Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1436: Strong and unparalleled Mu Rufeng【2】


So contempt and insult them! Later they will let him know that frivolousness comes at a price!

"Since he wants us to go together, then fulfill him!"

"Yes! I've seen a dying person, I've never seen a dying like this! Let's go!" The other two snorted disdainfully, and moved towards Mu Rufeng.

The fierce moves came from the front, like the sky and the earth, which was terrifying.

I saw Mu Rufeng standing still, and the strong wind made him dance wildly, making his handsome face even more cold.

Surrounded by the three gods of the Xiao family, Wang Cheng rushed towards Mu Rufeng.

I have to say that the three of them cooperated very tacitly, and immediately blocked Mu Rufeng's front, left and right directions.

And behind him are Heixie and other Jingyue Pavilion disciples.

If he escaped, those Jingyue Pavilion members behind him would be killed by one blow.

They wanted Rufeng to fight, and if they didn't fight, the people behind him would die.

Would Mu Rufeng fail to understand? A cold and wise light surged in the black phoenix eyes.

But the faces of Hei Xie and others were full of worry, and they shouted one by one, "Palace Master Feng, go!"

"Hall Master Feng..."

Now that the three **** kings are attacking at the same time, why is Hall Master Feng still standing still?

In this case, either Hall Master Feng is very strong and confident enough to defeat the opponent, or Hall Master Feng cannot escape their pressure...

But Black Scorpion and others think the latter is more common.

After all, when Hall Master Feng went out to practice a year ago, he seemed to have just reached the strength of a Tier 1 God King!

Even if Hall Master Feng's talent is excellent and abnormal, it will never be possible to jump to the realm of a high-level god!

Being able to advance to the first level is already a great fortune! In the later stages, every step up is extremely difficult! Some people can't make any progress even for several years!

Just among the different expressions of everyone, I saw Mu Rufeng move.

Seeing that the majestic palm strength was about to fall on the top of his head, only Mu Rufeng's figure moved, the whole person jumped out like a ghost, and he kicked the opposite person with a'boom' mercilessly. On the Tier 1 God King!

That person was the weakest among the three. He didn't expect that Mu Rufeng would shoot directly at himself, and he was kicked out immediately. He ended up like Shangguan Leng Yi. He was instantly seriously injured and lying on the ground half dead!

When Mu Rufeng jumped out of his body, he also escaped the attacks of the Xiao family ancestor and another Xiao ancestor.

This scene stunned everyone in Black Scorpion.

This this……

Although they knew that Hall Master Feng was very powerful, powerful, and awesome... but they didn't expect Hall Master Feng to be so awesome!

"Don't worry, these three are not his opponents." Tong Xiaoxiao snorted softly.

Hearing Tong Xiaoxiao's words, the hanging hearts of Heixie and others finally fell completely.

With hope of life surging in his eyes, Jingyue Pavilion was really saved this time!

In order to protect the last hope of Jingyue Pavilion, they did not hesitate to win with their lives to attract the main power of the Xiao family. Everyone was determined to die, but unexpectedly escaped...

But when they thought of their wives and children, those old and weak women and children were mercilessly slaughtered... One by one couldn't help but redden their eyes, and looked at the people of the Xiao family opposite with anger and hatred, wishing to swallow them alive!

"Ru Feng will avenge the dead, and will not let every brother in Jingyue Pavilion die in vain!" Tong Xiaoxiao's fist under his sleeve clenched tightly.

The ancestor of the Xiao family was taken aback, before he touched the other's clothes, the other party abolished one of the three!

"We two go together! Kill him!" The ancestor of the Xiao family roared in a low voice, his body moved, turned into a blast, and jumped out.

The other person stopped staying when he heard the words, and launched the strongest move and rushed up.

Now that the two of them know, this Mu Rufeng's strength is likely to be the same as them, both are the second-order **** king!

Therefore, the two of them directly launched the strongest attack, and at the same time, they each displayed their domain, and slammed toward the front Mu Rufeng!

Seeing the two figures rushing in anger, Mu Rufeng narrowed his eyes lightly, and the Azure Dragon bloodline talent unfolded without hesitation. The blood-red armor envelops his body, setting off his slender and cold body even more coldly. , As if to kill God!

A long blood-red hair danced wildly in the dark night, and the blood-red eyes looked even more strange and terrifying in the dark night.

"Speed ​​field, power field, superposition!"

A cold drink overflowed from Mu Rufeng's lips.

As his voice fell, Mu Rufeng instantly doubled his speed and strength by five times!

Coupled with the strength increase of the Azure Dragon Bloodline talent to pull the mountain range, the aura exuding from Mu Rufeng at this moment is extremely strong!


There were only two muffled sounds in the night sky.

Because the sky was darker, and the powers of the **** king level were extremely fast, almost everyone did not see what was going on, they saw that the ancestor of the Xiao family and the elder were kicked back!


The blood spattered, and the two of them hadn't landed in the air, and the blood kept spraying out of their mouths.


There were two muffled noises again.

The ancestors of the Xiao family and the elders of the Xiao family fell to the ground mercilessly, like dead dogs, they didn't even have the strength to resist the struggle.

Blood kept coming out of their mouths.

A figure slowly fell from the sky, and the black robes were incomparably cold, and it was Mu Rufeng who had condensed the breath of Qinglong's blood.

"Where are you...what is your strength?" The ancestor of the Xiao family raised his head and looked at the person in front of him unwillingly.

He finally became a Tier 2 God King. He thought he could show his glory, but he didn't expect that he was ruthlessly injured by the opponent.

Mu Rufeng’s foot seems simple, but it actually contains the aura of heaven. Coupled with the strength of the Azure Dragon’s bloodline and the five-fold increase in the power of the domain, the power of that foot will have a battle even if it faces a high-level god. Power!

What's more, it is an ancestor of the Xiao family who has just been promoted and is not very stable?

One kick is enough!

"Huh! You don't deserve to know!" Mu Rufeng stepped on his chest, and saw the sternum of the ancestor of the Xiao family suddenly sink.

Undoubtedly, that foot had already trampled all his breastbone off.


The terrible cry of the ancestor of the Xiao family resounded between heaven and earth.

And that Xiao's family was scared a long time ago...

Not only him, but everyone in Jingyue Pavilion also looked astonished.

Hall Master Feng is so strong! !


It seems that Hall Master Feng hasn't shown all his power yet, how strong is Hall Master Feng?


Everyone in the Xiao family's eyes are splitting.

"Do you really think that Jingyue Pavilion is good for bullying?" Mu Rufeng looked cold, and tried hard at his feet. The ancestor of the Xiao family, who was still majestic just now, completely turned into a dead dog, no breath.

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