Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1534: Endless Return [1]

This was the first time holding hands with him, and the first time he confessed to her that she was a little nervous while excited.

So I sweated...

"Yes, it's a bit hot." In short, she would never admit that she was nervous.

Because it's so embarrassing!

The doubt in Chu Tiange's eyes became even stronger. He raised his head and looked at the deep and dark sky. A round of clear moon hung alone in the sky. The breeze was breezy, and it was a bit cool. It stands to reason that the temperature is not It will be hot, but very cozy and comfortable, but Ying Er feels very hot...

"Are you sick?" Chu Tiange asked suddenly.

Saying that he reached out to touch his forehead.

Bai Longying was taken aback for a moment, and she quickly avoided his stretched hand, "No, I'm not sick...well, I'm going back to the room first."

Fearing to be seen by Chu Tiange, she was even more embarrassed. Bai Longying threw a sentence and quickly ran away. It can be said that she fled in panic, making Chu Tiange even more puzzled, and her handsome face was full of doubts. Halo, how do you feel that Yinger was scared to run away?

He doesn't eat people!


After spending a few days in Feibao Building, Tian Shuo and Meng Ximo also returned, together with Wu Hai and Hei Yu.

Their faces are not very good, and their figures are very embarrassed. When they see Mu Qianyue, they are like seeing the backbone of the master, and they rushed forward, "Master."

Mu Qianyue took all their status to the bottom of her eyes, her beautiful face couldn't help but she looked at them and asked, "Did something happen?"

Before, he asked Hei Yu, Wu Hai and others to respond to Nalan Ye...

Soon Mu Qianyue found Yun Chang and Bao'er behind Wu Hai, Hei Yu and others.

"Sorry, master, our mission failed, and Nalanye was taken away by the Demon Moon Cult!" Wu Hai looked self-blaming and guilty.

Yun Chang's face in the crowd was very pale. She clasped Bao'er's hand very hard, as if she was afraid that Bao'er would lose track when she let go.

Bao'er stood by her side with a well-behaved face, his smart black eyes turned around. When he saw Mu Qianyue, his eyes lit up, she broke away from Yun Chang's hand and walked to Mu Qianyue's. In front of him, he asked hopefully, "Aunty Yue, my father was taken away by the Demon Moon Cult. Can you send someone to rescue him?"

"Don't worry, Aunt Yue won't let him have an accident." Mu Qianyue bent down and looked at the little man in front of him. His face was exquisite, and his facial features were exactly the same as Nalanye, almost his. Pirated.

"Thank you Auntie Yue." It seems that because of Mu Qianyue's affirmation, Bao'er breathed a sigh of relief. There was a smile on his pale face, and a gleam of happiness was also dyed in his **** eyes. He returned to the cloud. By her side, Chang pulled her sleeves, "Mother, don't worry, Aunt Yue will save Daddy. Daddy must be fine."

"En." Yun Chang nodded, but didn't say much, but looked at Mu Qianyue and said, "Qianyue, trouble you."

"Why are you and me polite?" Mu Qianyue said, if it wasn't for Huoxi and Xiaoling, Nalanye would not betray the Demon Moon Cult, let alone be captured by the Demon Moon Cult. No matter what, she would I won't let Nalanye leave it alone, "Don't worry, he will be fine, and I will definitely send him to you intact."

"You take Yun Chang down to rest first." Mu Qianyue said to the consul and butler of Feibaolou Luo Zhengqing.

"Yes." Luo Zhengqing nodded respectfully, leading Yun Chang mother and son to the backyard.

And Mu Qianyue took Tian Shuo, Wu Hai and others to the discussion hall.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit dull. Mu Qianyue's eyes swept over them one by one, her cold voice with a trace of solemnity, "Tell me about the specific situation."

"Let me talk." Hei Yu said, raising his head and looking at Mu Qianyue's body, "Master, when you asked us to meet Nalanye, we immediately set off to the vicinity of the Moyue Sect. Only when we inquired into Nalanye’s family of three, they were besieged by the people of the Demon Moon Cult. We successfully rescued them and seriously injured the people of the Demon Moon. But we suffered from the Demon Moon Cult while we were halfway. This time, the people they sent are very strong. We are not opponents. Fortunately, we met Tianshuo and Mengximo. There were two of them. But at a critical moment, the Demon Lord of Moyue Sect appeared. We desperately resisted. After saving Yun Chang's mother and son, Nalanye fought desperately against the demon lord in order not to hurt everyone. He was taken away..."

"Now Bing Yan, Long Ting, Mu Xueying and Xiao Xuan'er are guarding near the Moyue Sect." Wu Hai added.

After hearing the whole story, the solemn color on Mu Qianyue's face became stronger, "I will leave for the Moyue Sect tomorrow. Tiange, Baixue, you two will go with me."

"Yes." Chu Tiange and Bai Xue nodded.

Wu Hai and Hei Yu immediately said, "Master, let's go too."

This time their mission failed, and they felt very guilty. Now that they heard Mu Qianyue said that they were going to the Moyue Sect, they wanted to follow it.

Meng Ximo didn't speak, but her beautiful eyes were full of firmness, which obviously also indicated that she must follow.

"Huh? Xiao Yueyue, what is your strength now?" Tian Shuo asked suddenly, her azure blue eyes staring at Mu Qianyue unblinkingly.

Hei Yu and Wu Hai felt that Mu Qianyue's aura was very strong and majestic, and they couldn't see what strength it was.

Mu Qianyue did not answer, a mysterious color flashed in her beautiful black pupils, her mind moved, and she saw the majestic momentum of'Bang Bang Bang' flashing from the bodies of Hei Yu, Wu Hai and Tian Shuo. The whole house was violently windy during the time, the momentum was like a mountain, and it was shocking...

In an instant, even in the blink of an eye, they rose to the peak of the ninth-order god.

Hei Yu and Wu Hai were dumbfounded!

This this this...

Are they dreaming?

Why did the divine emperor suddenly become the ninth-order divine emperor?

Tian Shuo's expression seemed much calmer, "Xiao Yueyue, have you found the inheritance? The strength has been promoted so quickly... Well, it feels really cool, you don't have to use any effort, it's the god, hehe..."

"Ah! We have the strength of the gods and we are afraid that Moyue will teach an egg! Kill it back now!" Wu Hai clenched his fists excitedly, his eyes flashing with a brutal bloodthirsty factor.

Hei Yu nodded in agreement, "Go, kill it now! Humph!"

The Demon Lord of the Demon Moon Sect was a **** emperor, and they had no power to fight back. In the end, if Nalanye hadn’t stood up and threatened the demon Lord with his life and let them go, I’m afraid they would all die. There.

Now that they have the strength of the ninth-order god, they can blow that awesome demon master to death!

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