Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1490: Bai Xue appeared [1]

She didn't dare to seek revenge from Yan Shu, but she could still deal with this woman.

If it weren't for this woman, how could her son die?

Mu Qianyue stretched out her hand and pushed her away coldly, "You are the one who killed him. Bi Xiaotong is dead, and he has no intention of survival."

But Bi Qiyan rushed over to block the blow for her, she was still surprised.

Bi Dongyu collapsed to the ground with a sad and desperate face, crying weakly...

Bi Dongmo also had a face as gray as death, looking at Yan Shu's cold face, that powerful aura, and he didn't even have the courage to avenge his son.

"Qingqing, don't resist, but obediently obey me. In this case, I can let those friends of yours go." Yan Shu cast his eyes on the beautiful and familiar face in front of him, and said lightly.

"Bah! Shameless! The name Qingqing is also yours? You deserve it too?" Suddenly a white light lit up from Mu Qianyue's body.

The next moment, a snow-white figure fell beside Mu Qianyue. The woman's white clothes were like snow, her black hair was like a waterfall, and her beautiful face was cold, staring coldly at Yan Shu on the opposite side.

"Yan Shu, you are obviously ungrateful! Besides, the lord has never liked you, so how can you win love? You are really shameless and put gold on your face! Bah! You want to take the lord's body to cheat Lord? Are you blind? Even if you look at the face of my master, the master can recognize you as a fake at a glance! I advise you not to be boring! You can’t even compare my master’s finger Come on, do you mind using my master’s body? Are you worthy?"

Bai Xue, who had just come out of the space of the Tongtian Tower, cursed at Yan Shu without stopping, making Yan Shu's face pale with anger, and his eyes were red and gloomy.

"Xue'er, your body..." Mu Qianyue's gaze fell on Bai Xue's body, and a touch of surprise flashed in her bright black eyes. Before, Xue'er's body was clearly illusory, but now it is actually a real entity!

Speaking of this, Bai Xue’s delicate face showed a trace of embarrassment, “That...Master...I was sitting next to the Lingzhu to practice, but then the Lingzhu ran into my body for some reason, so I rushed to it. I couldn’t drive it away, and then I found that I had an entity..."

"It's okay. This proves that you have a relationship with Lingzhu, and it can restore your physicality, let alone one, I am willing to even ten Lingzhu." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"Master, you are so kind to Xue'er." Bai Xue was moved with tears in her eyes, she couldn't help but hug Mu Qianyue, her eyes were red from the touch. The master was so generous to herself thousands of years ago, and now she has a little temperament. Nothing has changed.

"Silly Xue'er." Mu Qianyue reached out and touched her shoulder.

Bai Xue leaned against her shoulders and coquettishly.

Looking at these two people with deep feelings, Yan Shu's eyes were red with anger. Once upon a time, she was leaning on Qingqing's shoulders, chatting together, cultivating together, and playing together, but these times will never go back...


Yan Shu roared uncontrollably, a trace of cruelty appeared in his eyes, "Now I am not letting you remember the past!"

"I think you are jealous, right?" Bai Xue lifted her head from Mu Qianyue's shoulder, and glanced at her with contempt. "If it wasn't for my master's kindness, he taught you alchemy and taught you alchemy, you I thought you could be reused in the Yanhuang clan? You went crazy in your cultivation, and who saved you? When you were bullied by others, who stood up and blocked all this for you? I want to tell you all these things, I'm afraid You can't finish talking for seven days and seven nights! You are simply a white-eyed wolf!"

"Also, don’t say anything about your childhood sweethearts with the lord. It was your wishful crush on my lord, and you followed my lord like a stalker, okay? My lord never looked at you with his straight eyes! Treating you a little better, that's also for my master's sake!"

Bai Xue said angrily, turning her head to look at Mu Qianyue, and said displeased, "Master, what did you look like before! It really makes me mad!"

The more I think about it, the more upset and sad for my master, it's worthless!

After seeing the appearance of Bai Xue, Old Ancestor Bi and others obediently shut up and said nothing, because they found that the strength of this woman is not weak! It seems that he is also a god!

"I was indeed blind before." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Yan Shu's face was distorted with anger, and his eyes stared at Bai Xue angrily. Damn it, why did this woman appear?

"Aren't you going to bully my master? Now my master has not recovered his strength and is not your opponent. But I can accompany you two tricks!" Bai Xue's face was cold, and she rolled up her sleeves as if she wanted to fight.

"Bai Xue! I saw you not pleasing to my eyes long ago ten thousand years ago, and now since you want to die, then I mind killing you again!" Yan Shu said coldly.

"If you hadn't attacked me ten thousand years ago, do you think you could beat me?" Baixue curled her lips in disdain, "Now your soul is incomplete, hehe...I'm just taking revenge!"

Ten thousand years ago, her white tiger body was destroyed by Yan Shu.

Bai Xue snorted coldly, without talking nonsense, she immediately moved her figure into the appearance of a white tiger, with a huge body covering the sky and the ground, which was a hundred feet tall.


With a roar, the tiger roar shook the sky, and the entire Biyu Palace was trembling.

The tiger's body shook, and Bai Xue suddenly rushed towards Yan Shu.

Yan Shu's face changed slightly. She thought that her strength was enough to deal with Mu Qianyue, but she didn't expect Baihu to come! Also has the strength of a god!

Although they are both Tier 1, humans are naturally weaker than Warcraft in terms of power.

However, Yan Shu, as a descendant of the Yanhuang bloodline, is naturally not weak, very comparable to others.

Two figures, one man and one beast fought fiercely in mid-air, with hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye!

The speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to see the figures and movements of the two of them. The people in the Biyu Palace below only feel that their eyes are blurred.

"Oh my God! I'm not mistaken! That is the ancient sacred beast Baihu?" The elders of the Biyu Palace stared in surprise, their eyes full of shock.

"Yes! It's White Tiger!"

"Then Baihu called her to be his master just now... She can drive the slave Baihu?"

"She was the young girl ten thousand years ago?"

The eyes of everyone looking at Mu Qianyue were not calm.

As for the legend of the goddess Qinghe, as long as the people in the Xuantian realm didn't know it.

It is rumored that a woman named Qinghe appeared ten thousand years ago. She could control the beasts, and even collected the four great beasts of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu into the bag, and was called Goddess!

And she is also a very good pill, it is said that the realm of the pill technique has reached the realm of the 13th grade pill god!

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