Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1440: The end of the Xiao family

They were careless! Fortunately, this time I came back, otherwise the Jingyue Pavilion that Yue'er worked so hard to create would be completely destroyed!

Mu Qianyue's eyes were also filled with cold light, never expected the people from Biyu Palace would come here!

Turning his head and looking at the owner of the Xiao family, he killed them all, leaving none.


Everyone in Jingyue Pavilion nodded excitedly, picked up the knife in their hand, and walked towards the Xiao family.

An angry, bloodthirsty light flashed in their eyes. They did not forget how the Xiao family was arrogant just now. Now that Feng Shui is turning, it is time for them to take revenge. Black Scorpion raised the big knife in his hand and shouted loudly. Brothers, it's time to avenge our dead brothers!

Waiting for the end of the Xiao family is only a ruthless massacre. Jingyue Pavilion, which was originally facing destruction, had a big turnaround at this moment. No one expected the consequences would be like this!

The hundreds of people brought by the Xiao family this time were all punished and killed. No one survived. It was not that they were cruel. If not this time, Mu Yan and the others arrived in time, waiting for them is the fate of being slaughtered. Therefore, you should not be kind to these people.

If people want to kill me, I will kill them.

"Sect Master, fortunately you are back..."

"Yes, sect master, if you didn't come back, we wouldn't see you again!"

"The sect master, my brothers are dead..." After they killed everyone in the Xiao family, they surrounded Mu Qianyue. You said every word, as if they had found the backbone of the master.

"Sect Master, what should I do with this person?" Hei Xie and Bai Xie walked to Mu Qianyue, holding Shangguan Leng Yi.

"The sect master, this guy brought the emperor to our Jingyue Pavilion to make trouble, and he was also the person who instigated the Xiao family to deal with our Jingyue Pavilion!" Bai Xie said angrily and kicked Shangguan Leng as he said. Easy to kick.

"It's you." Mu Qianyue's faint gaze fell on his face, and he recognized at a glance that he was Shangguan Lengyi.

For the sake of the ancestor of Shangguan, he spared his life. After all, Shangguan Lengyi did nothing bad at that time, but she never expected that it was because of the things that year that Shangguan Lengyi hated him for so many years. , And almost killed Jingyue Pavilion, so many brothers who died, knew that he should be killed directly!

"We will dispose of him later, first collect the bodies of the dead brothers, and I will give them an injection to save people!" Mu Qianyue just glanced at Shangguan Lengyi coldly, and said to Hei Xie and others.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, yes! How did they forget that the sect master has the ability to come back to life! Brothers will not die, the master can definitely save them!

If others say this, they will definitely think that that person is a lunatic, but when the sect master says this, no one will doubt her, because they have seen the sect master save the dead green scorpion!

That was what they saw with their own eyes. Now the sect master wants to show this kind of heaven-defying medical skills, so they stared with excitement for fear of missing this wonderful scene.

When Shangguan Lengyi heard such words, his face couldn't help showing a touch of mockery. What kind of joke was to bring the dead back to life. Is this possible?

Moreover, this is not a dead person, but dozens of them. Even if she has the Golden Lotus Resurrection Pill, there are no dozens. The Golden Lotus Resurrection Pill is extremely precious, and it is said that there are only three in the entire Jingyue Pavilion!

No one paid any attention to Shangguan Lengyi's thoughts, but was busy carrying the corpses one by one, sorting them, and then lined them up neatly.

Since Mu Yan and Jin Yilan appeared, Mu Rufeng's eyes have been locked on them from beginning to end, and his body can not help but tremble. This is...

"Big brother, sister-in-law." Mu Qianyue looked at Mu Yan and Tong Xiaoxiao, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and pointed to Mu Yan and Jin Yilan next to her, "This is our father and mother."

"Father, mother, this is the eldest brother and sister-in-law.,"

"Feng'er..." Jin Yilan's eyes flushed immediately, and tears fell instantly.

"Feng'er." Rao Shi Mu Yan's eyes were red, and a little tear slipped from his eyes.

It's not that a man has tears and doesn't flick it lightly, but that he hasn't been sad.

After all, after so many years of separation, after so many years of forbearing, seeing the relatives here at this moment, naturally, I can no longer hide the sadness in my heart.

Regardless of whether they are powerhouses of the Emperor God level, they are also affectionate people!

As long as it is human, there will be sad moments!

"Daddy..." The always strong and cold man, with red eyes, threw himself into the arms of Mu Yan and Jin Yilan.

Tong Xiaoxiao stood aside obediently, not daring to disturb, but her beautiful eyes were filled with happy tears.

Rufeng and his family are finally reunited!

Mu Qianyue watched this scene with a smile, and looked around the crowd, "All the injured will stand here."

Hearing this, all the people who suffered serious or minor injuries came over and stood still in front of Mu Qianyue.

The realm of life exudes and envelopes everyone, and the injuries on everyone are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...

But for a moment, everyone's injuries have fully recovered.

"Thank you master!"

The crowd shouted in unison, looking at Mu Qianyue's eyes with a light of fanatical worship, like looking up at the gods in the sky.

"Sect Master, all the dead brothers have been arranged!" At this time, Hei Xie walked over with a solemn expression.

It wasn't that he had never thought about using the Golden Lotus Resurrection Pill to save people, but there were only three Jinlian Resurrection Pills, so many people died, and he really didn't know which one to save.

"Yeah." Mu Qianyue nodded lightly.

There are also several pill masters in Jingyue Pavilion. They have also learned the Yin-Yang acupuncture method taught by Mu Qianyue. Although they have not reached the highest level of ninety-nine and eighty-one needles, there are 36 needles, 54 needles, etc. Wait.

Under the command of Mu Qianyue, these pharmacists suture the broken limbs and residual arms of the corpses with needles and threads, using silk threads made of special medicinal materials, which are most suitable for sutures wounds, broken veins, etc. .

And bones.

But Mu Qianyue flicked her palm, took out a set of silver techniques, and began to inject needles to save people, so everyone cooperated with each other.

The corpse in front of him was not someone else, it was Mo Yang.

At first there was a conflict with Mu Qianyue, but because Mu Qianyue saved his sister Mo Ying, her attitude changed. Not only him, but the entire Mo family joined the Jingyue Pavilion.

This time Mo Yang sacrificed to protect Jingyue Pavilion.

Ninety-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one silver needles, suspended in the air under the control of Mu Qianyue's true essence, pierced Mo Yang's acupuncture points at various points in the next moment, with no error at all.

In an instant, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth surged violently, forming a rain of spiritual rain above Mo Yang's body, and then all poured into his body.

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