Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1459: The Depressed Li Family【1】

"Master, let me deal with these people by myself. I also want to practice my hands." Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes, and a touch of cruelty flashed through the golden pupils, falling on the Li Patriarch and others on the opposite side.

"Um... alright." Mu Qianyue looked at the sky speechlessly.

It's okay to let Tiange practice hands.

"Arrogant!" Upon hearing this, Patriarch Li's face showed fierce disdain.

His eyes locked on Chu Tiange with sullen and cold eyes. He could not be found before, but now he has come to the door! That's good, it saves him having to spend a lot of manpower and financial resources to find him!

The eyes of Elder Li Jiazhong and others also shone with contempt and mockery. I really don't know that the sky is huge!

Thinking that he is only Qiongqi, he can be an enemy of their entire Li family?

Ha ha... Even if he is the ancient beast Qiongqi, he is only a god-king level monster, why is he afraid?

"Patriarch, let me kill this beast!" The Third Elder said with a cold expression.

"Okay! Go!" Patriarch Li waved his hand disapprovingly.

Now Chu Tiange and the three of them have been surrounded, it is impossible to escape! Therefore, he is not in a hurry to do it now, he will torture him slowly!

I believe that the three elders are enough!

Many passers-by in Yongjin City stopped to watch and talked.

"Who is this blond man, dare to challenge Elder Li San, I heard that he is the ninth-order **** king, only one step away from the **** king!"

"Yes, isn't it looking for death to challenge Elder Li San?"

"It seems that this blond man killed the young master of the Li family, and this made the Li family furious."

"Then this enmity will become bigger..."

Among the people's discussion, I saw Elder Li San holding a long sword in his hand and constantly waving it, and a series of terrifying sword lights gleamed in the air, forming an airtight sword net.


The sword air hissed, tearing the air, making a sharp and piercing sound.

"Ah! This seems to be the unique swordsmanship of the Li family. I didn't expect that Elder Li San would use the strongest martial arts as soon as he came!"

"I heard that Elder Li San used this sword technique to kill the Tier 1 God Emperor a few years ago!"

"Then this man is dead!"

"Yeah, even Tier 1 Divine Emperor can be killed, let alone a kid who hasn't done anything! It seems that he is only in his twenties, and he will not be the opponent of Elder Li San..."

In the exclamation of everyone, the unparalleled sword light slashed over!

There was a sneer on Chu Tiange's cold and handsome face, his right hand clenched a fist, the true vitality in his body surged, and he quickly gathered towards his right hand.

Then, with a raised wrist, his fist blasted forward fiercely, facing the impenetrable and terrifying sword light!

Using the power of one hand to deal with Elder Li San’s Jian Mang, is his head showy?

You know this is no different than hitting a rock with a pebble!

Just when everyone thought Chu Tiange's hand would be cut off by Elder Li San's sword light, an astonishing scene happened!


There was a muffled sound.

I saw that Chu Tiange smashed the sword light of Elder Li San with a punch, and the huge shadow of the fist hit his figure. Elder Li San had a stature and opened his mouth with blood spurted out.

His body flew upside down and hit the Li Family Mansion below. A courtyard was instantly collapsed by him, and the dust was flying up and down.

Elder Li San was seriously injured by this punch, and he didn't even have the strength to get up!


Everyone opened their mouths wide and stared in surprise, lest they would be dazzled.


The opponent broke Li's unique swordsmanship with a punch? Also beat Elder Li San with a punch, seriously wounding?

What is the strength of this blond man? Is it the emperor?


Such a young emperor! !

No wonder he dared to come to Li's house to find something! It turned out to be a **** emperor!

Patriarch Li was also stunned, he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, his face was so gloomy, this kid had only the power of the fourth-order **** king before, so why could one punch defeat the third-elder of the nineth-order **** king?

A very simple trick, without any fancy, some just tough power!

This shows that the strength of the opponent is above the three elders!

"Are you a Tier 1 God Emperor?" Patriarch Li's gloomy gaze fell on Chu Tiange. Just now, Patriarch Li could see that Chu Tiange showed his strength and calm aura.

But Chu Tiange didn't do it before, so Patriarch Li did not see the strength of Chu Tiange.

"What? God Emperor?" When everyone in the Li family heard the words of the Li family master, they were all dumbfounded, and their faces were full of horror, full of unbelievable expressions.

"No! This is impossible!" Sixth Elder screamed, "A month ago, he was the fourth-order God King!"

It is almost impossible to become the emperor in such a short time!

But if he is not the emperor, how can he defeat the youngest with one move?

From the fourth-order **** king to the **** king, it seems that it hasn't even arrived for a month, right?

This is simply impossible!

Even sitting on a meteor is not so fast!

This is simply incredible!

No wonder that among the four **** kings sent out by Ling Yange this time, one of the seventh-order **** kings died in his hands. This can be explained...

But how did he jump from the fourth-order **** king to the sixth-order **** king?

The hearts of the Li family were full of doubt and shock.

"Asshole, I'll kill you!" The elder of the Li Family came back to his senses, his face was pale and angry, he couldn't help but roared, his hands claws into claws, and he slashed in the air!

Everyone exclaimed again.

"I heard that the elder of the Li family is a Tier 1 Divine Emperor, and has been in the Tier 1 Divine Emperor for 20 to 30 years, with a solid aura, it seems that he is about to break through the Tier 2 Divine Emperor..."

"This is Elder Li's most powerful thunderbolt palm! It is his fame stunt!"

"It seems that this blond man is not simple, he actually let Elder Li use his fame stunts as soon as he shot!"

"Who do you think wins and loses this time?"


Seeing Elder Li's attack, the faces of the onlookers couldn't help but become dignified, and they stared at each other. Such a battle is hard to see!

Elder Li's strength is obviously much stronger than that of Elder Li San. His palms and winds overlapped and screamed, smashing into the air, bringing a trace of thunder and lightning!

The air caused a dull sonic boom.

Everyone's hearts could not help but hung in their throats, as if they were the ones who were fighting him.

Mu Qianyue's expression was indifferent, without a trace of fluctuations, it was enough to deal with Elder Li with the strength of Tiange.

Nalanjing, dressed in white, stood still in the air, facing the surroundings of Patriarch Li and the others, with a calm face, as if they were not in a murderous encirclement, but standing in the clouds, watching life...

Looking up at the palms blasting in front of him and the power of thunder and lightning in the air, the corner of Chu Tiange's mouth could not help but a touch of disdain, and he also made a fist with his right hand and blasted out.

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