Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1493: Nalan Jing appeared!

She roared angrily, her eyes fell on Bai Xue's pale face, gradually reddening. Her footwork flashed continuously, speeding up.

The closer, the more terrifying the frightening breath.

But Mu Qianyue can't manage that much at this moment!

Seeing Mu Qianyue who rushed forward without hesitation, like a moth battling into the fire, Bai Xue's eyes were red involuntarily, and she shouted angrily, "Master, don't come over, don't save me..."

She didn't dare to imagine that under that foot, even she would definitely die.

If the master’s current strength is used, I am afraid it will be broken!

But Mu Qianyue thought that she hadn't heard it, but made her speed faster and faster...

Finally, she leaped forward and immediately protected Bai Xue and held her tightly in her arms. At the same time, Bi Yu's foot fell fiercely!


Just when Mu Qianyue thought she was bound to die too, suddenly a burst of light burst out of her body, and she saw a huge cauldron that protected Mu Qianyue and Bai Xue together inside, and protected Biyu’s The foot bounced back.

The strength of Biyu's kick was the same as the strength that was bounced back.

Biyu's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body was staggered a few times in the air to stabilize.

Yan Shu swept towards him, but a pair of yin-bird eyes were locked tightly on the huge cauldron in front, without blinking, "What happened just now? Where did this cauldron come from?"

Naturally, he asked Biyu next to her.

She could see clearly just now, that the power of that kick was not even she dared to take it hard. She thought that Mu Qianyue was dead, but she didn't expect a cauldron to appear at the critical moment, and it would be able to take a ninth-tier **** The strength bounced back!

What the **** is this cauldron?

As the person involved, Mu Qianyue was naturally clear in her heart. Just now when she thought she was going to die, the prehistoric tripod in the Tongtian Tower seemed to sense the dangerous aura, and even voluntarily ran out to block the fatal one for her. hit!

She had never expected Hong Huangding to have such a magical effect!

"I don't know...cough cough..." Biyu's face was pale and shook his head. The power of the foot just now was not comparable, and the backlash he received was naturally not small. Now he only feels that his internal organs are about to shift. , The body's breath is disordered, but the woman next to her is not concerned about him.

But he got used to it, took a deep breath, took a few high-level healing pills, and then slowly said, "I just felt a breath of ancient times, this cauldron is not simple..."

"Master, this man's strength is too strong." Hong Huangding's voice came in his mind, and Hong Huangding shook, flew up automatically, and landed aside, revealing the two figures inside.


The corner of Mu Qianyue's mouth evoked helplessness, why didn't she know that Biyu's power was terrifying?

It seems that now I can only find a way to hide in the Tongtian Pagoda, otherwise he will lose his life, and the Tongtian Pagoda will become a masterless thing again.

Although Bai Xue was seriously injured, he recovered a lot from Mu Qianyue's life field, and his face was not as pale and scary as before.

"The aura of the Primordial Prestige?" Yan Shu narrowed his eyes, and his gaze fell on the prehistoric cauldron tightly.

"Yes! It is said that during the Primordial Primordial Era, there was a grand prince, made of rock, which was extremely hard and could withstand the attacks of the gods. Moreover, the elixir refined with it would reach the perfect level! Success rate One hundred percent!" Biyu's gaze darkened a bit, "It seems that this is the one in front of me."

Yan Shu's eyes couldn't help but get a little hot, and there is such a cauldron! She wants it!

"Shu'er, do you want it?" Biyu couldn't help asking when seeing her eyes hot.

Yan Shu nodded unabashedly, "En."

As a pill master, she naturally understands how important a good medicine furnace is. As far as the 100% success rate is concerned, and the perfect grade pill, it is enough to attract it!

The 100% success rate means that she will no longer have failures and fryer after making alchemy, and the efficacy of the medicine will reach the perfect level.

As long as it is a famous pill pharmacist, they can't resist the temptation brought by this great and wild trip!

"Shu'er, as long as it is what you want, I will take it for you!" Bi Yu looked at her softly, and then slowly turned his head to look at Mu Qianyue, "Conscientiously hand over Honghuangding, and then To die."


Mu Qianyue couldn't help cursing, is this too arrogant?

Why does he think he will listen to him? Who does he think he is?

The Jade Emperor?


Biyu knew that Mu Qianyue couldn't consciously listen, so he snorted and rushed towards her.

Seeing the rushing figure, Mu Qianyue curled her lips in disdain. Just as she was about to flee into the Tongtian Pagoda with Bai Xue and Hong Huangding, the surrounding air suddenly fluctuated, and the Walan sky instantly cracked. A white figure came out from inside.

"Where is the idiot, dare to threaten my woman?"

The icy voice carried the domineering aura of looking at the world.

Under the white sleeves, he raised his hands and blasted forward fiercely, and immediately blasted the rushing Biyu out.

Biyu never thought that someone would suddenly burst out of the air, so he didn't take any precautions, so that it was too late for him to take a defense!


That terrible and violent force hit his chest fiercely.


He spouted a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down, and fell to the ground, staring at the white figure in horror.

why did he come here?

Has his strength recovered? !

The visitor only glanced at him faintly, then turned to look at Mu Qianyue behind him, stepped out, and walked straight towards her.

It was obviously a distance of tens of meters, but he only saw him take a foot gently and came to her in the next moment.


The warm and windy voice floated to my ears, so unreal.


Mu Qianyue looked at the majestic figure in amazement, her purple eyes like glass were still thrilling and bewitching.


Nalanjing held Mu Qianyue's hand, and with a twitch of her hand, she took the person into her arms regardless, and hugged her tightly...

"Miss, how are you? Are you hurt?" Nalanjing's eyes looked at her with concern, and his eyes swept over her. When she saw that she was not hurt, her heart relaxed a lot.

"I'm fine, I'm not injured. The critical moment was when Hong Huangding blocked the injury for me." The corners of his lips raised slightly, perhaps because he was in a good mood when he saw him. I feel more and more that it was really a wise choice to accept Honghuangding in Yaowangzong.

Looking at the two figures embracing and loving each other in front, Yan Shu's eyes were red. The man she had loved for ten thousand years, when he appeared at this moment, only Mu Qianyue was full of eyes! But not a trace of her figure!

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