Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1535: Endless Return [2]

There is no need to be afraid of them now!

At that time, we must let that demon master taste their power!

If he doesn't cry his father and call his mother kneel down and begging for mercy, he is not Hei Yu!

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements now, let's go." Mu Qianyue stood up and returned to Mingyue Garden, and told Nalanjing about going to the Moyue Sect immediately.

Nalanjing readily agreed, "Go, I happen to have something to return to the Yanhuang Realm. With your strength, the people of the Demon Moon Cult are not your opponents."

There was a tenderness in his purple eyes, and he stretched out his hand to cover Mu Qianyue's cheeks, and stroked the wind-blown hair on her ears, "Be careful."

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded. In addition to herself, Tian Shuo, Hei Yu, Wu Hai, Tian Ge, and Bai Xue are all nine-tier gods, and even if there are a thousand demon masters, they are not theirs. opponent.

So don’t worry at all.

However, just in case, Mu Qianyue still left Chu Tiange, the ninth-order god, to sit in Feibao Tower, in case the people of Moyue Sect suddenly come.

Get everything ready, just as Mu Qianyue was about to take everyone out, Feng Lingyu and Feng Lingyun came in haste under the cold moonlight.

"Sister Yue!"

Feng Lingyu exclaimed with joy, and quickly rushed forward, a few steps before she came to Mu Qianyue. At this time, her pink and delicate face was flushed, perhaps because she was running in a hurry, there was also a worried look in her eyes.

Mu Qianyue looked at her suspiciously, "Lingyu, what's the matter?"

"My brother and I calculated the hexagrams before and found a bad news." Feng Lingyu's expression also became serious, and Mu Qianyue snorted in her heart, bad news?

"The devil is back!" Feng Lingyu said solemnly.

"What about he's back? It's just a **** emperor, we're going to destroy the Demon Moon Cult!" Hei Yu coldly curled his lips with disdain.

Wu Hai also has a look of contempt. Maybe they were afraid of the demon lord before, but now they have this powerful strength, afraid of being a hairy?

Feng Lingyu rolled his eyes in disdain, "What **** emperor, the strength of the demon lord reached the level of the 9th-order gods ten thousand years ago. Although his body was destroyed and his feet in the demon world, the demon lord passed by These ten thousand years of cultivation and recovery, I am afraid that he has already broken through the **** emperor! Half a month ago, he has broken through the shackles of the devil world, and I am afraid that he has now come to the mysterious sky..."

"Once the demon lord's body is restored, his strength will be even higher! I am afraid that the battle between gods and demons will be staged again ten thousand years ago!" Feng Lingyun also looked solemn.

Hei Yu and Wu Hai looked dull, "Isn't the Demon Lord in your mouth the leader of the Demon Moon Sect?"

"Of course not!" Feng Lingyu said, snorting disdainfully, "However, the leader of the Demon Moon Sect is a puppet under the demon master, he dare to call himself the demon master?"

Hei Yu and Wuhai looked embarrassed. It turns out that this demon lord is not the other demon lord!

Mu Qianyue's brows frowned tightly, Wu Ya? Has he recovered? Came to the Profound Sky Realm? So things are a little difficult to handle!

"Is this news reliable? How did you know that the demon master recovered his body?" After a long while, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but ask.

"It is said that after the Demon Lord was sealed in the Demon Realm ten thousand years ago, he left a trace of his mind in the Human Realm and created a melting furnace. I only inferred all of this from the hexagram, and I am not sure yet." Feng Lingyu Dao, after all, his Feng family used divination to calculate, using the stars as the force, the things calculated by divination were always accurate, and there was almost no miss.

This time she just calculated the bad news, and then hurried back from outside to report to Mu Qianyue.

Melting furnace?

Hearing these two words, Mu Qianyue trembled all over, a picture flashed across her mind quickly, the boundless melting furnace was Nalan Ye! ! !

It's no wonder that Nalanye and Wuya are somewhat similar before, because the similarity is not very high, so she has never thought about it!

Now that I heard Feng Lingyu's words, I suddenly remembered what Fu Bo had said to her and Jing!

At that time, Uncle Fu also asked her and Jing to find Wuya's melting furnace quickly, and then it was ruined. Because there had been no news and no clues, the matter was delayed!

But she never expected that this melting furnace was Nalan Ye!

"Go to the Moyue Sect immediately!" Mu Qianyue didn't want to wait for a moment. When the words fell, Bai Xue's figure shook and turned into a huge white tiger, "Master, come up soon."

"Xue'er, it's still suitable for me to do hard work. I'll come." Yuan Han's voice sounded in the dark, and his handsome and clear figure flickered, and he immediately became a Kunpeng that soared for nine days, huge. The wings spread out in the sky, nearly a hundred feet long!

The huge body blocked the bright moon in the sky, and the bottom was pitch black, and the wind howled.

Everyone standing below felt the gust of wind.

Bai Xue'er is also welcome, she has turned back into a human form, so in terms of speed, Kunpeng is naturally the fastest among monsters.

Kunpeng is known for his speed, soaring for ninety thousand miles!

How fast can it be!

Mu Qianyue jumped onto Kunpeng's back with a movement, Bai Xue, Tianshuo, Hei Yu, and Wuhai also landed on Kunpeng's back.

Kunpeng's back is very generous, even if a thousand people stand on it, he won't feel crowded!

With a spread of wings, he swayed straight up, swept up the void, and headed towards the direction of the Demon Moon Sect!

Originally, it took Baixue's speed to fly one day and one night to get there, but at Kunpeng's fast speed, it took only half a day!

Fast to unbeatable!

After arriving in the magic city, Mu Qianyue used her mind to communicate with Bing Yan and Mu Xueying. Soon Bing Yan received the news and rushed over to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue summoned them all into the Tongtian Tower space, and through the method of soul contract, the strength of Bing Yan, Mu Xueying, Long Ting, and Xiao Xuan'er were all raised to the realm of a ninth-order god.

Now including Mu Qianyue, there are nine masters of the ninth-order gods here!

If Wuya had not recovered his physical body and had not yet merged with Nalanye, then it would be enough to deal with him!

I'm afraid...

This time, Mu Qianyue did not bring Yun Chang, mother and son, and even Meng Ximo stayed in Feibao Tower.

"Master, it's that we are useless and haven't completed the task you confided." Bing Yan's expression was already cold. At this time, because of guilt, it became even colder, her thin lips pressed lightly, as if the air could freeze into ice.

Long Ting also stood aside with a face of self-blame.

"It's not to blame you, you have done your best." Mu Qianyue comforted. At that time, they were all only first-order divine emperors. Even if there were a hundred first-order divine emperors, they would not be an opponent of a divine emperor.

Moreover, the leader of the Moyue Sect is still a third-order **** emperor, and it is excusable that they are not opponents.

"Go, you lead the way now, let's go to the Moyue Sect." Mu Qianyue's face is cold, and if he drags for a minute, Nalanye will be a little more dangerous, just hoping to catch up...

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