Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1419: Tian Yiheng taking advantage of the fire

Humph! Nalan Xueling, I must catch you! Let you dare to provoke me!

The angrily Yao Tao didn't rush back to Yao Wangzong anymore, he moved quickly towards Dapingcheng.


In the Yunlai Inn, Moshang Wind Chime was still a little anxious. After all, it was getting dark. At this time Moshang Wind Chime finally came back, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth. With a shake of his palm, he took out a jade box and put it inside. It's bloodroot.

"Mother, this is bloodroot grass!" Nalan Xueling handed the jade box to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue stretched out her hand to take it, and asked, "Aren't you embarrassing others?"

"No, no, I invited him to a meal. It was grilled fish and chicken and mushroom soup that I personally made. We ate very happily and everyone was happy, and then he took the initiative to give me bloodroot." Nalan Xue Ling smiled and said, he really took the initiative, and she didn't force him.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue squinted suspiciously.

is it? Why do you feel that there is a lot of water in this statement, so you can't believe it?

"Well, it's true that I cook for him. We did get along very happily, but I secretly gave him the psychedelic dispersal later, and then he took the initiative to give me the bloodroot. , I detoxified him when I left." Under Mu Qianyue's sharp eyes, Nalan Xueling said with a guilty conscience.

This is the best solution, otherwise other methods will make him worse!

Thinking of Yao Tao's crazy appearance, Nalan Xueling couldn't help laughing in her heart.

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips evoked a touch of helplessness, and she could only wait for the next time she met that boy to compensate him.

"Well, I will refine the True Blood Pill in the next few days."

"Mother, don't worry, we will take care of Grandpa." Nalan Xueling said.

Jiujiu's little face also showed a firm look.


Here, after Yao Ning, Hua Yun, and Ouyang Ying escaped from Daping City, they ran all the way to the mountains and forests outside the city before stopping.

The three men are panting, as embarrassed as they are.

Yao Ning panted heavily, his face was pitch black and green, and he was no longer handsome and gloomy. He held the trunk of the tree and his body couldn't help shaking. The burning of the martial soul caused damage to his martial soul and strength. It also dropped a lot.

His youthful appearance is maintained by his strength, so Wuhun's injury is the most manifested in his appearance.

He looked much older at this moment, and seemed to be several years old instantly.

"Cough cough cough..." Because of his anger, he couldn't help but coughed up a large mouthful of blood, his face became paler.

"Damn bastard, little beast, don't let me catch him, or I will tear his skin!"

"That little beast is definitely a shack, otherwise he can't be so strong!" Hua Yun's condition is not much better, her hair is messy, her clothes are ragged, and her face is bruised. His face is extremely miserable.

You must know that Yao Ning had cultivated for nearly a hundred years before he reached the level of the **** emperor today, and that kid was only four years old, how could he have such a strong strength, even if he started cultivating in the womb, it is absolutely impossible!

and so……

"Huh! I won't let them off easily! And that **** woman!" He dared to poison them secretly. What kind of poison is this? The poison is so overbearing, even the strength of his **** emperor is a bit overwhelming. Can't stay.

"Master, I can't hold it anymore, let's find a place to find an antidote..." Ouyang Ying's cheeks were swollen high, and they were almost unable to distinguish the original face.

"This seems to be the Tianshan Mountain, then let's go to Tianmenzong first..." A light flashed quickly in Yao Ning's eyes. As his Dan King, Tian Yiheng would naturally welcome him incomparably.

After that, the three of Yao Ning immediately went to Tianmenzong with all injuries.

Tian Yiheng couldn't help but stunned when he saw Yao Ning who was embarrassed, and hurriedly asked, "Senior Yao Ning, this is..."

Yao Ning waved his hand in embarrassment, saying in a difficult tone, "We were tricked by a few villains when we were collecting medicine in the mountains and forests."

"Oh? Who can count on Senior Yao Ning, you seem to be a **** emperor?" A shock flashed in Tian Yiheng's eyes.

"Hmph! I saved those people with good intentions, so I didn't have any defenses. I never thought they would count me for a few medicinal plants." Yao Ning said angrily, and immediately raised his head to look at Tian Yiheng, "I want to borrow here. In a few days to recover, Sect Master has no opinion, right?"

"Of course there is no objection. Senior Yao Ning can come to my Tianmen Sect. It is really an honor for my Tianmen Sect. I welcome it." Tian Yiheng smiled, but his eyes flashed with brilliance.

"Don't worry, I won't live in vain these days." Yao Ning coughed a few times and said with a pale and weak face.

"Senior Yao Ning is really joking. Just stay here, I will order someone to arrange a place for you." Tian Yiheng said.

Then Yao Ning, Hua Yunchan, and Ouyang Ying settled down in Tianmenzong.

As the king of pill, Yao Ning naturally carries a lot of herbs, and his name is not empty, so in only five days, he refined the antidote and completely detoxified his body.

And these five days Huayun and Ouyang Ying's injuries also recovered and healed completely.

However, Yao Ning’s injury did not heal so quickly. After all, he burned Wuhun. The damage was huge and difficult to cure. He basically spent five days studying the antidote, so Wuhun’s injury was just Temporarily control it.

But there was no medicinal material to heal Martial Soul in his space, which made him angry and anxious.

"Yao Ning, this is the Heavenly King Sect, why don't you ask the Heavenly Sect Master if there are any medicinal materials for martial arts in his hands?" Hua Yun said lightly.

At this moment, she wore a rouge-colored veil, her face was charming and charming, and she had completely recovered. She did not have the awkward appearance of the day. She is now like a fairy Lingbo, except that there is a bit of viciousness in her eyes.

Thinking of the events of that day, a touch of shame appeared in her eyes.

This is a shame that she has not been able to wash away in this life, only by killing those few people, can the hatred in her heart be wiped away!

Hearing the words, Yao Ning narrowed his eyes lightly and nodded, "It seems that this is the only thing."

Then Yao Ning found Tian Yiheng and told him what he wanted.

"Yes, my Tianmen Sect does have a medicinal herb that can heal martial arts injuries. It is called Martial Soul Flower. But this herb is extremely precious. It is a sacred artifact passed down by my Tianmen Sect for two to three hundred years. ..." Tian Yiheng frowned, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"As long as Sect Master Tian is willing to give me this martial arts flower, I am willing to exchange these pills with you." Yao Ning's palm was shaken, and three bottles appeared in his hand.

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