Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1463: When others are idiots?

Elder Ling frowned displeased, "I don't need you to point me at anything!"

After that, she turned her head to look at Mu Qianyue coldly, "Little girl, you must learn to be humble and not too arrogant! Otherwise, you will cause unnecessary trouble for yourself!"

Thinking of him being a Tier 5 **** emperor, even Patriarch Li would have to be respectful when he saw him. How dare she despise herself?

"is it?"

Mu Qianyue raised a sneer at the corner of her lips, and swung the Extinction Sword in her hand, and quickly shot out three sword lights in succession, it was Extinction, Extinction, and Extinction.

Three swords come out together, the world fades!

Above the sky, the wind is surging, the wind is whistling, the lightning is thunder, like a scene of the end of the world!


Jianmang tore the air and rubbed the sharp whimper, like a ghost crying and howling wolf.

Mu Qianyue discovered that the power of these three swords was at least ten times stronger than that of the previous Tier 4 Divine King!

It seems that the increase in strength has caused the power of these three swords to skyrocket!

Looking at these terrifying three swords, Elder Ling suddenly shrank, and the power of these three swords actually reached the power of the third-order **** emperor!

She is only a first-order **** emperor!

Yes, Ling Zhen couldn't see her strength just now, but when she gathered her true energy, he saw the power of her first-order divine emperor at a glance.

With the power of the Tier 1 Divine Sovereign, I have to say that her talent and strength are really high!

Patriarch Li and others also changed their colors. It seemed that they never thought that this beautiful and indifferent and elegant woman would actually have the strength of a first-order emperor!

When did God Emperor get promoted so easily?

You must know that he is now fifty or sixty years old, and he is the third-order **** emperor!

This scene made Patriarch Li, the elders and others almost wanted to vomit blood, and was deeply shocked. They deeply felt that they had cultivated to dogs as hard as they could. Otherwise, why are they so old that they are still just God King?

He is already a **** emperor in his twenties!

It's so popular!


With a loud and deafening noise, Ling Zhen was forced to step back ten steps, only to feel a burst of blood in his body, and Mu Qianyue also stepped back dozens of steps. In this confrontation, the two were evenly matched.

Ling Zhen's eyes showed a solemn color, and it seemed that this woman was not easy to deal with! The opponent looked harmless to humans and animals, pure and cold, but unfathomable in strength!

I deeply feel that Lingyan Pavilion has taken on a difficult task this time, and would have long since known that he would not accept Li's entrustment.

Now it can only be hardened, otherwise the reputation of Lingyan Pavilion will be ruined!

Ling Zhen took a deep breath, swaying his footwork, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Mu Qianyue.

I saw a trail of afterimages in the air that seemed to be real, and one could imagine how fast he was! Lifting both hands, the true vitality surged rapidly, and Mu Qianyue ruthlessly patted her chest!

Mu Qianyue's mouth was lightly grinning, showing bright white teeth, looking quite like a sly fox.

"Qinglong bloodline, talent is open!"

"Nine changes of Tai Chi, immortal and immortal!"

With the fingers pinched, the Azure Dragon Bloodline and the Nine Changes of Taiji were activated at the same time, and her strength instantly rose to the realm of the fifth-order **** emperor!

The Extinction Sword once again danced the three sword lights of Extinction, Extinction Soul, and Extinction Dao, and instantly pierced the coming Ling Zhen.

Ling Zhen pounced too fast, and the distance was very close, even if Ling Zhen wanted to regain the offensive, it was too late! Ling Zhen was almost crying at this moment, what the **** is this? Are you obviously a Tier 1 God Emperor? How can you suddenly become a fifth-order **** emperor?

Even if the pill is violently knocked, it is not so fierce! !

Just now Mu Qianyue could use the power of Tier 1 Divine Sovereign to exert the power of Tier 3 Divine Sovereign, and now she suddenly became Tier 5 Divine Sovereign, and the power of these three swords is definitely Tier 7! !

At this moment, Ling Zhen had no way to avoid it, so he could only take it with his hair.

His heart broke down and he was about to cry, so there is no such thing as bullying! !

What about the first-tier God Emperor?

How can you change your mind temporarily?


Without any suspense, Ling Zhen was blasted out in an instant, smashed into the crowd, and a huge human-shaped pit was smashed into the ground.

Ling Zhen lay in it, dying, blood spurting...

This scene stunned everyone in the Li family, their eyes widened in horror, and it looked like a ghost!

How is this going? How could Elder Ling fail? Shouldn't the defeated be this woman?

Why is it that Elder Ling flew out in the end?

"Tian Ge, you don't need to keep any of the people from the Li family." Mu Qianyue's voice was light, drifting away in the wind, her light voice seemed to be talking about the weather today, not about killing.

"En!" Chu Tiange nodded.

The long sword in his hand was shining with bloodthirsty cold light in the sun, and he stepped up and walked slowly towards the Li Patriarch and others.

Looking at the figure holding a long sword walking slowly like a **** of death, the faces of Patriarch Li and others all had a look of horror, and their footsteps kept retreating.

Patriarch Li's face was as pale as paper, it's over! The Li family is over!

Moving out of the blood-drinking killing formation, they broke open with a sword, and moved to the rescuer, Elder Ling, but was dying of abuse by this woman...

Who else can save them now?

The answer is no.

"Ahem..." Just when Patriarch Li and the others were panicked and frightened, there was a scream of coughing from the huge human-shaped pit next to him, and he saw Ling stubborn hair and messy clothes crawling out of it.

At this moment, he doesn't have a trace of strong demeanor, but instead looks like a beggar.

"Stop it!" Ling Zhen shouted.

Mu Qianyue sneered at the corners of her lips, looking at him with a smile.

"Three, it's better for you to leave here and let this matter go! My Lingyan Pavilion will no longer send killers to chase you down! You must let everyone in the Li family go ahead of time." Ling Zhen said with a sigh of relief.

"Do you think I will agree?" Mu Qianyue sneered, leaving her own troubles?

She is not a fool!

Besides, Ling Zhen himself is a defeated opponent, and he is still qualified to negotiate terms with his side?

Nalanjing's purple eyes lightly squinted at him, with obvious disdain in her eyes, looking at Ling Zhen like an idiot.

This time Ling Zhen knew it, not only was Chu Tiange difficult to deal with, this woman was even harder to deal with!

It is especially important that this man in white has never taken a shot from beginning to end! Moreover, his whole body aura is restrained, and he does not overflow a point, either he has no strength, or he controls his true essence to an appalling level!

Chu Tiange and this woman are both so powerful, how could this man in white clothes be a powerless waste?

His strength must be higher! More terrible!

So Ling Zhen planned to reconcile.

It’s just that he’s so funny. If he wants to reconcile, just reconcile?

When others are idiots?

Thinking about it with your toes, you know that Mu Qianyue and Chu Tiange will never agree!

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