Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1527: Four fierce beasts [5]

It's a pity that these two monsters are just soul bodies, otherwise it would be a good thing to be pets.

As for what he said before to help the two of them recover their bodies, it was just a coax to them, and he didn't expect them to be fooled. However, even if they were not fooled, they could not prevent him from gaining the inheritance of the gods!


At this moment, a sudden and thorough roar rang out behind him, and followed the entire void with a fierce tremor, like an earthquake.

Xia Houqing looked back, and saw that four huge bodies suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Chaos, Gourmet, Panglu, and Qiongqi.

He couldn't help but froze, why did these four fierce beasts come in?

Did they kill the three people outside?

"Wow! Brat, you dare to order us to do things for you, what a bravery! Do you say I swallowed you raw, or did I bite off your head first and then slowly eat your meat? "Tao Tie's eyes widened, and he looked at Xia Houqing coldly.

With the voice of gluttonous gluttonous, the three figures of Chaos, Yinglu, and Qiongqi moved and landed on the other three positions of Xia Houqing, surrounding him in groups.

The cold and terrifying murderous aura, the unparalleled coercion emanating from the four beasts, was so terrifying that Xia Houqing's face turned pale and his legs trembled slightly.

Qinglong and Xuanwu are just soul bodies, and the three thousand golden lotus are just their nemesis. Secondly, their bodies are destroyed and their strength is greatly reduced. They are not to be afraid of themselves, but the four beasts in front of them are obviously different.

They are real fierce beasts, and they are all of the peak strength of the gods, even if he has three thousand golden lotus in hand, they are not their opponents at all!

The strength of the Three Thousand Golden Lotus is determined by the user's strength, and the strength of the user's realm is as strong as the strength it exerts.

"If I hadn't let you out, you would still be sealed there. Reasonably, I am your savior, do you want to avenge your gratitude?" Xia Houqing had no intention of dealing with Qinglong and Xuanwu at this time, and turned around quickly. The three thousand golden lotus in his hand aimed at the surrounding four beasts, his eyes filled with fear and vigilance.


Seeing that the inheritance of the gods was there and within reach, I didn't expect these four nasty beasts to run over!

If he has obtained the inheritance of the gods and has three thousand golden lotus, there is no need to be afraid of them!

It's just a little bit short!

Qinglong and Xuanwu saw that the four beasts did not attack them, but instead attacked the man, they could not help but secretly relieved, and quickly retreated to the side of the white jade box.

"Heh! You think too much, just because you want to be our savior? Are you worthy too?" Qiongqi raised his eyes lazily and swept Xia Houqing coldly.

The extremely cold eyes made Xia Houqing feel like falling into an ice cave.

The three beasts of Taotie, Yingzha, and Chaos have the same disdain and contempt, and they obviously agree with Qiongqi's words.

Xia Houqing suppressed the fear in his heart and said, "I will let you out, and you will help me kill people. That is not an order but cooperation. Now you are going to turn back?"

"We didn't promise not to kill you." Glutton opened his mouth wide, his huge eyes glowing with excitement, "I haven't eaten meat for ten thousand years! I will swallow you! "

When the words were over, Taotie rushed towards Xia Houqing.

Qiongqi, Chaos, and Yingzhao rushed over unwillingly, and the four beasts began to compete.

"Grass! Save me some!"

"Keep your uncle, just a little bit of meat is not enough to stuff my teeth!"

"I want this leg!"

"Um... then I want this hand!"

Poor Xia Houqing's hands and feet were held by the four beasts, and the three thousand golden lotus in his hands had already fallen to the ground. In the face of powerful strength, any artifact was useless.

However, the four beasts were not in a hurry to eat him, because the master hadn't arrived yet, if this guy was still useful to the master, they killed the guy and the master became angry...

The consequences are terrible!

Xia Houqing had already turned pale with fright, trembling all over, and his heart was full of fear. The fear of being swallowed filled his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he was afraid, and he was scared to incontinence.

A stinky breath came from under him, floating in the air.





The four beasts of Taotie, Chaos, Yinglu, and Qiongqi were frightened and let go of their mouths. They retreated far from Xia Houqing's side, vomiting in the distance, but they vomited nothing for a long time. .

The four beasts swept towards Xia Houqing with contempt, "He is still a god! He was scared out of shit!"

"Oh...don't say it, let's go on, the meat I have eaten thousands of years ago will be vomited." Taotie looked depressed. Although he is greedy, he does not eat everything. Although he is a foodie, he is right. The requirements for eating are very high. It’s not that I haven’t eaten meat for ten thousand years, so I just prepared to take it. I didn’t expect that the other party's **** and urine were all scared out. He can't eat such disgusting food!

"Bah, the meat you ate tens of thousands of years ago was digested into shit, okay?" Ying Xiao looked contemptuous, and his eyes were full of contempt when he looked at Xia Houqing. With this courage, he dared to grab the inheritance of the young girl. ? He is so funny, who gave him the courage?

"Ahhhhh...I can't bear it! I really want to slap him to death!" Chaos looked angry.

Qiongqi rolled his eyes and said, "If you are not afraid of the master strangling you to death, you can shoot, and I want to shoot him to death!"

Xia Houqing's face was blue and white, and he was so ugly, he didn't care about the smelly underneath him at the moment, he only felt that his body smelled so good that he was spared! Otherwise, it would have just become the belly of the four beasts...

Suddenly, his eyes were staring to the boss, looking at the figure walking in the void. The man was dressed in white, as holy as an immortal. The white clothing was light and the ink was flying. As he arrived, the entire void seemed to be bright. When he got up, his breath filled the entire space everywhere!

The woman standing next to him wore an exquisite light purple dress, with delicate facial features as sharp as a knife, a small face with a palm size, crescent eyebrows, and Qiong nose and cherry lips. They were colder and more beautiful than the fairy in the nine heavens.

She stood beside him faintly, but was not a point by his graceful beast, but complemented each other well, looking so good!

They... are not dead?

How can it be!

Why didn't these four big beasts kill them, but instead came to eat him?

Xia Houqing's heart was full of doubts and puzzles.

"You can eat the three of them, the three of them don't smell bad!" Xia Houqing said quickly, pointing to the three of Nalanjing, Mu Qianyue and Chu Tiange who came slowly.

The four beasts gave him an idiotic look.

Ying Xiao's temper is not very good, so he slapped it flying with a palm, "You want to die, we don't want to die!"

What are you kidding about, let them eat the master, master, and master's friends?

Do they think their lives are too long?

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