Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1455: The end of Yang Qinchun [2]

"Yao Fei, I'm sorry, are you still hating me for what happened that day?" Yao Xin's eyes were full of tears, and she looked at him pitifully, crystal clear tears swirling in her eyes, hanging but not falling.

Yao Fei's heart hurt suddenly, and he couldn't help but said, "Xin'er, you know, no matter how ruthless you are to me, I won't resent you. I just hate that I don't have the talent like Huoxi. You look down on me..."

A faint smile hung on the corner of Yaoxin's mouth, but there was a sad color in her beautiful smile, "Really? I think you and her have a very good relationship..."

"No! Xin'er, no one can replace you in my heart! She was just me who was drunk for a while and regarded her as you... That day~ What you said hurt my heart..." Fei explained quickly.

His words made Yang Qinchun's face pale instantly, and she never expected that this man who had been with her for nearly a year would say such things! Although this is the case, after all they have been a couple for so long!

No matter what, there will be a little love between husband and wife, right? But in front of Yaoxin, he anxiously wanted to get rid of it! It seems that she is so dirty and annoying!

This was a great blow and shame to her!

Yang Qinchun turned her head and saw Mu Qianyue's appearance as if she was watching a good show, her face instantly turned ugly, she bit her lip, her eyes were full of humiliation.

"Husband, that day~ I saw you heartbroken. I wanted to comfort you. I didn't expect that you would mistake me for Yaoxin... But my innocence was indeed given to you... Although I don’t have the looks and talents of Yaoxin, I am definitely the person who loves you the most in this world!” Yang Qinchun said with tears, his hands tightly grasped Yao Fei’s wrists, teardrops on her delicate face , I see pity.

Yao Fei was indeed moved by her words, and Yang Qinchun had indeed spent a lot of attention on him these days, gentle and considerate, and meticulous.

Yao Fei looked at Yao Xin and then at Yang Qinchun, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Yao Xin bit her lip lightly, her eyes filled with tears, "Forget it, Yao Fei, I'm not embarrassing you..."

After that, he turned around and left. Yao Fei grabbed his sleeves, "Xin'er, are you...willing to stay by my side?"

Yao Xin's body trembled lightly, and slowly looked back at him, "You already have her by your side... You know, what I am after is the kind of love that lasts for a lifetime. I want to share my husband with other women. , I can't do it! I would rather bless you!"

Gently closing his eyes, a drop of crystal tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, and it hurt Yao Fei's heart deeply.

Yao Fei clutched her hand tightly, with an expression of excitement in her eyes, perhaps because of excitement, she grasped Yaoxin's hand without feeling hard.

"Xin'er, what are you talking about?"

What does Xin'er say? Do you like him? Did he understand it wrong?

"I... I thought I didn't like you... But when you are not by my side, I always think of you, so I know how important you are to me... But you already have her by your side..." Xin said quietly.

Yao Fei only felt that his mind was blank, only Yao Xin's words kept echoing in his mind, making his whole person extremely excited.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hug Yaoxin tightly in his arms, his eyes filled with extremely happy satisfaction, he only felt that he was the happiest man in the whole world...

It turns out that Xiner liked him, but Xiner didn't realize it before!

that is really good! He did not wait in vain!

God is kind to him!

Now he has to thank the Sect Master for driving Xin'er out of Yao Wangzong, otherwise Xin'er would never realize this.

In fact, what Yao Fei didn't know was that the person he should be grateful to was not Sect Master Yao, but Mu Qianyue.

Because all of Yao Xin's arrangements were made by Mu Qianyue, she made Yao Xin accept Yao Fei's affection.

At the beginning, Yao Xin came out to seduce Yao Fei. The remarks that Yao Xin said were for Mu Qianyue's sake. Who made Yang Qinchun dare to offend her master? So deliberately use Yaofei to attack Yang Qinchun!

From behind, Mu Qianyue felt that Yaoxin seemed good together. So Yaoxin accepted Yao Fei’s feelings...

So there was this scene.

Mu Qianyue puts her hands around her chest, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Lady, I'm jealous." A gentle and sour voice came from the man.

Mu Qianyue whispered the corner of her mouth silently, turned her head to meet his beautiful purple eyes, stretched out her hand and touched his face, and asked suspiciously, "Jealous? Why are you jealous?"

She doesn't seem to be doing anything, right? Didn't talk to any man!

And now Tiange only loves her with friends and relatives, okay?

What kind of vinegar is this?

"Lady, did you feel bad for Huo Xi when you gave medicated medicine finger to fly?" Nalanjing's voice was obviously jealous.


Hearing this, Mu Qianyue almost didn't smile.

"Dear husband, you think too much. I just think it's good to take Yaofei down, so he is also an eight-pin pill pharmacist." Mu Qianyue twitched the corner of her mouth silently.

Using the blood of the gods to accept the medicine fly, a little reluctant.

But using Yaoxin to subdue him is different. The key is to save a puppet quota.

Yao Fei loves Yaoxin so much, he will definitely obey her.

However, she will not be entangled in Huo Xi again if she administers Yao Xin's finger.

Otherwise, Huo Xi wouldn't be annoyed by being entangled by Yaoxin, so he would leave Feibao Tower to relax.

Hearing that the jealousy on Nalanjing's face was less.

Mu Qianyue looked at the sky speechlessly, who said that men don't need to coax?

The man in her family needs to coax...

When Yang Qinchun saw Yaoxin and Yao Fei hugging each other, he was mad for a long time to say about the love of a couple for life!

Yaoxin, this bitch, is definitely on purpose! !

Before she had a seizure, Yao Fei's voice rang, "Xin'er, don't worry, I won't let you share me with other women. I have enough of you in my life and I won't look at other women again!"

His voice is soft and pleasant, like a spring breeze.

After that, he turned his head and said to Yang Qinchun beside him, "Yang Qinchun, you go back and go back to Yunying Nation. We will have nothing to do in the future. I will give you some pills as compensation."

Hearing this, Yang Qinchun felt like five thunders, and only felt that his entire mind was blank.

Although she didn't like Yaofei and wanted to leave, she liked Huoxi from beginning to end, but she would never allow herself to be abandoned!

I think her dignified Princess Yunying was abandoned by a man. If this spreads out, how will she behave in the future? How can she have a reputation?

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