Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1538: Holy Blood [1]

Hearing Wuya's words, Mu Qianyue's expression changed, and she stopped talking nonsense, and rushed directly toward Wuya with a movement.

At the same time, rays of light flickered from her body, and at the same time rushed towards Wu Ya...

Those rays of light transformed into human forms as soon as they hit the air. They were Bing Yan, Mu Xueying, Yuan Han, Bai Xue, Xiao Xuan'er, Long Ting, Hei Yu, and Wuhai.

In addition to Mu Qianyue, the ninth-ranked god, nine ninth-ranked gods attacked Wuya at the same time.

Their strength is not weak, and they are all monsters. It can be said that their combat effectiveness is very strong, and they are stronger than the general 9th-order gods.

The leader of the Moyue Sect and his disciples saw the emergence of nine gods all at once. Although they couldn't see their specific strength, the aura of that body couldn't be ignored, and they were almost on par with the devil!

It's no wonder that the four Supreme Elders in the teaching are not their opponents, no wonder the four Supreme Elders died easily without causing any movement...

This kind of battle is not something that Moyue Master can participate in. An anxious look is on his face, and he can only stand quietly and watch.

Wuya's handsome face was calm. He looked at the nine people who were besieging him, and a sneer of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Qingqing, do you think they will be my opponent?"

I saw his figure flashing quickly in the encircling circle, raising his hands under the black sleeves, and quickly blasting towards the surrounding.

"Puff puff puff......" Badao muffled sound, except for Mu Qianyue, all Mu Xueying were blasted out.

The eight Mu Xueying's bodies floated in mid-air twice before falling steadily to the ground. Their expressions were a little embarrassed, and they looked at Wuya who was opposite. They didn't seem to expect his strength to be so strong that he could actually be able to do it. Zi resisted the attack of the eight of them!

Wuya easily resisted Mu Qianyue’s attack, her deep gaze was affectionate, like a sea of ​​stars under the night sky, "Qingqing, I was wrong before, I shouldn’t have done things that hurt you with Yan Shu. I really did not expect Yan Shu to be so frantic. It is indeed my negligence. I promise I will never hurt you again..." After a pause, his face became dark and continued, "As for Xiaoling and Jiujiu, I will also treat me as my own child! I will never let things happen again ten thousand years ago! Qingqing, would you give me another chance?"

Mu Qianyue was floating in the air, her light purple dress was flying in the air, and the cold moon and silver brilliance fell on her body, like a cage with a layer of frost, making her look colder, like a surviving and independent purple Lotus, noble and elegant, cool and beautiful.

"Are you stupid or idiot? First, you killed my husband, my daughter, and still want me to forgive you. Is it possible? Second, we have never been together. How could you give you another chance?"

Those memories in the past, she just regarded him as a good friend. At that time Wuya was lonely and not talkative, and had almost no friends. At first, she was very wary of Mu Meiyue and spoke very little. Later, Wuya healed. During that time, the two became familiar with each other gradually. Wuya also put aside his defenses against Mu Qianyue. At that time Wuya had nowhere to go, Mu Qianyue left him, and finally became good friends. year.

But in those few years, Mu Qianyue and him were both innocent, without any physical contact, nor any ambiguity, some were just friendships with each other...

It wasn't until Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing were together later that Wuya began to change, turning back into the gloomy and violent Japian beast.

That time he practiced and became a demon. It was a fuse that completely pushed his relationship with Mu Qianyue into the abyss of immortality, turning his eyes into enemies, and under Wu Ya's anger, he proclaimed himself a demon lord and won a lot more. Powerful monsters have entered his camp, among them there are four big beasts: Chaos, Gourmet, Penglu, and Qiongqi.

He won the battle, severely wounded Emperor Yan, and successfully brought Mu Qianyue back to his territory, but the woman Yan Shu took advantage of his absence to let Mu Qianyue go.

When he came back, he learned that Mu Qianyue blew herself up and died, that is, in the scene between the cliffs on the top of the mountain. Mu Qianyue saw Yan Shu tear off her hypocritical face, and she knew that it was her and Wuya. The conspiracy killed so many innocent people, severely injured Jing, and even dismembered Xiao Ling!

Wuya was furious and went to find Yan Shu, but the **** woman hid, making him unable to find it.

Later, Uncle Fu appeared, severely injured Wuya, ruined his body, and sealed him in the Demon Realm.

"Qingqing, do you really refuse to forgive me, do you want to be an enemy of me?" Wu Ya's face was cold and terrifying, and his whole body exuded a biting coldness.

"I said, if you let Nalanye go, I will choose to forgive you." Mu Qianyue snorted lightly.

In any case, she must rescue Nalan Ye! She can't let Nalanye die in vain for her people, nor can she let Bao'er have no father...

Although Nalanye is Wuya's soul, but Nalanye is Nalanye, he is not Wuya!

"Qingqing, I can agree to your other requirements, but this is not possible!" Wu Ya shook his head, "I have swallowed Nalanye's soul, so even if I return his body to you, It's useless."


Mu Qianyue's face turned pale, her footsteps swayed, and she almost fell, her **** and white eyes widened, her beautiful little face full of shock.

It was a long time before she suppressed the shock and anger in her heart, her face was gloomy and cold, and the harsh and violent aura floated up and down all over her, "Even if his soul is gone, his body, I want it too!"

"Qingqing, I am him, he is me, what do you want my body to do?" Wu Ya's mouth raised a smile, the coldness on his face seemed to melt away, warm as spring, but with a trace Ambiguous breath.

Nalanye's appearance is not ugly, it can be said that it is very handsome, the jade tree facing the wind, chic and graceful, handsome and elegant.

Mu Qianyue darkened her eyes.

"Qingqing, don't try to steal my body from me, even if there are eight ninth-level gods and peak powers by your side, they will not be able to beat me! I am now in the true spiritual realm!" Wu Ya said quietly. Said, with a proud look on his face.

"If you can't beat it, you'll know!" Mu Qianyue snorted, and the aura spread from her body. The Azure Dragon bloodline and the Nine Changes of Tai Chi were all displayed at this moment. She saw her aura soaring, and she reached half a step in an instant. The realm of true spirits.

Half-step True Spirit Realm means that one foot has reached the threshold of the True Spirit Realm, not yet the True Spirit Realm.

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