Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1438: Come back! 【2】

"it is good."

Mu Rufeng just pondered for a moment, then nodded and agreed that if he died alone, it would be worth the peace of everyone.

This old man was telling the truth. If he didn't agree, he would kill everyone and take him away, but the result would still be the same.

It's just that some people will die in vain.

In that case, why should he let them sacrifice for nothing?

"Ru Feng..." Tong Xiao was startled cautiously, with tears in her beautiful eyes and red eyes looking at him.

"Little, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you anymore..." Mu Rufeng held her hands reluctantly, his eyes fell affectionately on her face, and raised his hand to caress her face.

The old man nodded in satisfaction.

If these people in Jingyue Pavilion had cooperated earlier, they wouldn't have died so many people now.

Finally, a affectionate kiss was printed on Tong Xiaoli's forehead, and Mu Rufeng turned and walked towards the old man.

"Ru Feng, don't..." Tong Xiaoxiao cried at this time and became a tearful person.

"Hall Master Feng, don't go with him, we are not afraid of death!" Hei Xie and others shouted angrily.

Everyone in the Xiao family saw that the old man had promised not to kill the rest of Jingyue Pavilion, and all of them showed panic in their eyes, "My lord, don't...If you spare their lives, they will be a big disaster in the future..."

But the old man died in Mu Rufeng's hands, how could he not repay this hatred?

"This is not my business." The old man's face was full of disdain.

What is the result of the patient not following the patient, a small force in the Huanzhou Continent, can still affect his Biyu Palace?

Even in the Profound Sky Realm, his Biyu Palace is a top-notch existence, these people are nothing more than ants!

Can these people shake the foundation of Biyu Palace for thousands of years?

Hearing what the old man said, everyone in the Xiao family just wanted to vomit blood, but they didn't dare to say one more thing, that was the emperor!

Standing in the old man's Shangguan Leng Yi's eyes showed a contemptuous and cold look, hehe, even if Mu Hong was not killed, but Mu Rufeng was taken away, it seemed not bad! I believe that Mu Qianyue will go crazy when he comes back to learn about this!

Moreover, with his strength, he can also attack the rest of Jingyue Pavilion. Moreover, the Xiao family will not let Jingyue Pavilion go. Naturally, cutting the grass will eliminate the roots!

The old man promised not to kill them, but he and the Xiao family didn't agree, so this would not be considered a breach of contract.

At this moment, a few streamers swept across the sky quickly.

"Boom boom..."

Several figures smashed down from the air and landed in front of Shangguan Lengyi and the Xiao family.

It was the Xiao family who sent out to kill those talented elites, old and weak women and children in Jingyue Pavilion...

The Xiao family, who had killed Jingyue Pavilion after leaving the old man, couldn't help but stared in horror, and his eyes were full of panic. Are these few corpses on the ground the blood of his Xiao family?

"Young Master! Second Miss..."

Looking at those long dead bodies, the Xiao family's eyes were splitting, and they looked up at the falling figure in the air, furious, "Mu Rutian, Mu Ruke? Our Xiao family and your Mu family have nothing No grudges, you deceive others too much!"

Mu Rutian's handsome face was indifferent, "Sorry, I am from Jingyue Pavilion, I only represent Jingyue Pavilion, not Mu's family."

Hmph, those in the Mu family who were greedy for life and fear of death, no one was willing to come with him. In desperation, he had to come alone, but when he met his sister Ru Ke on the way, he happened to come together.

Mu Ruke also looked at the Xiao family with a cold and disdainful face. Standing beside her was Mu Qianyue's puppet, Mu Yifeng.

"You..." The Xiao Family Elder hadn't finished speaking. He only heard a few muffled sounds of ‘bang bang bang’, and a few more corpses fell from mid-air.

Ruthlessly smashed in front of the Xiao Family Elder and others.

"Second Young Master, Third Young Master, Fourth Young Master..."

Everyone in the Xiao family shook their bodies, only to feel that the sky had fallen at this moment.

"Xiao Family, you are too shameless! Colluding with a **** emperor to slaughter Jingyue City, if we don't take action, will you uproot the other five bloodlines in the future?" Feng Lingyu snorted coldly.

When Hei Xie and others saw Mu Rutian, Bai Longying, Feng Lingyu and others appear, they couldn't help breathing for a while, and their eyes sparked with excitement and hope.

Are the geniuses of Jingyue Pavilion and their wives and children still alive?

"None of our people died. On the contrary, we killed all the people sent by the Xiao family." Bai Longying seemed to see their thoughts and turned to him with a faint smile.

"Great! Miss Bai, Miss Feng, Master Feng, Master Mu, Miss Mu, thank you!" Hei Xie and the others burst into tears with excitement.

Everyone in the Xiao family paled again when they heard the words, their feet swayed, their faces filled with disbelief, all dead?

The Xiao family's hope is gone!

I thought that the geniuses of the Xiao family’s direct line sent out to kill some old and weak women and children. It was of little use, but I didn’t expect the corpses to be thrown in front of them at this moment...

Young geniuses are the hope of a family, and now these hopes are dead, leaving them as elders and collateral disciples, it is equivalent to no hope! How can the blood of the collateral line be stronger than the direct line?

The Xiao family is completely finished this time!

"Bai Longying! Feng Lingyu, Feng Lingyun, you are too much..."

"Do you want to be an enemy of my Xiao family?"

Elder Xiao Da screamed, his eyes burning with rage.


Damn it! ! !

"My lord, I beg you to be the master of my Xiao family, kill these people, and avenge the people who died in my Xiao family!" Elder Xiao turned his head to look at the old man in front of him, his legs weakened, and he knelt down against him. Begging.

Now only adults can kill these people.

The old man squinted his eyes lightly, and the cold light flashed across his eyes. He raised his head to look at Mu Rufeng and Bai Longying who were in front of him, "I wanted to let you go, but it seems that it is no longer possible. So, you have to die! "

When the voice fell, his whole body exuded with great horror.

"Be careful, everyone, he is the emperor, I am afraid we are not his opponents together." Mu Rufeng's voice was cold.

The faces of brothers Mu Rutian, Bai Longying, and Feng Lingyun became serious for a while.

He was right, the power of the **** emperor was too terrifying, it was not something they could contend!

Even if they are the geniuses of the Huanzhou Continent, even if they have reached the realm of the **** king at a young age, they still don't look enough in front of this old man!

"Kneel down to me!"

The ruthless and domineering voice overflowed from the old man’s lips, and endless aura came surging. Mu Rufeng and the others suddenly changed their expressions. They only felt a great pressure covering them, making them even have the strength to move. No more!

"Puff puff puff..."

A muffled sound rang.

Mu Rufeng and the others were all pale, and at the same time a mouthful of blood spurted out, clenched fists under the sleeves, resisting the coercion exerted by the old man.

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