychedelic in the soup and deceived his bloodroots! !

So angry, so angry!

In fact, what he cared about was not the bloodroot at all, but Nalan Faling actually lied to him. He didn't come to apologize at all. It was all for the bloodroot. He was so good to her...


Are you good to her?

It seems not. . . .

Why are you so angry?

Yao Tao suddenly calmed down and frowned tightly. Could it be because he...

No no no no!

This is impossible!

He is not a beast! Not to do things that are inferior to animals...

But why does Zhijiao have the urge to kiss her?

Ahhhhh! Is he really a beast?

At this moment, Yao Tao was tortured crazy by himself!

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