Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1464: Are they killers?

If it were not for their strong strength, Ling Zhen and Li Patriarch were not their opponents, would Ling Zhen and others propose a reconciliation?

I'm afraid they will be brutally killed by Ling Zhen, Li Patriarch and others.

So why do they need to reconcile?

This hatred is absolutely unending!

"What do you want? As long as you are willing to let the Li family and others go, I would like to grant you a favor from Lingyan Pavilion." Ling Zhen asked in a deep voice with his eyes closed.

If it were not for the reputation of Lingyan Pavilion, he would not easily make such a promise!

Not only did he fail to complete the Li family's commission, but on the contrary, he had to plead for the Li family's people. This time Lingyan Pavilion really planted a big caterpillar!

If everyone in the Li family died in the hands of Chu Tiange, I am afraid that no one will ask Your Excellency Ling Yan to entrust a task.

As a killer organization, not only can't kill people, but can't even protect the life of the client. How can Lingyange have a reputation in the future?

Therefore, he had to make such a decision after weighing it over and over again, only hoping that Chu Tiange and the others would just let it go.

It's a pity that his wish is destined to fail.

"Ling Yan Pavilion's favor, is it amazing?" Mu Qianyue had a trace of disdain in her eyes.

Chu Tiange's figure flickered, and he got into the middle of Patriarch Li and the others, waving the long sword in his hand, and suddenly saw a group of figures falling down, his eyes staring unwillingly before his death.

"Boom boom..."

A corpse fell to the ground, throwing up dust in the sky.


Ling Tang's face turned blue with anger, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble. He thought that he had lifted his identity from Lingyan Pavilion, these people would be a little more afraid. Only now I found out that he was wrong!

They cared about Lingyan Pavilion at all, and they didn't care about it at all!

He actually killed all the people like Patriarch Li in his presence!

It's too much!

"What you are mine, what you should worry about now is your own safety." Mu Qianyue's eyes fell to him coldly.

Ling Zhen was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes widened incredibly, "You want to kill me?"

"Nonsense!" Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes speechlessly, you want to kill us, do you still expect us to show mercy to you?

Ling Zhen's complexion, ugly, these people are so bold!

He groaned angrily, a red teleportation charm appeared in his palm, and the light on his palm flickered away, and Ling Zhen's figure disappeared into the air instantly, apparently already running away.

"Let him run away." Chu Tiange shook his fist unwillingly.

"The speed of the talisman is too fast to react. It is normal." Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth secretly, "The future will be long."

"En." Chu Tiange nodded, that's all.

After solving the Li family's affairs, Mu Qianyue, Chu Tiange, and Nalanjing left Yongjin City.

The news of the collapse of the Li family also spread around, one by one secretly sighing and sighing.

A few hours ago, everyone was squeezing their heads to enter the Li family, but now the Li family has been destroyed and disappeared in the history of Yongjin City...

No one thought that such a thing would happen.

Sometimes fate is really unpredictable!

After Mu Qianyue and the three left Yongjin City, they did not directly go to Lingyan Pavilion for revenge.

One is that he doesn't know much about Lingyan Pavilion, and the other is that it's dangerous to go in recklessly.

Since Lingyan Pavilion can become the number one killer organization in the Profound Sky Realm, it proves that its strength is very powerful!

Because Lingyan Pavilion is a killer organization, it is not included in the six major sects.

I believe that Ling Zhen will definitely do everything possible to find the place. In that case, there is no need for them to take the initiative to find them. Wouldn't it be enough for him to come over?


Under the moonlight, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing walked hand in hand on the forest path paved with bluestone slabs, and Chu Tiange silently followed behind them.

Looking at the slender light purple figure ahead, another woman's face gradually appeared in his mind.

He was dressed in white with a face firmly and resolutely blocked in front of him, blocking a fatal blow for him...

Her affectionate gaze was deeply imprinted in his heart, lingering.

Whenever I am free, I always think of those eyes and face intentionally or unconsciously.


Why do I keep thinking of her lately? Could it be...

Chu Tiange shook his head, throwing aside the thoughts in his mind, and his handsome face once again returned to the cold expression of the past.

In the dark dense forest, dozens of figures shrouded in the darkness, all wearing tight black robes and masks with black scarves, like ghosts and charms, fast shuttled through the dark night.

"Master, master, murderous." Chu Tiange's complexion changed, and the golden pupils in the dark night flashed with a cold light.

"I see." Mu Qianyue said softly.

The corners of Nalanjing's lips sneered lightly with disdain, "The people at Lingyan Pavilion really can't help it. They came to the door so soon."

The Lingyan Pavilion's signboard was destroyed this time, naturally it was extremely unwilling.

If this continues, how can Lingyange still have a killer face?

So after Ling Zhen fled back, he immediately reported the matter to Deputy Pavilion Master Ling.

This time, deputy pavilion master Ling almost turned half of the pavilion master's divine emperor master.

"Lady, this time the strength of the person is very strong, let's take action for her husband." Na Lanjing turned her eyes gently to the woman beside her, her purple eyes full of doting.

" depends on the situation, if I can't beat it, it won't be too late for you to make a move." Mu Qianyue curled her lips.

As soon as Jing makes a move, is it possible for these people to survive?

It's definitely a dead end!

When the words were over, dozens of figures had already burst into the surroundings of Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, and Chu Tiange, and surrounded them in groups.

Dozens of people didn't talk nonsense. When they moved, their strength expanded, and they rushed towards Mu Qianyue.

A series of majestic and majestic auras unfolded. Among the dozens of people, five of them were Tier 4 Divine Emperors, two Tier 6 Divine Emperors, one Tier 7 Divine Emperor, and two Tier 8 and Tier 9 Divine Emperors!

What a big hand!

In addition to the six major sects, it is estimated that only Lingyan Pavilion can come up with so many gods at once!

"Jing, it seems that you can't do anything if you don't make a move." Mu Qianyue twitched her mouth. With so many mid-level and high-level emperors, even if she can leapfrog the battle, it is still impossible to deal with so many at the same time!

These gods are not decorations.

The emperors who came out of Lingyan Pavilion were all proficient in assassination, with no false moves, deadly and vicious moves, and none of them were abandoned.

"it is good."

Naran attractions head.

"It's just a few little guys, then I will solve it first, and you will fight slowly."

When the words fell, I saw a white shadow flashing in the dark night, like a ghost, silent and extremely fast.

Among the ten figures that rushed forward, three of them moved for a while and froze in place, as if they were frozen.


"Boom boom..."

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