Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1537: Endless Return [4]

"Shut up!" Mu Qianyue's face was cold and Yanli was unfeeling, "It seems that I can only do something with you, so I just forget the grievances of thousands of years ago."

Ten thousand years ago, if he hadn't attacked Jing, how could Jing fail? How could she be seriously injured? How could Yan Shu have a chance to take advantage of it and hurt Xiao Ling!

Besides, it was the conspiracy that Yan Shu and him co-designed thousands of years ago, which made her and Jing pay a painful price!

Wu Ya’s face showed a trace of injury, "Qingqing, I really love you, why can’t you accept my love? How can I not compare to him? Actually, we met first! You and Emperor Yan only met later! Why did he steal you from my side!"

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's lips slowly curled up, and a sneer and ridicule appeared, "In my heart, you will never compare to him! Love is not about who meets who first, but a kind of fate. , A kind of heartbeat feeling, for you, I don’t have that heartbeat feeling, I just treat you as a friend! Besides, you keep saying that you love me, but you conspire with Yan Shu to hurt the person I love and hurt My daughter, hurt me, is this what you call love? Your love is too selfish! You don’t understand love at all! Even if Nalanye is much better than you, at least he knows how to let go, at least he never hurts You passed me, but finally chose fulfillment. You are not even as good as Nalan Ye. Why do you compare with Jing?"

The words of the woman were so clear and clear that they fell in Wuya's ears, making his expression extremely ugly.

There was a storm in his long, narrow black eyes, and he seemed to be thinking about what Mu Qianyue said, and the cold air almost froze.

"Nalanye is just a trace of my soul, do you think I am inferior to him?"

"Isn't it?" Mu Qianyue sighed quietly, her eyes fell on Wu Ya who was opposite, "Do you know what I regret most?"

"What?" Wu Ya asked almost subconsciously.

"I regret saving you at the beginning." A fluttering sentence fell from Mu Qianyue's delicate and soft lips, but Wu Ya's face was instantly bloodless, and his face was cold and pale, so cold, even His hands under his sleeves couldn't help but clenched his fists slightly, his body trembling slightly.

She actually said she regretted saving him?

Ten thousand years ago, in Qingnv’s life, she was only twelve years old. She inadvertently saved Wuya who was dying at the foot of the mountain. At that time, he was still in the form of a beast, and the appearance of the beast was very ugly, but she was not. He disliked him, but took him back, bandaged the wound for him, and healed his injury. After he was wounded, he stayed by her side, practiced with her, and lived together. That time was his whole life. The happiest and most fond memory, he worked hard every day to cultivate, and finally cultivated into a human form...

She was very happy when she saw that he could transform into form, and she specially celebrated for him.

At that time, he was the only one beside her, and he even thought he would accompany her to the world, and the world collapsed together...

But once she went to the Yanhuang clan, and when she came back, she was surrounded by a handsome and clear boy who was not the Emperor Yan.

Since the boy arrived, her attitude towards him has changed. It is obvious that she belongs to him, and no one can take it away!

The desire that lay in his heart broke out from the bottom of his heart, took root and sprouted, thrived, and finally could not be restrained...

He doesn't know how it changed between him and Qingqing...

So he summed up all the hatreds and grievances on Yandi. Without him, he would have been living a carefree, happy and happy life with Qingqing...

"Qingqing, since your death, I haven't regretted it for a moment. I arranged the magic palace according to the place where we lived before, and supported me to live through the long years of 10,000 years. It is our beautiful and happy memory..." His face was pale and his lips trembled slightly, but now she said that what she regretted most was saving him in the first place...

At that time he lay dying in the ditch, waiting quietly for death in loneliness and darkness, but she descended like a fairy, broke into his sight, and rescued him who was dying. At that time, he knew that he was in this life. Can't escape her prison, but he is willing to paint her a prison...

Now she said she regretted saving him...

This sentence pierced his heart like a sharp blade, making him feel unhappy and almost destroying his reason.

"Qingqing, why are you so cruel to me?"

Mu Qianyue stared at him with extremely cold eyes, "You and Huo Shu hurt my husband, and even the Yan and Huang clan were almost exterminated. In order to vent the little spirit, Yan Shu dismembered the little flexible, and then forced me to death. ......Oh, Wuya, is this your love? It's really terrible! I can't afford it!"

If she hadn't saved Wuya before, neither Jing nor Xiao Ling would be harmed like this!

"What? Dismember Xiaoling? No, it's impossible!" Wuya's expression was incredulous and shouted, "Qingqing, I didn't want to kill you at all, let alone hurt Xiaoling. I conspired with Yan Shu just to separate You and Yan Di only. I told Yan Shu that I only want you, and she only wants Yan Di. She said that Xiao Ling is Yan Di's child and she will be loved like her own children... I never thought she would be so frantic! "

Mu Qianyue's eyes were as cold as a knife, and she looked at him coldly, whether he knew it or not, but the final result was also caused by him.

It's the same truth as I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

"Damn Yan Shu! This vicious woman, if I meet her, I must make her die better than life!" Wu Ya roared.

As he said, he raised his head and looked at the opposite woman cautiously and hopefully, and his gaze fell on her delicate and prosperous face, "Qingqing, can you forgive me? Give me a chance to redeem my merits?"

The corner of Mu Qianyue's lips evoked a very cold ironic smile. He killed her family, but now he wants her to forgive him, with a relaxed expression on his face, I really don't know how he said it!

After thinking about it, Mu Qianyue still said, "I think I can forgive you and leave Nalanye's body."

Wuya shook his head violently, "Impossible! Now that my soul is slowly merging with his body, my fit with him has reached 90%! He is me, so how can I leave? "

After leaving Nalanye's body, he no longer has a physical body, and it is impossible for him to break through the true spiritual realm, so it is impossible for him to leave Nalanye's body!

What he had to do was to swallow Nalanye's soul like the bottom, and let him return to his soul. It was originally a trace of his soul, and would he want to leave his body?

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