Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1461: Depressed Li Patriarch [3]

"Today you have this fate, it is your fault!" Chu Tiange snorted coldly.

"Bah! You are just a beast that can transform. If my son likes you, you should obediently mount him! Even dare to resist? But I didn't expect you to run away last time. Become a Tier 1 God Sovereign within a month!" Patriarch Li's eyes didn't have a trace of repentance, but a hideous expression.

"Some people are inferior to beasts. Relying on family strength, they want to do whatever they want?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and looked at Patriarch Li with cold eyes. This **** opened her mouth and cursed Tiange as a beast when she died!

What happened to Warcraft?

In her eyes, sometimes Warcraft is more affectionate and more loyal than humans!

Unlike the human world, it is full of intrigue and vicious calculations...

It looks kind on the surface, but he might stabbed him in the back.

One month ago, the young master of the Li family accidentally saw Chu Tiange’s incarnation of a monster, the ancient beast Qiongqi, and he thought of conquering. At that time, Tiange had just gone through a battle and was already seriously injured. The young master took advantage of the danger, led the Li family to besieged Tiange, forced Tiange to surrender, and finally was rushed out of the siege and killed him!

Patriarch Li was furious and led people to hunt and kill.

Now that I shamelessly say that Tiange is convinced by Tiange, he still has to be a mount for him?

Who does he think he is?

Or do you think your face is bigger than others?


How could there be such a shameless person in this world!

Mu Qianyue was angry.

The crowd onlookers also rolled their eyes in disdain after hearing this. The Li family was really shameless!


But I didn't expect that this man with blond hair and golden eyes turned out to be a demonized monster!

I really didn't see it!

Although everyone's hearts were very suspicious and curious, no one dared to think about Tiange, but the fate of Patriarch Li and others was in front of them.

"The Li family was destroyed today."

Chu Tiange's voice was cold and light, as if he was stating a fact.

Since the enmity with the Li family has been forged, there is no need to save their lives.

When they arrested him and hunted him down, they were not merciful. Had it not been for the tremendous power of Qiongqi's bloodline to escape several times, I am afraid he would have died long ago!

Therefore, he will not relent in treating his enemies!

"Want to destroy my Li family? It also depends on whether you have the ability!" A hideous hatred evoked from the corner of Li Patriarch's mouth.

He flicked his palm and took out a round black stone with the universe and gossip on it.

The true vitality entered, and a dazzling white light flashed on the black stone.


With a heavy muffled sound, I saw a dazzling white light quickly rising from the underground of Li Mansion, enveloping the entire Li Mansion.

And Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, and Chu Tiange were just standing in Li's mansion, and they were enveloped in the white light together.

"This is the formation?" A hint of surprise flashed across Mu Qianyue's black pupils.

At this time, Patriarch Li had already gotten up from the ground, with a cold smile on his face and a terrifying expression, "Yes! This is my Li family's 600-year killing formation! Today I want you all to die here!"

There was resentment in his voice, madness, and a roar.

This killing formation was left by the ancestors of the Li family, and can protect the Li family from death at a critical moment. This is also the reason why the Li family can become the first-class family of Yongjin!

With this killing array, almost no one dared to provoke the Li family.

The huge formation envelops the entire Li family, nearly a thousand meters long, the sharp sword light slowly formed in the formation, hissing in the air, making people palpitate.

The faces of all the people in the outside view of the mansion showed horror.

"This is Patriarch Li activating the blood-drinking and killing array!"

"Oh my God! Drinking blood to kill the formation is extremely dangerous, one step wrong is death! It is said that even the **** emperor can be killed!"

"These three are dead this time!"

Patriarch Li stood opposite Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, and Chu Tiange, and laughed coldly, "Die! Die!!!"

While talking, he used his true energy to spur the gossip on the black stone.

The formation moves at high speed.

Mu Qianyue was horrified to find that Patriarch Li and others had been missing before her eyes, and she saw a vast expanse of whiteness around her. A sword glow formed in the air, and it was violently blown over.

"Be careful!" Nalanjing raised his hand and pulled Mu Qianyue into his arms.

The sharp sword light passed by her hair, and a strand of beautiful hair was cut off.

" all die, die, die!! This is the place of your burial!"

"Give up the resistance!"

"Because your resistance is useless, so it is better to give up resistance so that you can die without pain..."

Patriarch Li's crazy sneer sounded in the air, but no one was seen.

"His voice has a deceptive effect." Mu Qianyue's face sank, after experiencing so many illusions, at this moment she naturally heard Patriarch Li's voice with a bewitching aura.

"Don't worry, it's just a small killing array."

A cold light flashed in Nalanjing's purple eyes, and he saw his footsteps stepped forward, his palms flickered, and he took out the zombies, his sword qi hissed, the sword light volleyed, and he slashed to the left!


There was a muffled sound.

The killing array was immediately broken, all the white light disappeared, revealing a few figures in front of them, it was the Li Patriarch and others.

Patriarch Li still had an excited and stern smile on his face, but when he saw Mu Qianyue's three people in front of him, his eyes were incredibly big, and the smile on his face instantly froze.

"What?! This, this, this is impossible!!"

Why is this blood-drinking killing array gone? How did it stop working?

He quickly looked down at the black stone plate in his hand, "Hey..."

There was a crisp sound.

The black stone shattered and turned into powder.

When the formation is broken, the stone plate is naturally destroyed!

Patriarch Li's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost, he looked up at Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, and Chu Tiange, his face was full of horror.

They actually broke the blood-drinking and killing formation that his Li family had been circulating for more than 600 years!

This is a killing formation that even a **** emperor can kill!

Even if it is a high-level **** emperor, or a gods, it may not be broken!

What exactly is going on?

Patriarch Li's heart was broken, shocked, angry, scared...

The elders and disciples of the Li family also looked terrified.

The crowd on the street saw that the Li family had disappeared in the white light. They thought that Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, and Chu Tiange would surely die. Suddenly, the breaking formation stopped and broke, and these three people appeared again. Right now.

One by one couldn't help but stared in shock, and the shock was no less than that of Patriarch Li and others.

"I have no dizziness, am I?"

"The Li family's blood-drinking killing array was broken..."

"seems like it……"

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