Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1460: Depressed Li Patriarch [2]


Another punch smashed all the palms of Elder Li.


There was a loud noise.

Elder Li's fate was not much different from that of Elder Li San. He was also blasted down and smashed into the Li Family Mansion below. Another room was instantly collapsed, and the sky was covered with dust...

"Oh..." Elder Li's face was pale, and he fell into the ruins full of wolves, vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, embarrassed.

Huh! !

Everyone was stunned again.

Previously, he blasted Elder Li San into a serious injury with an extremely relaxed punch. That was because his strength was higher than Elder Li San, so it was normal.

But now he hit the great elder severely...


How did he do it?

Elder Li has been in the first-order divine emperor for many years, and his aura is stable. It can be said that he is the pinnacle of the first-order divine emperor at this moment!

But he was defeated in the opponent's hand with one punch, no suspense!

Everyone in the Li family was already stunned!

A cold light flashed in Chu Tiange's golden pupils, and his figure moved, and he walked towards the dozens of Li parents who were surrounded by him.

Everyone saw a flash of black shadow in front of them, and before they could see clearly, Chu Tiange came to them at an extremely fast speed, like a teleport!

"Boom boom boom!!"

A dull voice sounded.

Then screamed constantly.

A group of figures fell from the sky like dead leaves, smashing into the Li Family Mansion below one after another. Suddenly, more than a dozen rooms were destroyed. The original beautiful Li Mansion suddenly turned into a pile of ruins.

Fortunately, the Li Mansion is huge, but only a part of the house was destroyed.

This scene caused the corners of everyone's mouth to twitch, and it felt like it was a face beating!

Before, they thought that the blond man would not be the opponent of Elder Li San, but Elder Li San was severely injured by his punch. The same was true for the Elder. Now he defeated all the elders of the Li family in an instant!

Even the Intermediate God Sovereign doesn't have such fast speed and ability!

Is he really a Tier 1 God Emperor?

"Asshole! Ahhhhh!!"

Just when everyone was too shocked, Patriarch Li came back from the astonishment, his face was so ugly that it was almost dripping with water.

The reason why the Li family can become the first-class family of Yongjin City is not only due to him alone, but these elders of the Li family are also indispensable. In addition to the great elder being the first-order **** emperor, the third elder is the pinnacle of the ninth-order **** king. Everyone else has the strength of a mid-level high-level **** king! Everyone can stand alone!

I thought that Chu Tiange’s appearance this time would be extremely easy to kill him, but I didn’t expect that all the elders of the Li family would be seriously injured in an instant, and two even were abandoned...

Is this a mistake? !

At this moment, there is no one beside Patriarch Li! Only he is left alone!

"This time I will personally kill you beast!"

Patriarch Li roared, flipped his palm, and a blood-devouring knife of the natal God Emperor appeared in his hand.

When the words fell, the figure moved and turned into a dark shadow, rushing towards Chu Tiange.

The blood-devouring knife in his hand was raised, and a terrifying cold light shone in the sun!

"Well, this Li Patriarch is a Tier 3 God Emperor, and can be dealt with with the strength of this kid, Tiange." As soon as Patriarch Li took a shot, Nalanjing saw his strength and muttered in a low voice.

Tiange this kid?

Mu Qianyue couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her mouth. It seems that you are not too old, right?


He speaks like an old-fashioned elder...

However, Tian Ge had just been promoted to the first-order **** emperor, and his aura was empty. This aura seemed a little weaker than that of the Li Patriarch, but since Jing said he could deal with it, he could definitely deal with it.

It seems that this time for revenge, you don't need to do it yourself. Tiange can pick the entire Li family alone.

Patriarch Li's heart was full of anger, his canthus was about to split, and his body's strength was surging like a river, rushing out with a single knife, even the air was distorted.

Chu Tiange flashed in his footsteps quickly and hid in a strange posture.

Patriarch Li's knife slashed mercilessly at the Li Mansion below, with a muffled bang, and a house was shattered in half under his incomparable blade!

What a powerful force!

Everyone was horrified. If this knife slashed someone, there would definitely not be a complete body!

As soon as Chu Tiange escaped the attack, Patriarch Li's second attack came immediately, giving him no chance to breathe at all!

The opponent's true vitality is like a vast ocean swarming in. This time Chu Tiange can't hide even if he wants to hide, so he can only quickly summon his natal soldiers and greet them fiercely.


Chu Tiange took a dozen steps back in midair before stabilizing his figure, and the blood inside his body churned.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was considering whether to transform. If he was transformed here, his identity as a beast would be exposed to everyone. At this moment, only the Li family knew that he was the identity of the ancient beast Qiongqi... …

"His life gate lies in the life root of his lower body." While Chu Tiange hesitated, Nalanjing's voice came over in a misty and misty voice.

"His sword skills seem fierce, but he has many shortcomings, so he attacked him on the left."

Chu Tiange's eyes lit up and he no longer hesitated. With a movement, he quickly swept out, avoiding the cold and bloodthirsty blade of Li Patriarch, and slashed towards Patriarch Li's left plate.

Patriarch Li was shocked, and hurriedly closed his sword to resist, and for a while the door of his lower body was exposed.

This is the time!

Chu Tiange kicked out fiercely and hit the root of Patriarch Li's lower body, only to hear a muffled sound of ‘bang’.

The egg is broken!

Kicked and exploded by Chu Tiange!

The blood instantly stained his robe and trouser legs.


The fate of Patriarch Li is not much better than that of the elders of the Li family. On the contrary, it is more miserable. They were seriously injured anyway, and he was the man’s life~ The roots were exploded and the eggs were broken...

This means that he will never be humane anymore!

The crowds onlookers couldn't help shivering. They felt that their legs were whizzing cold, and they couldn't help clamping their legs.

There was a trace of fear in the eyes of Chu Tiange...


Family Master Li screamed in pain, fell from the air, fell into the ruins below, and was seriously injured again.

Chu Tiange's figure flew down from the air and landed in front of Patriarch Li and the others, his long sword exuding a cold and bloodthirsty glow.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing fell by Chu Tiange's side one after another, and neither of them had made any moves from beginning to end.

However, Mu Qianyue knew that the reason why Chu Tiange defeated the Li Family Master so easily was because Na Lanjing saw the flaws in the Li Family Master's sword technique at a glance.

"I couldn't kill you a month ago. I didn't expect your beast's strength to grow so fast!" Patriarch Li vomited a mouthful of blood, his face pale and his eyes looked at Chu Tiange hatefully.

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