Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1529: Accept the inheritance【2】

A muffled sound rang from Mu Qianyue's body, and Mu Qianyue seemed to be riding a spaceship, instantly reaching the peak strength of the ninth-order god!

When I got here, I stopped slowly...

Under the curled eyelashes, his eyes opened slightly, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes, like a peerless sword unsheathed, with a stunning edge.

"Master, you have recovered your strength!" Chu Tiange looked at the woman in front of him with excitement, and was sincerely happy for her.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded, her mind moved, only listening to Chu Tiange's body also heard a'cracking' sound, the next moment, Chu Tiange also reached the peak of the ninth-order god!

The corner of Chu Tiange’s mouth twitched, with excitement, excitement, and gratitude. At the beginning, he contracted with the master to repay the master’s grace, life-saving grace and cultivation, but he never thought that one day he could follow the master. Reach the same height!

He had thought about the peak of the ninth-order gods, he had thought that maybe it would be more than ten years, decades, but he had never thought that he would reach such a height in his twenties!

This is something he can't even think of!

The pinnacle of the ninth-order gods, even most of the geniuses of the Profound Sky Realm, would never be able to do it for a lifetime!

Although many geniuses have good cultivation talents, it does not mean that everyone can reach such a height, otherwise the gods will not be almost extinct in the Profound Sky Realm!

Even ten thousand years ago, Mu Qianyue had only become a ninth-order **** at the age of 30. Such a talent shocked the entire Profound Heaven Realm at the time, and after she lived again, this time Mu Qianyue reached nine at the age of 25. The realm of the peak of the gods!

Although it is because she inherited the inheritance she left behind ten thousand years ago, it is also something that belongs to her in short.

It can be said that if there is no master, it is absolutely impossible for him Chu Tiange to become a **** so quickly!

Chu Tiange felt the endless energy in his body, the true Qi was surging and thick, and the blood in his whole body became boiling, as if it was about to burn.

Seeing that Mu Qianyue had completely accepted the inheritance, it was still so smooth, Xia Hou looked like ashes, completely slumped on the ground, with a look of lovelessness.

"You, are you a young girl ten thousand years ago?" Xia Houqing seemed to think of something, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at Mu Qianyue and asked.

He had also heard some legends about the young girl, but he didn't expect to encounter it here. No wonder she accepted the inheritance so smoothly, without any bumps and difficulties, and smooth as a boat sailing along the water.

"I just remembered asking this question now, it's too late." Nalanjing said coldly.

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes and faintly swept towards him, "It is you who made the souls of Qinglong and Xuanwu so weak? Now I will use your soul to feed them!"

A touch of coldness and bloodthirsty flashed in the black eyes, and Mu Qianyue did not see any movement. The next moment, she had appeared in front of Xia Houqing's eyes. Xia Houqing was shocked and fearful, although he was angry and unwilling. He was desperate, but he still didn't want to die!

Can live, who wants to die?

Seeing Mu Qianyue's gaze, Xia Houqing's face changed in fright, and his palm flicked. A teleportation charm appeared in his palm. He quickly smashed the teleportation charm and fled straight away...

"Want to run?" Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed coldly, her fingers grabbed and tugged in the air, she actually pulled Xia Houqing back from the air abruptly!

"Bang!" Xia Houqing's body fell to the ground fiercely, embarrassed, and vomited a few big mouthfuls of blood again, so pitiful.

He completely ignored the pain on his body at this time, but looked at Mu Qianyue with horror, is the power of the ninth-order **** so terrible? It can actually block the power of the teleportation talisman! !

"You hurt them, still want to run?" Mu Qianyue looked at him coldly like a demon god.

If you let him get his own inheritance first, you don't need to think about the consequences, Qinglong and Xuanwu will die!

To be precise, they are already dead. If they die this time, their souls will disappear, and they will disappear forever in the world!

As long as the thought of the two of them almost disappeared, Mu Qianyue's face was cold and full of murderous intent.

"Green girl, I was wrong. I don't know this is your inheritance. Please don't kill me... Besides, I didn't get your inheritance. In the end, you took it back by yourself?" Xia Houqing Being afraid of death, especially after becoming a **** emperor, he was even more reluctant to die. His body tremblingly crawled under Mu Qianyue's feet, and kept begging for mercy.

Mu Qianyue stared at him coldly. If he tried to gain his own inheritance, he would not be guilty of death. After all, in the face of inheritance, few people could resist the temptation.

Besides, she was dead ten thousand years ago. This is also considered an unowned thing. It is not wrong for anyone who has the ability to obtain it.

But he should never hurt Qinglong and Xuanwu!

When he was outside, he deliberately released the four big beasts to deal with her and Jing, Chu Tiange.

Therefore, at this time, Mu Qianyue would never be soft-hearted!

Mu Qianyue did not answer his words, her wrist under her sleeve was gently raised.

When Xia Houqing saw this, he knew that it was impossible to spare himself. He stood up from the ground and clenched the three thousand golden lotus in his hand, with a madness on his face, "Want to grab my soul , Dreaming! I won't make you wish if I die!"

Suddenly he squeezed the tactics with one hand, and clenched the three thousand golden lotus with the other hand, and spewed a mouthful of blood on the three thousand golden lotus, and saw the three thousand golden lotus flourish on the golden light, an extremely powerful aura emanating from the three thousand golden lotus. Coming out and rushing into his body, his body suddenly swelled, as if it was about to explode. The surging aura lingered around him, at this moment his strength reached the realm of a half-step true spirit!

Above the gods is the real spiritual realm!

Although he is not a powerhouse in the true spirit realm, he is only a half-step true spirit, but he is much stronger than the ninth-order god!

"Hahaha... Now I want to show you who killed who!" Xia Houqing's expression became crazy and hideous.

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, why would she feel a familiar breath on Three Thousand Golden Lotus, a breath that disgusts her...

"Huh! Rice grains dare to compete with the sun and the moon?" Nalanjing snorted coldly. His handsome and innocent face was full of disdain. With a movement of his mind, the Nether realm was displayed, and Xia Houqing was instantly enveloped in it, the four big beasts. And the seventy-two puppets from the peak of the 9th-order gods rushed towards Xia Houqing, neat and unified!

The smile on Xia Houqing's face suddenly froze there, becoming extremely ugly!

Endless fear came to his mind again, making him so depressed that he wanted to die!

Although he is a half-step true spirit now, he can't resist so many gods!

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