Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1456: The end of Yang Qinchun [2]

Yao Fei asked her to leave. Although she didn't mention the word "Xiu Shu", there is almost no difference between this and being Xiu!

This is a great shame to her!

If the father and queen mother knew about this, she would be crazy with anger!

Marry after being divorced, he will definitely not marry a man with such a good status as Yao Fei...

She even wondered how to become the position of Madame Yao Feizheng. Her wish had not been fulfilled, and she almost died of anger when she heard this!

Especially the person who wants to take Yaofei is still Yaoxin, why is she willing?

"Husband, they all say that you are so unsympathetic to me for a day? You let me go, where can I go? What is the difference between me and being divorced? Going back will only make people laugh and despise! Besides, I won't marry anyone else except you..." Yang Qinchun said sincerely, very touching.

Yao Fei frowned.

"Husband, I know you like Yaoxin, I don't mind if you marry her, but don't you chase me away, okay? I am yours in this life and this life..."

Seeing that his complexion seemed to loosen, Yang Qinchun hurriedly continued crying, playing a card of sympathy.

"Yang Qinchun, let's go! I promised Xin'er that if she is only a wife in this life, she will not break her promise. I can only bear you." After a pause, Yao Fei said firmly.

Yang Qinchun saw that it didn't work what she said, her complexion couldn't help becoming savage, and she looked up at Yao Xin's eyes full of anger.

"Bitch! It's all you! You killed it!"

When the words were over, she rushed towards Yaoxin and grabbed Yaoxin's delicate face with her claws.

She wants to tear up Yaoxin's attractive face!

If it weren't for the **** Yaoxin who appeared and deliberately said this to Yao Fei, how could Yao Fei treat her like this?

It's just that before her hand caught Yao Xin's face, Yao Fei pushed her away.

I saw Yao Fei with a cold face, looking at her coldly and mercilessly, and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Yang Qinchun looked extremely aggrieved, and tears fell, "Husband, can't you tell? Yaoxin doesn't really like you at all! She has nowhere to go, so she is so gentle to you," Say something like this! When you have no use value, she will push you away again!"

Yao Fei's face sank, and he turned to look at Yao Xin, looking at her nervously with some expectation.

In fact, he thought about this just now, but he would rather believe Xin'er this time.

"Yao Fei, do you believe in her or me?" Yao Xin stared at him earnestly.

"I naturally believe in you." Yao Fei replied without thinking.

"That's good." Yao Xin nodded, and then raised her head to look at Yang Qinchun who was on the opposite side, her beautiful lips sneered and mocked, "As the nine-pin pill pharmacist, where am I going and who Wouldn't it be a god-like offering? Within five years, I will become King Pill. Which family or sect will try to win me over? Will I have nowhere to go?"

Yang Qinchun was taken aback by Yaoxin's words, and then he remembered that even if Yaoxin didn't have Yaowangzong's backing, she was still aloof, after all, she was there as a pill pharmacist!

But she herself is different. Without the Medicine King Zong, naturally she would not have these medicines and these statuses, and if she went back to Yunying Country, no one would take her to her. Besides, she is still in ruins. ...

If you want to marry into a first-class family and sect, it is probably impossible to be a regular wife, but the second-class family, sect, and even Yunying Country can't match, how can she be worthy of it?

"Yang Qinchun, if you leave now, the pill and compensation I promised you will still be counted." Yao Fei said coldly, and there was no trace of emotion in her eyes, as plain as a stranger.

But how did Yang Qinchun leave willingly?

Especially after she became Yao Fei's wife, the princess in the palace, the daughters in Cloud Studios, which one is not very envious?

Of course, she told them that she was Yao Fei's wife, not a concubine.

Now if she goes back, she will be laughed at to death by them!

"Husband, you can't drive me away, and without you, I can't live..." Yang Qinchun cried out heartbroken, holding Yao Fei's waist tightly with both hands, no matter if it is a street or not, will it be embarrassing Up.

Compared to being abandoned, this is nothing at all.

Yao Fei unfeelingly opened the fingers she was holding on his waist, "Don't pester me anymore, I only have Xin'er in my heart."

Yang Qinchun let go, his face was so gloomy for an instant, anger and murderousness flashed in his eyes, **** bitch!

Suddenly, her palm flickered, and a dagger appeared between her sleeves. When she moved, she stabbed at Yaoxin next to her. Because of the short distance, the dagger reached Yaoxin's chest in a blink of an eye and plunged suddenly!

Yao Fei grabbed the dagger with his bare hands!

The sharp blade cut through his palm, and blood ran down.

"Yang Qinchun, you really **** it!" Yao Fei grabbed the dagger in her hand with one hand, blasted it out with the other, and slapped Yang Qinchun on the chest.


Yang Qinchun spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, his face pale instantly.

She raised her head to look at Yao Fei's eyes with an unbelievable look, "You actually hit me?"

Having been with him for so long, although Yao Fei was relatively cold to her, at least he never hurt her!


With a crisp sound, the dagger was thrown on the ground.

"It's not me the damn! It's Yaoxin, a bitch!" Yang Qinchun roared, his face grim.

It must be Yaoxin who couldn't see her well, and deliberately embarrassed herself!

Immediately after Yao Fei's indifferent voice sounded, "I will write a letter of resignation now, and you will no longer be my concubine in Yao Fei!"

Yang Qinchun's face suddenly became bloodless with a sigh.

She screamed, "You can't dice me! Yaofei, you can't dice me..."

Yao Fei snorted coldly, and his eyes were full of disgust. He was supposed to be peaceful, so that they would not hurt each other's face and compensate her, but she didn't know what was good or bad, so she wanted to kill Xin'er! This cannot be tolerated!

The palm of his hand tore off a corner of the robe, bit his index finger, wrote a blood book on the spot and threw it on Yang Qinchun's face.

Looking at the blood book on the ground, Yang Qinchun couldn't help trembling all over, his eyes filled with incredibility and anger.

"Xin'er, let's go!" Yao Fei no longer paid attention to her, but took Yao Xin's hand and turned away.

Seeing Yang Qinchun's painful and angry appearance, Mu Qianyue had no sympathy in her eyes, only coldness. She asked for all this.

Originally, if she didn't deliberately make trouble for herself, and she didn't bother to pay attention to such a villain, but she ran into her own gun. If she didn't teach her a lesson, she really thought she was a bully!

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