Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1491: Shirayuki appeared [2]

The refined pill can be brought back to life!

She hangs the pot to help the world, the doctor is kind.

It is said that the young girl lived alone on the Qingluan Mountains before this, so everyone called her young girl, and her name came from this.

In the Profound Heaven Realm, there is only the Green Girl who can control the beasts, so when the elders of the Biyu Palace saw the white tiger, they immediately thought of the legend.

It's a pity that after a battle between gods and demons, the young girl fell...

Isn't the young girl dead?

The previous conversation between Yan Shu and the others was about ten thousand years ago...

Then this woman is undoubtedly a young girl!

Mu Qianyue's face was calm as he listened to the discussion.

When everyone was horrified and confused, suddenly—


There was a earth-shaking muffled noise.

I saw a figure slammed down from the sky, and it took a lot of time to smoke.

That figure is not someone else but Yan Shu!

"Cough cough..." She climbed up from the ground extremely embarrassed, with blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, and looked at the white figure falling in the sky with angrily.

The next moment Bai Xue's figure fell from the air and landed beside Mu Qianyue, her chin lightly raised, and she looked at Yan Shu with disdain, "Aren't you very arrogant? You can't even beat me! When my lord regains his strength, he will take care of you. It’s a matter of moments!"

"But I won't give this opportunity to my master, because I want to beat you to death right now!" Bai Xue snorted angrily, and his body moved, turning into a shadow and rushing towards the embarrassed Yan Shu.

The slender hand grasped the fist, and the harsh wind of the fist rubbed the air, making ear-piercing sound bursts.


Yan Shu was already seriously injured, but she couldn't evade the punch that Bai Xue faced. It could be said that this punch fell heavily on her body, and she opened her mouth and spouted several mouthfuls of blood, immediately her aura was disordered...

When Old Ancestor Bi and the others saw that Yan Shu was injured, they all showed horror on their faces. Yan Shu is a god!

When he first came out, he was awe-inspiring, but now he is seriously injured and obviously lost!

But also, this is the ancient beast, the White Tiger!

"Huh!" Bai Xue's face was cold, her fingers claws against Yan Shu's chest, "Yan Shu, let me see if your heart is red or black!"

Yan Shu's complexion changed drastically, and finally there was a hint of horror in his eyes, more of anger, if it hadn't been for Brother Yan to kill her, how could her strength only be the first-order god?

How could you be bullied by this **** Shirayuki at this moment?


A crisp clang sound suddenly sounded, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the originally calm and waveless air, and a long sword stretched out to block Shirayuki's attack.

Bai Xue only felt a surge of energy and blood, and she couldn't help but stepped back a few steps before returning to Mu Qianyue's side, staring solemnly at the man walking out of the air.

A blue robes set off his fair skin and beauty, and the yushu facing the wind, like a blue sky.

His gaze fell on Yan Shu's body at the moment, he reached out his hand to support her body like a weak Liu Fufeng, and looked at her affectionately, "Shu'er, I'm late."

His eyes are affectionate and nostalgic, and the joy of reunion in a long time.

Yan Shu had a faint expression on his face, and said in a bad tone, "Hurry up and kill that **** tiger! Also, the young girl I want to live!"

The meaning is obvious, she wants to catch alive!

It's just that her eyes are fierce, like poisoned.

The man's brows wrinkled slightly, and there was some sad emotion in his eyes, "Shu'er, it's been 10,000 years, don't you still want to get rid of this complex, and you are not willing to let it go?"

"Do you understand the pain of demolishing the soul? You should understand that I will never let go!" Yan Shu roared with a grim expression.

"Since you don't want to let go, let me fall with you..." The man sighed softly before turning his attention to Mu Qianyue and Bai Xue.

"Old friend, we meet again."

"Biyu, it seems that you are also obsessed with it." Mu Qianyue shook her head.

Thousands of years ago, Bi Yu was like a follower, following Yan Shu's back, doing anything for her, but Yan Shu couldn't see it.

Even now, no matter how much Biyu paid for her, she still couldn't see it.

There is only hatred in her heart. Her mind has been swallowed by hatred and has become abnormal. It can be said that she is a neuropathy now.

There is absolutely no reason to talk with a neuropathy.

But Biyu followed a neuropathy, and only said that he was a neuropathy.

Thousands of years ago, Biyu was by her side, but she did not help her to abuse her.

The arrival of Biyu made the people of Biyu Palace excited, especially Ancestor Bi's eyes were filled with excitement, "Ancestor? The Ancestor is back!!"

"Really the ancestor! Great! Great! The ancestor is back!"

"Our Biyu Palace, under the leadership of the ancestor, can definitely become the number one power in the Profound Sky Realm!"

"Yes, yeah, what Wanhua Island and Yanhuang Clan will not even fart in front of our Biyu Palace in the future!"

Everyone in Biyu Palace was talking excitedly, not to mention how happy they were, that appearance was even more exciting than winning the 100 million prize.

The return of the ancestors means that their strength can be greatly improved!

Bi Yu nodded at them, his expression indifferent, and then his face was unpredictable, with his hands behind him, with a strong aura, he looked at Bai Xue and said coldly.

"Baihu, you hurt Shuer, do it yourself!"

"Are you mentally disabled? If you tell me to commit suicide, I will commit suicide. Are you stupid or I am stupid?" Bai Xue rolled her eyes in disdain, why are there such two people?

Still think he has the final say in this world?

"Presumptuous!" Ancestor Bi snorted to Bai Xue, "Our ancestor asked you to do it yourself because you didn't want you to dirty his hands! Do you dare to resist?"

When Bai Xue showed Bai Hu's real body before, he was shocked and he was very jealous. Especially after seeing Yan Shu's defeat, he didn't even dare to say a fart, for fear that Bai Xue would trouble him...

Now that he saw Biyu coming back, he immediately became a sham.

"Fuck you~ mother shit!" No matter how gentle and indifferent, Rao Shi Baixue could not help but burst into swear words at this moment.

"The fox is fake, it's not your turn to interrupt here!" Bai Xue snorted angrily, kicked it out, and kicked directly on the chest of Ancestor Bi.

I saw Old Ancestor Bi flew out immediately and hit the courtyard wall behind him fiercely. In an instant, smoke rose and the courtyard wall collapsed...

Life or death is unknown.

Bai Xue brushed her sleeves disdainfully, when did a little ant dare to bully her?

Mu Qianyue knew Bai Xue's kick, even if he didn't die, he would still be useless.

Biyu didn't care about the life and death of the ancestor Bi. He didn't even give a look. His cold gaze was fixed on Bai Xue, "Since you don't want to do it yourself, then I can only come. But if I come, It's not that easy."

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