Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1492: Have you discussed how to die?

Mu Qianyue was shocked and hurriedly protected Bai Xue behind her.

"Qing Nu, do you think you can still protect her with your current strength?" Bi Yu's eyes filled with contempt.

"So what? As long as it is the person I Mu Qianyue wants to protect, then he must desperately protect each other!" Mu Qianyue's black pupils looked at him without giving up, fearless.

"Then see if you can protect it this time!" With a cold expression on Yan Shu's face, he said angrily to Biyu, "What are you doing with her so much nonsense, don't hurry up!"

"Master, I don't want you to always stand in front of me when something goes wrong. Now I also have the strength of a god, and I can give it a go." Bai Xue said lightly, with firmness in his eyes like autumn water.

Mu Qianyue knew that what she said about letting go was a desperate struggle, not as simple as it seemed.

From her aura alone, Mu Qianyue could feel that Biyu's strength was much stronger than Bai Xue...

"Xue'er, don't have to fight with him, we can hide. It is not too late for a gentleman to avenge him for ten years. These ten thousand years have passed, and it is not bad for this." Seeing Bai Xue desperately working for herself, she really couldn't do it!

Bai Xue suffered an injury for her 10,000 years ago, and her body was destroyed. Now that Bai Xue has just recovered, she really can't bear to watch her hurt herself again.

"Master, I understand what you mean, but the Tongtian Pagoda can't be exposed casually, this will cause you danger!" Bai Xue's face was solemn. This sentence was secretly transmitted by Bai Xue to Mu Qianyue.

Especially knowing that the Tongtian Tower is an ancient artifact, and the people of Biyu Palace are looking for the Tongtian Tower. If Biyu knew that the Tongtian Tower was on the master, the situation would be even worse.

How could Mu Qianyue not understand?

It's just that she can't let Bai Xue get hurt again!

"Master, trust me, aren't you in the realm of life? We cooperate and have a strong fight! Master, you can rest assured, it will not be too late for us to fight!" Bai Xue's face was firm.

"Good." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"Did you two discuss how to die?" After Yan Shu took the healing pill, he felt a lot more aura, but the face was still incomparable.

"Shu'er, don't worry, I will kill that tiger and relieve you of my breath." Bi Yu said lightly towards Yan Shu. The next moment, his figure flashed, and then went straight to the opposite Bai Xue.

His eyes were contemptuous and cold, and he didn't seem to put Bai Xue in his eyes at all. Under his azure blue sleeves, a thick and powerful palm lifted out and blasted forward.

The biting palm wind made the air roar and make a sharp explosion.

The huge palm prints pounced straight from the air and pressed against Bai Xue!

The aura of horror filled the world, fierce and terrifying.

At this moment, Bi Yu shot.

Everyone in Biyu Palace paled with fright in this majestic and mighty aura, concentrating and holding their breath, they didn't even dare to show the atmosphere.

Rao Shi Mu Qianyue's face suddenly became solemn, this is the power of the ninth-order god!

Ten thousand years ago, Biyu had the strength of a first-order god, and ten thousand years later, he had raised eight realms. It is conceivable how difficult it is to improve the cultivation level later!

If it were her peak strength ten thousand years ago, facing Biyu at this time, she would not necessarily be an opponent.

What's more, Shirayuki now?

Bai Xue is just a first-order **** at this moment! Although Shirayuki had recovered his physical body, his strength had not been fully recovered!

Bai Xue raised her eyes and looked coldly at the huge palm shadow coming from the front. The white robe had no wind, and the hunter flew, her ink hair swaying in the violent wind, setting off her beautiful face more firm and cold.

Without hesitation, he raised his hands and met Biyu's attack.


With a muffled sound, Bai Xue's figure was blown into the air without any suspense, and he was seriously injured in an instant, but under Mu Qianyue's realm of life, he quickly recovered.

"It turned out to be the realm of life. Even so, the two of you are still not my opponents. Young girl, if you have the strength of ten thousand years ago, maybe you can defeat me. It's a pity..." Biyu's eyes sneered. The body shape flashed, and once again turned into a streamer to come straight.

This time Biyu directly used the ultimate move.

That palm just now was just a test of Baihu's strength, and when the result came out, it was naturally a quick fight.


Bai Xue's figure flickered, and she directly transformed into a white tiger beast, and went straight into the sky. His huge figure was almost larger than the entire Biyu Palace.

Baixue, transformed into a beast, is more powerful than a fifth-order god.

This is also the reason why Warcraft has been tough since ancient times, let alone beasts? Invincible in the same rank!

"It won't be my opponent to be transformed into a beast." Bi Yu snorted coldly, and went straight to the sky, fighting fiercely with Bai Xue.

One person and one beast are fighting desperately in the sky.

This battle was obviously much fiercer than the previous battle between Bai Xue and Yan Shu, but Bai Xue didn't last long and was suppressed by Bi Yu, and was at a disadvantage.

Above the nine heavens, lightning and thunder, violent winds, and dark clouds rolling, like the end of the world!

Everyone can only see the vast and high sky, among the silver thunder and lightning, the white tiger's figure is walking and crashing fast, the huge tiger head rushes towards the blue figure ahead, but Biyu hides it past.

And almost every attack of Bi Yu fell on Bai Xue's body.

Although Mu Qianyue had been standing behind Bai Xue, using the realm of life to heal her injuries, Bai Xue had been injured too much and his injuries were too serious, and the realm of life at this moment seemed very pale and weak.

Bi Yu had a cold expression, as if he didn't want to delay time, and directly used his strongest and most ruthless move.

I saw him squeeze the tactics with both hands, and the azure energy quickly accumulates in his palm.

The violent power distorted the air.

"Blue sea and blue sky!"

With a loud shout, the azure energy slammed toward Bai Xue!

The turbulent energy rubbed the air, dragging a deep and long trajectory in the abrupt air!


A terrible force blasted on Baihu's body, and Baihu's huge body shook violently, and then he fell straight from the air!

In the process of falling, the white tiger beast form turned back into a human form, and red blood spurted from her mouth like red rain in the sky.

Her already fair face appeared whiter at this moment, without blood.


Mu Qianyue swept over the falling Bai Xue, but seeing the cruelty that Bi Yu's face revealed, she couldn't help but be shocked, and saw Bi Yu rush towards Bai Xue quickly.

He stomped a foot in the air and quickly stepped on Shirayuki's stomach, with terrifying power on that foot.

Mu Qianyue knew that if his foot were to step on Xue'er, Xue'er would definitely die!

"Biyu, dare you!"

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