Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1528: Accept the inheritance【1】

"They are obviously human too, why don't you eat them!" Xia Houqing was so depressed that he wanted to die, feeling both fearful and wronged in his heart.

These four fierce beasts are too unreasonable to play cards!

This is too bullying!

"You are stupid, he is our master, do you think we will eat our own master?" Taotie looked at him with contemptuous eyes.

Xia Houqing was stunned when she heard what Taotie said. What?

Is the man in white clothes the owner of these four fierce beasts?

Do not! This is never possible!

Before he entered this void, these four fierce beasts were still looking at enemies, how come this white-clothed man became their master at this moment?

Is there anything he didn't know happened after he came in?

It didn't take long for him to come in. Not only did the other party not die, but he also took the four big beasts into pets so abnormally?

After thinking about things clearly, Xia Houqing felt dizzy in his mind, and he couldn't accept it.

How abnormal is the opponent's strength!

These four fierce beasts are at least the peak strength of the gods! What strength is beyond the peak of the gods?

Xia Houqing scrambled to pick up the three thousand golden lotus on the ground, tremblingly looking at the men and women in front of him, eyes full of fear.

"Lady, go get back what belongs to you." Nalan Jing said, and his eyes were coldly swept towards Xia Houqing who was sitting on the ground. This kind of garbage doesn't need him to do anything.

Mu Qianyue nodded and walked towards the jade box floating in the sky.


"Master, we finally waited for you!"

Two extremely excited voices sounded in the air.

Only then did Mu Qianyue see two figures standing next to the jade box that were so faint as to melt into the air, "Qinglong, Xuanwu?"

Just now they were almost wiped out under the holy light of the three thousand golden lotus, so their breath was very weak and weak, and their souls were particularly weak, so that Mu Qianyue didn't notice them at first.

"Let you wait a long time..." Mu Qianyue's eyes fell distressedly on their faintly angry faces, reaching out to touch their faces, but fearing that they would dissipate with a touch, she couldn't help but retract her hand.

Thousands of years ago, when they followed themselves, they were energetic, cold-hearted, and staring at the world. At this moment, they were so faint as a soul that would disappear at any time...

The guilt in Mu Qianyue's heart was even worse, her eyes filled with pain and distress.

If it weren't for her, they wouldn't be so, nor would they be hurt, nor would they have been guarding this dark place for thousands of years and waiting for thousands of years because of their own heritage...

For this love, she may not be repaid in this life and the next life.

"Master, it doesn't matter how long we wait, as long as you are well, as long as you can return, we are willing to wait as long as you can." Qinglong stared firmly at this peerless face in front of her, even if she was reincarnated, even after thousands of years of leisure Over the years, the master is still so beautiful and thrilling, unchanged.

"Yes, master, we didn't wait in vain." A layer of mist filled Xuanwu's eyes, with excitement, and the joy of reunion in a long time.

"Thanks for your hard work..." Mu Qianyue's voice was a little choked, and a thousand words choked in her throat, but she didn't know what to say, or for a while she didn't know where to start, because there was too much to say.

"Master, do you still need to be courteous with us? Or do you mean that the master has become estranged from us?" Qinglong looked at her bitterly.

"No matter how many reincarnations are, I will never forget you. You will always be my dearest people and my best partners!" Mu Qianyue's eyes were firm, her palms swayed, and she took out a few warm souls. "This is a flower for nourishing souls. You go into the space of my Tongtian Pagoda to recuperate. When I recover my strength, I will find a way to reshape your golden body."

With a move of mind, the two of them were taken into the space of Tongtian Tower.

Mu Qianyue took a deep breath, looked at the jade box in front of him, reached out to hold it, and opened the jade box. A light white light rose from the jade box, about the size of a fist.

To say it is inheritance, it is better to say that it belongs to the memory of Mu Qianyue’s previous life, a complete memory. In this memory there are memories of her life, her ups and downs, her joys and sorrows, her alchemy, and her perception of realm. The perception of heaven still has her life's strength!

After she blew herself up in the mountains that year, her body was destroyed and her soul had to escape. When Qinglong, Baixue, and Xuanwu found her, her soul was extremely collapsed and would dissipate at any time, and the trauma she suffered was difficult to recover.

So Qinglong, Baixue, and Xuanwu took out her memory and strength and sealed it in a jade box, letting her soul enter the cycle.

The sealed memory and strength belonged to her inheritance.

Yan Shu knew that Mu Qianyue’s inheritance had survived, and tried his best to capture it. In order to protect Mu Qianyue’s inheritance, the three of Qinglong, Bai Xue, and Xuanwu were all destroyed and almost wiped out. This shattered Yan. Shu's conspiracy.

In order to wait for her return, they stayed here for ten thousand years!

Now finally wait for this day!

With a flash of white light, she got into Mu Qianyue's mind, bursts of memories, and pictures poured in like mountains.

All kinds of past lives come to mind.

The majestic and powerful aura ups and downs all over her, surging and surging, her momentum is skyrocketing, a purple dress is windless, three thousand ink hair flying in the void, beautiful and sad, a faint white glow envelopes her His body was filled with a holy and glamorous atmosphere, like a queen high above, looking down at the world, watching the common people!

"No, no... it belongs to my inheritance! It belongs to me!" Seeing that Mu Qianyue was accepting the inheritance, Xia Houqing seemed to be crazy, with red eyes, standing up and rushing towards Mu Qianyue Come here.

Seeing that what he got has now become someone else's, why is he not in a hurry?

If he accepts the inheritance, he is a **** at this moment! Do I need to be afraid of these beasts? He was almost a bit short just now! Almost! !

He would never let Mu Qianyue accept the inheritance as he wished!


The chaos tail swept away, and Xia Houqing was swept away immediately, and his huge red lantern-like eyes looked at him coldly, "What are you? You dare to **** things from the mistress? You are looking for death!"

If it hadn't been for the master to kill him, it would have wanted to crush this scum to death!

"Oh..." Xia Houqing was pale, spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at the four fierce beasts in front of him with angrily and resentment, stared at the banished Nalan Jing, and Mu Qianyue, these **** guys! He really wanted to kill them all!

And at this moment--

"Boom bang bang..."

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