Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1511: The end of Hua Yun [2]

The island owner Hua Lian also has a look of anger, looking at Hua Rong, her heart is full of sadness and disappointment, "Hua Rong, I really regret saving you at the beginning! I treat her like a biological daughter, and take care of you and cultivate you. How did you return me?"

"Island Lord..." Jin Yilan's face was full of pain and entanglement, "Why don't you believe me? I really didn't betray you! Mu Yan is my husband, and I really amnesia! I am very grateful to the island owner for his life-saving grace. Even if the island owner took my life, I did not blink my eyes. I just hope that the island owner can release my husband, daughter and son-in-law!"

Seeing Jin Yilan's serious and sincere expression, Hua Lian was puzzled. Is it true that what she said is true?

"Island Lord, you must not be deceived by her! Even if what she said is true, but she let her son-in-law hurt you, obviously she didn't put you in her eyes, and she didn't remember your kindness at all! "Hua Yun said quickly.

Hua Lian narrowed her eyes.

"Jing, help me control her, she talks too much, listening to the noise." Mu Qianyue dug out her ear impatiently.

An aura instantly locked onto Huayun's body, with a look of horror on Huayun's face. When she realized that she could not move, she was about to speak, and suddenly a faint fragrance of flowers floated over and filled her nose.

Hua Yun only felt that her consciousness slowly became confused, and when she opened her eyes, she found that there was no one around this huge altar. There was only a stiff figure standing opposite, looking at her coldly. The pale eyebrows and cold eyes made her heartache...

"Ying'er, Ying'er, are you finally willing to see you as a mother? Ying'er, I'm sorry for your mother... My mother kept you by her side for more than ten years. She either beat or scolded you. She never loved you well, yes. Mother, sorry for you..."

"I also want to love you well, but whenever I see your face, I think of the sad man in Yao Ning, who clearly said that he would marry me and take me away, but wait for me to take my innocence. After giving it to him, he didn't want to admit it...but wanted to be his underground lover and treat me as a free prostitute...How could I endure it! I even abandoned Wanhua Island for him, regardless of Wan Huadao’s rules, he treated me like that!"

"Damn man! Ying'er, don't be afraid. I have already avenged you. The man who is inferior to the beast did not even let his own daughter go. So when he was seriously injured and unconscious, I cut off his lifeblood. , Made the dish and fed him by mouth... Hahaha... Did you know? When he knew that he would eat his life’s roots, his face was angry, he kept vomiting, extremely angry, watching him hate I think it’s really cool!"

"That **** in Yaoning has today! He forced you to death! If it weren't for him, you wouldn't die! So he must pay for your life! Later I cut off his meat piece by piece and let him pay for it. Die in pain..."

A sentence came out of Hua Yun's mouth, shocking everyone!

It turned out that Hua Yun had long lost her virgin body and gave birth to a child. She cut off the man’s things and made vegetables for him to eat...

I really don't know the cruelty, or sad!

What was even more unexpected was that Ouyang Ying, who was accepted as an apprentice by Hua Yun, was her biological daughter, who had been hiding by her side for more than ten years! If she doesn't take the initiative to speak out, it is estimated that no one knows this secret!

Looking at Hua Rong's expressions of ferociousness, anger, sorrow and tears, everyone's faces showed complex expressions, either with sympathy or contempt...

And Jin Yilan also understood a little. No wonder Ouyang Ying committed suicide by cutting her wrist during the Tianmen Sect. It turned out that she was contaminated by Yao Ning, who was her biological father...

Hey, what a crime!

"All this is to blame Huarong that bitch! If it weren't for her, Yinger, you would not die, you would live well, so I won't let Huarong that **** get better! I want her to die! I I want them to be buried..."

"Ah! Senior Sister Lian, why are you here? Senior Sister Lian, you couldn't fight before you were alive, and after you die, you are not my opponent! I didn't want to kill you, but you blocked my way forward, so you must die! "

"Ah, you guys get out of me! Huazhu, I didn't mean to kill you... You know the secret that I am not a virgin and gave birth to a child, so I can't keep you..."

When they heard the names of Senior Sister Lian and Hua Zhu, everyone was even more shocked. They didn't expect Hua Yun to be so cruel that even her two best sisters had been killed! !

Just because one blocked her progress, and the other knew her secret...

I really can't see it!

Hua Yun's appearance is kind and tolerant, she didn't expect to be so feminine!

Island owner Hua Lian's face was cold and blue, and her eyes were full of murderous anger.

Hmm... I guessed that Huayun was not a virgin before, but she was really dirty! Do so many bad things! Mu Qianyue put her arms around her chest, raised her sleeves, a wisp of breeze blew across, Hua Yun regained her senses in a dazed manner. Seeing everyone's despising icy eyes and the island owner's disappointed and angry expression, Hua Yun was heartened. The next shock, a bad premonition rose in my heart...

Thinking of the words she had just said, she couldn't help but pale, "Island owner, just now I don't know what's going on, it's dazed...Those, those are all fake! I've entered an illusion, and those are not real! Someone wants to harm me! Yes, it must be Huarong!"

She raised her head and glared at Jin Yilan, "Hua Rong, you must be a slut!"

"Pop!" A loud slap hit her face.

Mu Qianyue stroked her palm, "Which green onion are you worthy of insulting my mother?"

"Hua Yun, I didn't expect you to be so vicious! You really disappointed me!" The island owner Hua Lian looked at her coldly and unfamiliarly, "Not to mention you ruined Wanhua Island's rules and ruined the same door. May still keep you! Do it yourself!"

Although Huayun’s behavior was a bit abnormal just now, it is undeniable that she has entered the illusion. The illusion is the secret in her heart. It is only revealed through the illusion. The island owner Hua Lian is not a fool, she just glanced at it. I saw it.

And she could see that it was the hands and feet of the woman named Mu Qianyue who was opposite.

"No, I don't want to die...Island owner, I was wrong! I was really wrong! I have reformed now! I promise I won't make mistakes again..." Hua Yun threw herself at Hua Lian’s feet. Constantly kowtow begging for mercy, snot and tears, pitiful.

Today, Huarong and her adulterer were burned to death, but Hua Yun’s secrets were revealed to her unexpectedly. Tsk tsk, it’s really hidden!

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