Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1465: Are they killers? 【2】

"Boom boom..."

Three muffled noises sounded.

Three figures suddenly collapsed...

The boss stared in shock, full of disbelief and unwillingness. It seemed that they couldn't believe how they died before they even shot.

These three people are exactly the seventh, eighth, and ninth-order **** emperor!

They could only go underground to report to Lord Yan with full of doubts.


Nalanjing dusted the skirt of her clothes, and her handsome face was indifferent.

It seems to be a very light thing.

The remaining seven people were shocked! Everyone showed a look of horror in their eyes, and even forgot to attack, stupidly stunned in place, you look at me, I look at you.

what happened?

How come the three of them died silently?

It seems that the white-clothed man in the middle swayed in the crowd, and they died...

Want to be so scary?

In fact, what they didn't know was that they all went to the ghost gate just now.

Had it not been for Mu Qianyue's words that she shot, Nalanjing would have slapped them to death.

"I, I don't know what's going on...Are we going to continue?" A assassin said with a trembling voice.

There was a hint of fear in his voice.

One can imagine how much damage this scene caused in his soul!

A seventh, eighth, and ninth-level **** emperor died suddenly and strangely in front of them, even if they hadn't seen it clearly, even the three of them had no time to resist...

What kind of power and method is this?

He is just a Tier 4 **** emperor, it is estimated that death will be even more ugly!


The two fifth-order **** emperors shouted.

When the words fell, they quickly took out the teleportation charms one by one, and instantly disappeared in place.

Mu Qianyue was dumbfounded, hey hey, what does this mean? She hasn't played yet! Why did they all run away?

Chu Tiange also twitched his mouth silently.

"Are they killers?" Mu Qianyue turned to look at Nalanjing and Chu Tiange who were aside.

"It should be." Chu Tiange scratched his head.

"But... shouldn't killers be fearless life and death? How could they escape?" And everyone escaped together!

Do you want to be so strange?

Are they here to be funny?

He turned his mouth helplessly, and finally turned his eyes on the person who was the culprit.

Nalanjing spread his hands innocently, "I don't know how things will be like this..."

Knowing that he would make the last shot.

Who would have thought that these killers turned around and ran away because they were afraid of death!

Just now it was coming menacingly!


Super unqualified!

"It seems that they won't come to trouble us in a short time." Mu Qianyue thought for a while, "Let's go back to Feibao Building first."

"En." Nalan headed towards the sight.

Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at Chu Tiange, her eyes flashed with a hint of cunning.

Chu Tiange's face was hot when he was seen, why did the master look at him with such a look? Are there flowers on his face?

Thinking like this, quickly touched his face, there was nothing!

"Tiange, Feibaolou has a surprise for you." Mu Qianyue chuckled.

The surprise was naturally Bai Longying.

This time Bai Longying also followed and was arranged in Feibao Building.

If Bai Longying saw Tiange come back, she would be very happy.

Tiange should be happy too, right? It seems that this guy is too capable of suppressing emotions, always looks like emotions and anger...


Chu Tiange's face was puzzled, as if Zhang Er's monk couldn't figure it out.

When did Feibaolou surprise him?

It seems that he didn't do anything meritorious, right?

It seems that his birthday has not arrived yet, right?

Seeing Mu Qianyue's ill-intentioned smile, Chu Tiange's heart shrank and prayed in his heart.

I just hope this surprise is not a fright.

After two or three days of work, Mu Qianyue and her party returned to Feibao Tower.


A woman's gentle call sounded.

Chu Tiange stunned and looked up, only to see the face that popped into his mind from time to time. It appeared before him at this moment. It was so unreal, like a dream.

His expression was a bit dazed, and he stared blankly at the smiling woman walking in front of him.


"Well, I have also come to Xuantian Realm, and I came with Yue'er." Bai Longying walked to him and stood still, a smile on her beautiful face.

The corner of Chu Tiange's mouth twitched, and he looked back at Mu Qianyue behind him. Is this the surprise the master said?

Hmm... there is indeed a bit of surprise in it.

"Miss Bai, you only have him in your eyes, don't you have me?" Mu Qianyue stepped forward with her hands around her chest, and a playful smile appeared at the corners of her white mouth.

Bai Longying's face turned red, but she raised her head proudly, "You stand behind him and are blocked."

"Puff!" Mu Qianyue almost didn't slobber.

This reason is too bad, right?

Don't know how to find a better one?

Chu Tiange's rare face flushed, and his expression was embarrassed, "Master, don't make fun of Yinger because she has a thin face."

"Huh?" Mu Qianyue raised her brows and began to protect her shortness before being together.

"Chu Tiange, what do you mean? Miss Bai has a thin face, so is my lady's face thick?" Na Lanjing stepped forward and hugged Mu Qianyue's slender waist, exuding a domineering and cold aura.

"Chu Tiange, you are not kind! You dare to allude to the thick-skinned master, what do you mean?" Mu Rutian also stood up and stared at Chu Tiange.

"My sect master is thin-skinned." Hei Xie smiled.

"That's it! I think Chu Tiange has a daughter-in-law, so I don't want to recognize the master." Bai Xie and Lu Xie followed up.

This time they became the first-order **** emperor, and followed Mu Qianyue to the Profound Sky Realm.

Chu Tiange whispered the corner of his mouth silently, and then felt that everything he said was wrong, and these people made it clear that they wanted to run themselves.

"Don't bully Tiange." Bai Longying frowned.

"Haha...Look at these young couples, they really know how to protect their shortcomings." Everyone looked up and laughed.

Chu Tiange and Bai Longying's faces turned red to the root of their ears.

One by one, he leaned forward and leaned forward and happily laughed.

Mu Qianyue's mouth also had a faint smile.

Bai Longying's beautiful face was flushed, she grabbed Chu Tiange's hand, "Tiange, I have something to tell you..."

After that, he pulled him straight and fled in panic in front of everyone.

Behind him came the laughter of everyone, "Haha, the young couple are going to whisper."

Mu Qianyue leaned against Nalanjing's arms, and the smile on the corners of her mouth widened.

"The two of them match very well." Nalanjing's voice came in his ears, and there was a rare hint of joy in his light voice.

Obviously he was happy to see Chu Tiange taken away.

This way there is one less rival in love!

Well, when will Huo Xi's evil evildoer be taken away?

Nalanjing's gaze rolled around, and it fell on Mu Ruke who was next to him...

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