Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1510: The end of Hua Yun [1]

It's just that as soon as the man's voice fell, he saw a fierce energy sweeping over, and the talking saint was blown out and fell to the ground. After spitting out a big mouth of blood, her head tilted and disappeared completely. breath!

Without even showing his hand, he killed the saint only with his momentum.


There was a cry of air-conditioning at the scene, and everyone's faces were full of horror, and they couldn't help but bring a trace of fear in their eyes when they looked at Nalanjing. I'm afraid this strength is comparable to the island owner!

See he is very young! !

The saints and disciples who originally wanted to do it all looked at Nalanjing with fear.

The island owner Hua Lian's face changed, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "No wonder I dare to kill my Wanhua Island like this, it turns out to be a bit of strength!"

At the end of the words, a fierce aura radiated from her slender figure, "Boy, murder on my Wanhua Island, it seems that you really have eaten the courage of the bear heart and leopard!"

The island owner Hua Lian knew that none of these saints would be Nalanjing's opponents, so she went directly to her hands.

You can kill a divine emperor only with the aura of the outside without taking action, that is at least the strength of a senior divine emperor or a divine emperor!

With a movement, he raised his hands under the pink sleeve robe and blasted towards Nalanjing in front of him!

The disciples of Wanhua Island saw the island owner Hua Lian personally take the shot, and their faces showed regret. The man who shot the island owner must die!

It's a pity that such a beautiful man is the most beautiful man they have ever seen!

But they dare not intercede, interceding for a man is a dead end!

Who doesn't know that the island owner hates men most?

Wanhua Island are all women. They were founded by the ancestor ten thousand years ago. They set the rules for not dealing with men and getting married. Men are not allowed to step into Wanhua Island. They are all wondering if the ancestor was deeply affected. Love hurt...

It is said that the current island owner Hua Lian was hurt by a man before, so he hates men so much!

Hua Yun's face showed a sneer sneer, and she looked at Nalan Jing contemptuously. This man is good-looking, but he is an idiot. He thinks he is arrogant and thinks that he can compete with the island owner if he has some strength?

It's so funny! After the island owner killed him, he killed Mu Qianyue again, so that Huarong, a bitch, would pay for the loss of her daughter! Then tied her to the stone pillar, and slowly burned her to death with the samaya fire on the formation...

Ying'er is dead, so why is Huarong, a bitch, still alive?

"Hmph! Overwhelmed!" Nalanjing snorted disdainfully, and held out a palm.

With a huge muffled sound, I saw the island owner Hua Lian's figure flew upside down, slammed on the top of the altar, and hit a stone pillar...


With a series of noises, the stone pillar behind her was crushed by her body.

The island owner Hua Lian fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed body, vomiting blood, her face turned pale, and she was as embarrassed as she was!


There was a stunned voice all around, and everyone's faces were full of horror, each of them stared with big eyes, it looked like a ghost!


Are they dazzled?

The island owner was blown away by that man?

A severely injured palm, still lying on the ground can't get up?

They rubbed their eyes desperately before they were sure they didn't look at them!

it is true!

The island owner is the strength of the second-order **** emperor!

How could this be?

Even the island owner is not his opponent, let alone them, it is estimated that the other party can blow them to death...

The faces of everyone were full of fear and panic.

The sneer at the corner of Huayun's lips also froze there, maintaining her stiff expression, as if she was silly. After a while, she murmured, "No, this is impossible! How could the island owner fail him... "

But the facts are right here...

Seeing Nalan Jingsui's cool gaze, Hua Yun couldn't help but shudder, that gaze was too scary!

"Are you Huayun?" Nalanjing squinted at her.

Hua Yun couldn't help taking a few steps back, her eyes full of fear.

"Do you want to take my precious daughter and son?" The purple eyes, like glass, narrowed, clear as water, breathtaking, but with a terrifying and bloodthirsty breath, it was chilling.

Hua Yun couldn't help shivering again, "You, what do you want to do? This is Wanhua Island..."

"Dare to hit my son and daughter with the idea, let's say, think about how to die?" Nalanjing's body exuded a biting coldness, like a demon god.

Hua Yun's face was pale and extremely ugly. She looked at the island owner Hua Lian who was seriously injured and climbed up from the ground with a begging, "Island owner, save me... this man wants to kill me!"

Island owner Hua Lian rolled her eyes anger, save her? Didn't you see that you were severely injured by the opponent's palm? What can she do to save her?

"Jing, wait a minute." Mu Qianyue's lips twitched as she looked at Nalan Jing and said, Nalan nodded at the scenic spot, and Mu Qianyue turned her gaze back to Hua Yun.

"You said that the rules of Wanhua Island are that you can't hook up with men, let alone get married. Presumably you are still in the end, right?"

Hearing this, Hua Yun's face changed, and she looked at Mu Qianyue warily, "What do you want to do?"

"It is said that Hua Yun was adopted by the island owner since she was a child, and she is still the body of the wall." Hua Yun did not answer, but Jin Yilan answered for her.

As the saint of Wanhua Island, Jin Yilan has spent some time on Wanhua Island and naturally knows some things here.

It can be said that among the twelve saints of Wanhua Island, Jin Yilan is the only one who is not the body of the wall, and the other eleven are all virgins.

Because Jin Yilan was rescued by the island owner from a serious injury and coma. After her dantian was cured, her strength instantly recovered to its peak. The island owner saw that she was talented, hardworking, and generous, so she made an exception and made her a saint. one.

Otherwise, a woman who is not a perfect body cannot become a saint.

Therefore, when Jin Yilan became a saint, she received a lot of criticism, but this was the decision of the island owner, so everyone only dared to slander and didn't dare to speak out.

"But I think she is not a virgin." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a joking smile, "You who are not a virgin, you also violated the rules of this Wanhua Island. The criminal law on this altar, you should Also pay for it."

A flash of panic flashed in Hua Yun’s eyes, "You bullshit! You have wronged me! It was Huarong who made the mistake today, and she should be punished too! You trespassed on my Wanhua Island, and even injured the island owner. , Do you really think our Wanhua Island is good for bullying? Although the ancestor is in retreat, if there is a danger on Wanhua Island, the ancestor will appear. The ancestor is the strength of the gods, and the savvy will immediately kneel down and judge himself!"

Seeing her flustered and furious, Mu Qianyue confirmed her thoughts more and more.

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