Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1439: Come back! 【3】

At this moment, they actually gritted their teeth abruptly, and although their legs trembled, no one knelt down.

The old man's expression changed, these people could resist his pressure?

It's just a group of junior kings!

Just as he was about to put pressure on, suddenly a cold voice came from the sky, "Really so majestic! The little one-tier **** emperor, thought you could cover the sky with just one hand?"

The voice was ethereal and hard to find, but it easily broke the coercion of the old man.

Mu Rufeng and the others only felt that the coercion covering their bodies instantly disappeared like a low tide in a flood, and they all couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They raised their hands to wipe off the cold sweat on their heads. They only felt that their legs and feet were soft and a little unstable.

But they are more curious, who was that voice just now?

It can dissolve the coercion over them as soon as he opens his mouth. Could it be that the people here are more powerful than this old man?

One could not help but look up at the sky.

I saw a few streamers swiftly coming from a distance, and it came to my eyes in the blink of an eye.

One man and two women.

Three figures fell from the sky.


"Shallow Moon?"


"It's the master!"

"My master is back!"

Surprising voices sounded, and the faces of Mu Rufeng and others showed excitement, especially Heixie and others were so excited they were crying!

In just one night, they experienced the ebb and flow of life and death mood!

I thought that there was no doubt that they would die, but Hall Master Feng appeared and saved them from danger. I thought that everyone in the Xiao family could be killed, but a **** emperor appeared and threw them to prison again...

I thought that Jingyue Pavilion’s hope was gone, and their wives and children were massacred, but Mu Rutian and Bai Longying arrived in time to rescue everyone. Now everyone is thrown into **** by the old man again, thinking that this time it’s true. No doubt he must die, but the sect master came!

If they hadn't had a strong heart, they would probably be killed!

Do you want to be so exciting?

They just want to live well!

Mu Yan and Jin Yilan fell in front of everyone, showing their full momentum and unparalleled strength.

"Who are you?" The old man stared at Mu Yan and Jin Yilan gloomily, his face seemed calm, but there seemed to be waves in his heart, he couldn't even see the strength of these two people.

Are they stronger than themselves? Otherwise, why can't I see through?

"Which force are you from the Profound Sky Realm?" Mu Yan did not answer, but stared at him with gloomy eyes.

The old man was shocked when he heard the words, and the other party asked about the Profound Sky Realm as soon as he came, and he easily cracked his coercion in one sentence. After thinking about it, the old man turned and rushed towards the sky, he was planning to run!

Everyone in the Xiao family was taken aback, never expected that the old man would suddenly run away!

Isn't he the emperor? Isn't it awesome? Why did he run away when he saw three people coming?

He ran away, what would they do?

Everyone in the Xiao family was about to cry.

What about Jingyue Pavilion? What made the Xiao family the number one giant in the Huanzhou Continent? Why is the emperor so unreliable?

"Huh! Want to run?" Mu Yan moved his feet, and immediately chased him up, kicking him back from the sky.


The old man who was still majestic and majestic in the world just now slammed down from the sky, smashing the ground out of a huge pit.


The old man vomited a big mouthful of blood, and he looked pale and horrified at Mu Yan, "You, you... are you a high-level emperor?"

Although he didn't see the strength of the opponent, he could kick himself out of the air with one kick, he couldn't do it without the strength of a high-level god!

"Huh! Dare to come here to run wild, slaughter the city, and find death!" Mu Yan looked cold, and stepped on again, directly breaking the old man's legs, causing him to sweat.

In front of Mu Yan, he was like an ant, without a trace of resistance.

Everyone in the Xiao family was stunned long ago, staring in horror, their legs trembling...

No wonder he ran away when he didn't agree with him, because he was not the enemy of the other party's one move!

This time the Xiao family is really over!

Suddenly, everyone in the Xiao family was ashamed, their faces filled with despair, their bodies trembling and fell to the ground. Only the powerful aura radiating from Mu Yan's body was able to defeat their minds. All the lines of defense...

But Hei Xie and others stared in excitement. Where did the master find the master? It turned out to be a senior **** emperor!

That awesome Tier 1 God Emperor was in front of him, not even an ant! !

This time "Papa Papa" slap in the face is really cool, it's really relieved!

"Say, who are you from the Xuantian Realm?" Mu Yan looked at him coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"I said, will you let me go?" The old man looked at him with fear.

"You don't have the right to choose!" He continued to step down, and it was the old man's egg that exploded, and his heart-piercing screams rang from the world.

Shangguan Leng Yi had been frightened by this scene a long time ago, with trembling lips. He thought he could kill everyone in Jingyue Pavilion in one fell swoop. He didn't expect Mu Qianyue to return at the critical moment, and he also found a more powerful helper! !

I heard that Mu Qianyue went to Xuantian Realm, didn't she?

In fact, he knew the news that Mu Qianyue had gone to the Profound Sky Realm a long time ago, but he never told the old man about the news, just to take revenge on himself by the old man's hand!

But when he never expected to succeed, Mu Qianyue came back...

"Since it's all dead, I would rather die than say it!" The old man's eyes widened and he directly chose to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

"Hmph, I thought I was dead, so I can't find out?" Mu Qianyue on the side stepped forward, stretched out his hand and patted his lower abdomen, and saw that the old man's Dantian had a blue martial arts soul.

A diminished version of the old man was vaguely visible in the Wuhun.

"Ah, what do you want to do?" The old man in Wuhun's face looked at Mu Qianyue in horror as if he was watching a ghost, and shouted in horror.

He thought he was hiding inside, and when Mu Qianyue and the others were gone, the soul body would flee back to the Profound Heaven Realm. Now it seemed that this hope was dashed!

"Of course it's devouring you!" Mu Qianyue's lips curled up and killed her disciple. How could she let him go so easily?

The Jiulong Soul Devouring Art in the body started running, and the old man’s martial soul was immediately absorbed by Mu Qianyue. At the same time, there was also the memory of the old man when he came to the mainland of Huanzhou...

"Biyu Palace!"

Mu Qianyue stood up with her fists under her sleeves gently clenched.

"What? He is from Biyu Palace?" Mu Yan and Jin Yilan both changed their expressions when they heard the news. They thought that as long as they didn't come back, Biyu Palace would not know about the ancient artifacts...

But before they came back, the people of Biyu Palace had already found the Huanzhou Continent!

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