Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1437: Come back! 【1】

Obviously he was trampled to death!

Stomping to death a Tier 2 God King, do you want to be so cruel?

They all suspected that the second-order **** king was made of tofu.

Can it be so weak?

The former Shangguan Leng Yi and that Tier 1 Divine King couldn't help but gasp.

The ancestor of the Xiao family is dead!

Die so easily!

Just now they were slapped and kicked, they were lucky!

Otherwise it is them who are dead at this moment!

The elder Xiao, who is close to Mu Rufeng, is also a second-order **** king. Seeing that even the ancestor is dead, he wants to run when he gets up...

It's just that he hasn't even ran two steps before he feels a force of strength following him.

Immediately after his chrysanthemum tightened, the whole person flew out involuntarily, flew out several tens of meters, hit a protruding tree fork, and penetrated his body...

Unwillingness surged in his eyes, and after struggling twice, he lost his breath.

This scene shocked everyone!

Hei Xie and the others raised their arms and cheered excitedly, but the eyes of everyone in the Xiao family showed fear.

What power is this?

So strong? !

"Your talent is indeed excellent! If you can't catch Mu Hong, it's the same if you catch you!" In the crowd, the old man slowly walked forward, and his eyes fell on Mu Rufeng's body, looking at it as if Just staring at a certain prey.

The old man's eyes were muddy, seemingly plain, but he gave people a feeling of palpitations and fear, as if his eyes could see everything.

Mu Rufeng suddenly became alert, the old man felt too dangerous for him, unfathomable.

At a glance, he could not see the strength of the opponent at all, he could only say that the strength of the opponent was too much higher than him!

"Xiao Xiao, you take everyone away first." Mu Rufeng's eyes became wary and said to the woman beside him.

Tong Xiaoxiao's eyes tightened, "Ru Feng..."

"Be obedient, you take them away first, I delay the time, and then rush over." The old man felt terrible to him, and he could only let the little ones go first.

Tong Xiaoxiao also felt something wrong, nodded in agreement, turned his head to look at Hei Xie and others, "You follow me, hurry up..."

"But Hall Master Feng..."

"It's okay, Rufeng will follow."

A group of people quickly moved behind.

But before they ran a few steps, they heard a muffled sound of ‘bang’, and a figure smashed down from mid-air. It was Mu Rufeng who smashed in front of them!

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's face was pale, blood pouring from his mouth, looking particularly scary.

"Ru Feng!"

Tong Xiaoxiao was stunned and rushed forward quickly, hugging Mu Rufeng's body.

"Cough, I'm okay..." Mu Rufeng raised his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, stood up leisurely, and looked at the old man with extremely solemn eyes.

"You are the emperor."

Just now, the old man just lifted out a palm lightly, and he was knocked into the air without any resistance, which proved that the opponent is at least a powerhouse of the God Emperor!

God Emperor level?

It is impossible for the Huanzhou Continent to have a strong God Emperor!

Never possible!

Otherwise, this news would have shocked the entire continent!

Mu Rufeng's words fell in the crowd and immediately exploded.

Especially Tong Xiaoxiao, Heixie and others were so horrified that their eyes almost fell to the ground.


Emperor? !

How can it be?

The emperor is a legendary existence!

How would it appear here? !

Is there a powerhouse in the Xiao family?


If there was a **** emperor in the Xiao family, he would have become the number one giant in the Huanzhou Continent!

And when the ancestor of the Xiao family died just now, the expression on the old man's face was light, without any fluctuations.

It is enough to prove that he is not from the Xiao family at all!

Not from the Xiao family, who is he?

However, their Jingyue Pavilion seems to be a powerhouse who has never provoked the God Emperor!

"Yes, I can guess my strength." The old man hummed softly.

Mu Rufeng's face suddenly became cold, and he did not expect that there would be a **** emperor hidden in the crowd!

It is no wonder that this time the Xiao family dared to take action on Jingyue Pavilion. It is estimated that it was all the old man's idea, and the Xiao family suddenly added three **** kings, which is probably the old man's method.

"You are not from the Huanzhou Continent." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

A flash of astonishment quickly flashed in the old man's eyes, and then he returned to calm.

What if he guessed right? Still can't change his fate of being caught alive!

Such an excellent talent is rare even in the Profound Sky Realm, enough to see that the ancient artifact is in the hands of the brother and sister!

The flash of surprise in the old man's eyes was caught by Mu Rufeng, confirming the guess in his heart, and Mu Rufeng's face became more solemn.

Hei Xie and others were even more shocked when they heard this.

Not from Huanzhou mainland? Could it be the Xuantian Realm? It seems that the sect master went to Profound Heaven Realm a year ago...

Could it be that this **** emperor came for the sect master?

No wonder the Xiao family forced the whereabouts of the sect master from the beginning!

No, even if they were dead, they couldn't tell the whereabouts of the master, not to mention where they didn't know where the master was in the Profound Sky Realm.

"Boy, you are really smart, but even if you guess it, it's useless. In the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain." The old man's eyes were full of disdain.

Mu Rufeng's heart gradually sank, and the hope that ignited in the hearts of Heixie and others gradually sank. In front of the emperor, they were like ants, without any resistance at all! Even Fengtang couldn't bear his trick, let alone them?

As long as the old man’s palm is blown off, they will become bone scum!

Rao is so, still no one flinches.

At the same time, they also wanted to understand a little bit. No wonder no one from the Bai family, Ling family, Mu family, Shangguan family dared to make a move this time! Even the temple is silent...

In the face of such heaven-defying strength, if anyone stretches out a helping hand, it is tantamount to annihilating the family, who dares to oppose a **** emperor?

Like these big families, which one has not been developed for nearly 10,000 years, the family population is not simply a few hundred people, but tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, not enough for a **** emperor to slaughter!

The other party can destroy a city with a wave of his hand, killing everyone!

Therefore, in the Bai family, Ling family, Mu family, Shangguan family, etc., as well as the temple, it can only be regarded as not knowing anything.

"If you follow me obediently, I can let these people go. If you refuse, it doesn't matter. If I catch you, I can kill them with ease." Appearance, said lightly.

"Hall Master Feng, no!"

"Hall Master Feng, we are not afraid of death! You must not go with him!"

"Hall Master Feng, we would rather die than yield!"

Before Mu Rufeng spoke, Heixie and the others couldn't help yelling.

This old man is obviously a bad person, who almost killed Jingyue Pavilion. If Hall Master Feng goes with him, will he have his life back?

Besides, Hall Master Feng appeared to save them. If Hall Master Feng does not come this time, he will be safe and sound! How did they let Hall Master Feng make the sheep into the tiger's mouth for them?

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