Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1546: Soul Cultivation Pool【1】

"He is a chess piece that Wuya buried thousands of years ago. Wuya cannot give up... I just think that God is very unfair to him. Since childhood, he has suffered a lot, suffered a lot of sins, and has no enjoyment. Live the love of your parents, when you grow up, you still have to be someone else’s melting pot..."

"Yun Shang, although Nalanye's soul and Wuya's soul are fused together, Nalanye's soul will not disappear. As long as we find a way to separate the soul, we can remove Wuya's soul from Nalanye. Expelled from her body!" Mu Qianyue patted her back with one hand and said softly.

Yun Chang raised his crimson eyes and looked at her misty, "Qianyue, is everything you said true? Ye... he won't die?"

She clasped Mu Qianyue's wrists tightly with both hands, her palms did not feel any force while she was speaking, and her voice trembled.

Mu Qianyue knew that she was nervous, excited, afraid...

"Well, I won't die for the time being. But if Wuya's soul cannot be separated from Nalanye's body for a long time, Wuya will dominate Nalanye's body, and he will never have a chance to turn over again. "After a long pause, Mu Qianyue said truthfully.

Sure enough, Yun Chang's face turned pale again.

If Nalanye's soul never had a chance to turn around, it would be no different from death! Wu Ya will dominate his body for the rest of his life. With the passage of time, his soul will be gradually absorbed by Wu Ya...

So the end and the swallowing are almost the same, but this process takes a long time, and the real swallowing can be completed in an instant, but the result is the same.

"Qianyue, have you already thought of a way in your heart?" Yun Chang was sad for a moment, and then fell silent. She reached out her hand to wipe the tears on her face and asked Mu Qianyue.

At this time, the less sad she can be, the less she can cry, because she has to be strong so that she can help her husband, her favorite person!

Otherwise, what is waiting for him will disappear forever in this world...

She couldn't bear this result! She would never let him disappear like this! He said that he should make up for her and Bo'er. His promise has not been fulfilled, how could he leave her like this?

She is not reconciled and will never compromise!

Seeing that her mind quickly stabilized, Mu Qianyue looked indifferent and determined, and she was no different from the sadness and despair just now, and she couldn't help but admire Yun Chang, "Yes, there is a book called The ancient Jiujue exercise can separate the soul. Some people know this exercise. Jing and I decided to set out now to find her whereabouts."

"Do you need me to do anything?" Yun Chang looked at her with bright eyes.

Mu Qianyue knew her thoughts and shook her head, "It's enough to have me and Jing go together. You will take good care of Bo'er at home. I will notify you as soon as I get news."

Yun Chang nodded, covering the fleeting silence in his eyes, "Okay."

At this moment, a small figure ran over from the courtyard, ran to Yun Chang, raised his little head, and looked at her darkly, "Mother, is Daddy saved yet?"

Yun Chang stagnated, but there was still a loving smile on his face, "It's coming soon, our family can be reunited soon."

"Really? That's great!" A dark glow flashed through Bao'er's eyes, and when she raised her head, the smile on her face was incredibly bright.

"Aunty Yue, Uncle Jing, thank you for your hard work." Bao'er smiled sincerely at Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing again.

Mu Qianyue was sour in her heart, she couldn't help reaching out and touching his head, "Bo'er is so good, don't worry about Bo'er, your father... will be fine."

"Well, I believe in Aunt Yue and Uncle Jing, and I also believe that my father, Ji people have their own natural appearances." Bao'er smiled, reaching out to hold Yun Chang's hand, "Mother, father is not here during this time, I will replace him. Take care of you, I've grown up now and am a man."

Seeing Bao'er's firm face with firm gaze, Yun Chang felt relieved. With such a sensible and well-behaved son, she was really relieved and happy. The only thing that struck her was that the family was finally reunited but was forced to separate...

The thought of Nalanye's end that might disappear forever, her heart was full of heartache, as if being pierced with a knife in her heart, blood dripping, but she did not show a point in front of Bao'er.

"My Jia Bao'er has grown up and is sensible." Yun Chang's affectionate eyes fell on him.

"Mother, I am not a child anymore. Don't call me Bo'er anymore. My dad said my name is Nalancheng. Bao'er is to coax children."

"Well, my family is a man, not a baby anymore." Yun Chang's gloomy mood improved instantly.

When Yun Chang gave birth to Bo'er, she didn't name her, but just took a baby name. She wanted to keep Bo'er's name for Nalanye. At the time, she thought it was just a luxury, but she didn't expect her dream to come true. Really...

Nalan City is Bo'er's name.


"Jing, where do you think Yan Shu would hide?" Inside the house, Mu Qianyue stood by the window, frowning, looking at the vast and high sky with cold eyes, muttering.

Nalanjing stepped forward, wrapped her hands behind her, and embraced her soft and slender waist, "She hid, it is really not easy for us to find her, the only way is to go to the Yanhuang Realm."

He put his chin on her shoulder, closed his eyes lightly, and sniffed her breath, her beauty greedily.

"Yellow and Yellow Realm? Are you sure?" Mu Qianyue's eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't help but glance back at him.

Nalanjing opened her clear purple eyes and nodded, "Last time she was injured so badly, she will definitely not be able to repair it so quickly for a while, but there is a soul-raising pond in the Yanhuang realm, so she must Will return to the land of Yan and Huang."

"Soul cultivating pool?" Mu Qianyue's eyes quickly flashed doubts. Is it the first time I heard that there is a soul cultivating pool? The souls of Qinglong and Xuanwu were seriously injured. If there is a soul cultivating pool, they can definitely recover their souls quickly. Injury!

The corners of the white lips evoked a smile, "Okay, then we will set off to the Yanhuang Realm now."

"Well, I happen to be looking for Fu Bo to ask about the previous things." Nalan said.

Speaking of Uncle Fu, Mu Qianyue only remembered about Nalanjing’s soaring strength. She didn’t have the opportunity to ask when she was in Moyue Sect. Later, she forgot on the road. Now he remembered it again after he mentioned it, and she couldn’t help asking, " Jing, how can your strength improve so fast?"

"Pills to eat."

Nalanjing smiled, and as his words fell, the aura on his body suddenly revealed, the first-order true god.

"What kind of pill is so powerful?" Mu Qianyue immediately came to the spirit, her eyes widened, and her eyes were unabashedly shocked.

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