Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1458: Revenge【2】

Mu Qianyue shook her head lightly, "No, I want to solve it by myself."

Just to consolidate strength.

A while ago, she had absorbed the martial spirit of that Biyu Palace **** emperor, which caused her strength to increase greatly.

Originally, when she was in Yaowangzong, she wanted to practice with Yaoning and Yaozihe, but this guy Jing, with one foot, they died...

Well, I want to keep the chance to practice hands.

Now there is a chance, but he can't let him do it again.

"Okay." Nalanjing pouted reluctantly.

The group quickly left the Medicine City, and under the leadership of Chu Tiange, headed towards Yongjin City...

Li Family

"The beast hasn't been found yet?" Patriarch Li was sitting in the first seat, his face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were even more terrifying, almost eating people.

He raised his head and asked the Sixth Elder in front of him.

The Sixth Elder shook his head, his face slightly solemn, "No. This time the four **** king killers in Lingyan Pavilion are also dead!"

Upon hearing this, Patriarch Li and several elders in the lobby showed horrified expressions.

"What? The four **** kings are all dead? It is said that the four **** kings, of which two middle-rank **** kings, and one reached the level of the seventh-rank **** king, how could they all die?" The elder was shocked directly He stood up from the position, his face was shocked and unbelievable.

"It's true, the entire army was wiped out, and Lingyan Pavilion also suffered heavy losses this time." Sixth Elder said.

"Damn it!!" Patriarch Li was so angry that his palm fell heavily, and a crack suddenly appeared on the table under his hand, showing the anger and hatred in his heart.

His son died in the hands of the beast, not only that, even some strong men in the family were killed by the beast!

In desperation, he had to spend a lot of money to invite people from Lingyange to take action, but he didn't expect Lingyange to miss repeatedly!

Is this still the Lingyan Pavilion that must be completed every time?

Counting this, the four waves of killers sent by Lingyan Pavilion have all failed!

"It seems that the people in Lingyan Pavilion are also very unreliable!" The elder said with a pale expression.

"Isn't it just a beast that can transform, how can I not find it? No, no matter how much it costs, we must find that beast and smash him into pieces!" Patriarch Li was furious, clenching his fist under his sleeve. Gurgling.

"Yes." The sixth elder nodded helplessly. The monster seemed to be the strength of the fourth-order **** king. I didn't expect that the seventh-order **** king of Lingyan Pavilion would have died in his hands this time. Could it be that he was really against the sky. Is it?

I am afraid that if we continue to kill, we will only lose money and people.

Without revenge, but also lost a lot of property, the strong sent will also fall...

But looking at the hatred of the Patriarch, he knew that all the words of persuasion he said were useless.

How could the Patriarch not be accounted for the enemy of murder?

Shaking his head, the Sixth Elder had to walk out of the lobby and continue to find the people in Lingyan Pavilion to take action.

However, since Ling Yan Pavilion's people took over this transaction, they would chase it all the way to the end. This was Ling Yan Pavilion's rules.

If the money is taken and the person hasn't been killed yet, it is estimated that Lingyange killer's regulations will be broken, I am afraid no one will find Lingyange to do business in the future.

Therefore, in order to maintain his reputation, Ling Yange will search for that monster at all costs and then kill him!

Only when the Sixth Elder had just stepped out of the yard, suddenly a woman's cold and merciless voice came from the sky, blasting in everyone's ears.

"Everyone in the Li family, get out and die!"

The woman's cold voice was stained with murderous intent, resounding like thunder over the entire Li family and in Yongjin City.

"En? Who is yelling outside?" Patriarch Li frowned unhappy.

"It sounds like a woman." The third elder's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Go out and see..."

And the six elders in the courtyard looked up. It didn’t matter if they didn’t look at it. He was startled, and he saw Chu Tiange at a glance. The gorgeous blond hair was flying in the air, very conspicuous, and he could see it at a glance. To.

"Patriarch, Patriarch... That Chutiange is here!" The Sixth Elder returned to his senses, and hurriedly turned and ran into the lobby, bumping into Patriarch Li and the others.

"What? That beast?" Patriarch Li stared in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe it.

The elders beside him were equally confused and shocked.

"Didn't the beast ran away? Why did he come back again?"

"He brought two helpers." The Sixth Elder said.

"Humph! He still dare to come, this time he must come back and forth!" Patriarch Li snorted angrily and quickly walked out of the lobby.

In Yongjin City, everyone heard someone from the Li family roll out to die, and their faces showed horror. They couldn't help looking up, and saw three figures floating above the Li family.

Two men and one woman, among them the woman has beautiful faces and cold eyes, like a surviving and independent fairy.

While everyone was amazed, doubts appeared in their eyes.

Who is this woman?

What a courage!

How dare you let the Li family get out and die?

Is her head showy?

The Li family is a first-class family in Yongjin City!

Patriarch Li and the others came out of the yard, looked up, and saw three figures standing in midair.

"Beast! We didn't look for you, so you dare to come! This time you must come back and forth!" Patriarch Li snorted, his figure moved, and his expression was extremely gloomy. On his body, it seemed to be poisoned.

When the words fell, his eyes quickly turned around Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing's body, and a touch of surprise appeared in his heart.

He didn't even see the strength of these two people for a while!

If you can't see the strength of the opponent, there are generally only two possibilities. One is that the strength of the opponent is higher than one's own.

And the men and women in front of them looked extremely young, younger than their own sons, and their strength would never be higher than their own. In this way, they must be equipped with a magic weapon to hide their strength!

"Old beast, who are you calling?" Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold.

"Smelly girl, this is the grievance between my Li family and this beast, you'd better not intervene! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you together!" Patriarch Li was so angry that his beard trembled and threatened in a deep voice.

"Old beast, I came here today to settle my grievances with your Li family!" Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with coldness.

The great elder and others also flew into the air, their eyes fell on Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing, disdainful of cold snort. "I said how dare this brute come back? It turned out to have found two helpers! It's a pity that these two helpers are too weak!"

"Hmph! I dare to come back and die! Just to kill these two people together, to avenge the young master, and give us the Li family's dead back!"

The voices of everyone fell, and a group of figures immediately surrounded Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, and Chu Tiange.

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