Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1545: This may be his fate...

The wind and clouds in the sky thunder and lightning, a scene of the end of the world.

The two figures, one black and the other white, fought so hard that they fought for hundreds of rounds in a blink of an eye.

However, Nalanjing didn't use the Tongtian Tower, but wanted to see how strong Wuya was.

This time the two were evenly matched, and they fought so dimly.

A ray of morning light slowly rose from the sky.

This is the two people from midnight to dawn, still no winner.

Finally I don't know how long it has passed, Wu Ya gradually fell into the wind, he roared in anger, his stature shook, and he turned into a beast.

The huge body immediately obscured the sky and the sun, and the sun that obscured the horizon slowly rose up, instantly giving people a feeling of darkness, as if the entire sky was about to be suppressed.

Wuya, who had become a beast-like form, had obviously quickly increased its combat power to a level, turned the wind to the upper hand, and severely suppressed Nalanjing.

Nalan Jing's eyebrows and eyes were clear and cool, and her palms flicked, she took out the Tongtian Pagoda without hesitation, with one hand, she saw the palm-sized Tongtian Pagoda quickly transformed into bursts of dazzling glaucoma, dazzling and gorgeous. Extremely.

The Tongtian Tower rose in response to the storm, and instantly magnified dozens of times, like a majestic giant mountain that quickly pressed towards Wuya!

Under this domineering aura that can destroy everything, Wuya retreats steadily, with a scream of wailing in his mouth, his body shakes, transforms back into a human form, fell from the sky, and a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately. .

Obviously he has been seriously injured!

Wuya's complexion was blue and purple, he didn't want to shake his figure, so he hid in the air and disappeared quickly, so fast as a stream of light across the sky, Mu Qianyue couldn't stop it even if he wanted to stop...

Nalanjing's face also sank and ran away for him...

"Jing, don't chase it." Seeing that he was about to chase, Mu Qianyue quickly took his hand.

Nalanjing frowned, "Nalanye's soul is still in his hands."

Mu Qianyue shook her head, "It's useless, their souls have merged and they can't be separated at all."

"Don't forget it?" Nalanjing's face was very cold in the golden morning light, and the warm sun did not dispel the expression on his face.

He didn't want to owe Nalanye favor, let alone Yueer owe Nalanye favor.

"It's useless if we chase it now." Mu Qianyue stroked her chin with one hand and thought, "I heard that Yan Shu's nine clones before had taken apart her three souls and seven souls. If we find Yan Shu The ancient Nine Wonders Secret Method may be able to separate Wuya's soul from Nalanye's body, so that Nalanye can regain control of his body."

Nalanjing nodded in agreement, "The lady is still smart, I will look for Yan Shu's whereabouts now."

In Biyu Palace that time, Yan Shu didn't die, but ran away. He must have been hiding. It was relatively busy these days, and neither Mu Qianyue nor Nalanjing had time to look for her.

It's time to get her out!

"En. But we have to go back to Feibao Building first." Mu Qianyue sighed lightly, how should I tell Yun Chang when I go back?

Yun Chang is Nalan Ye's wife and has the right to know everything about Nalan Ye. Mu Qianyue doesn't feel that it is for her own good to hide it for her. On the contrary, she feels that this is a selfish performance.

"Cang Ming, Xuan Ye, you stay to clear away the Demon Moon Sect." Nalanjing's cold and merciless voice slowly sounded in the air, and as his voice fell, silhouettes suddenly appeared in the air, except for Cang Ming and Xuan. Besides Ye Erren, there are hundreds of Soul Eaters.

"Yes, Master." Cang Ming and Xuan Ye nodded respectfully towards Nalanjing, then raised their heads and grinned at Mu Qianyue, revealing a happy smile, "Mistress."

Mu Qianyue smiled and nodded at the two of them. It's been a long time since I saw them for a long time. This time Nalanjing took both of them by her side.

Mu Qianyue didn't pay attention to the matter of the Mo Yue teaching anymore, and Wu Ya was making trouble here. The rest of these things were not enough to be afraid of, so Mu Qianyue returned to the Blue Wolf City with Nalanjing in peace.

Mu Qianyue stood at the door of Feibao Building and hesitated for a long time. Nalanjing seemed to guess what she was thinking and took her hand.

He was very warm and hot, which wiped away the anxiety and guilt in her heart.

"Yue'er, this incident is not your fault. Nalan Ye is Wuya's soul mind, which is enough to prove that this is what he planned long ago, even if there is no Huo Xi and Xiao Ling's affairs, he can't escape. Yes." His soft voice rang in her ears.

Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at him and let out a sigh of relief. Although she knew it, the guilt in her heart still lingered. She was suddenly a little afraid of seeing Yun Chang, not because she was afraid of seeing Yun Chang's scolding and hatred. Meaning, but she knows how much Yun Chang loves Nalanye, otherwise she would not insist on leaving Yunzong alone to give birth to Baoer...

She was afraid to see Yun Chang's painful and desperate appearance. After all, Nalanye was her favorite, her husband, and the father of her child...

She didn't even dare to imagine if Jing died, whether she would collapse, whether she still had the desire to live.

So at this moment, she was afraid that she would see Yun Shang, and she didn't even dare to enter Feibao Tower.

"Qianyue, are you back?" At this moment, Yun Chang's excited voice came out of the courtyard, and Yun Chang quickly walked out of the courtyard and flew towards Mu Qianyue.

Yun Chang looked around behind her. After watching for a long time, except for Nalan Jing, she didn't see anyone else. Her face darkened, and her lips trembled slightly, "Where is he? Didn't he come back? ?"

"He... his body is occupied by Wuya, and their souls are fused together. Now we are looking for a way to separate Wuya's soul." Mu Qianyue thought for a while and said truthfully.

Yun Chang's face turned pale for a moment, and his body trembled uncontrollably. Two lines of clear tears fell from her eye sockets in an instant, blurring her vision. She only felt that the whole world was gray and the whole world collapsed...

There was no more sound, no color.

She slowly covered her face with her hands, squatted down and couldn't help crying, letting the hot tears fall from her fingers...

Mu Qianyue squatted down in front of her, hugged her body, her eyes turned red, "I'm sorry, Yun Chang, I promised you to bring him back. I didn't do it..."

Nalanjing stood quietly on the side, with a cold expression on her face, and she couldn't see the joy or anger.

After a long while, Yun Chang cried enough before raising his head from Mu Qianyue’s arms, wiped the tears from his face, and a touch of bitterness evoked at the corners of his mouth, "You are not to blame for this, it is not your fault. You are willing to risk your life I’m so grateful for saving him... this may be his life!"

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