Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1547: Soul Cultivation Pool【2】

Chapter 1589 Soul Cultivation Pool [2]

Oh my god!

There is such a heaven-defying pill in this world!

Eating one can become a powerhouse of the first-order true **** realm. Are you sure you did not lie to her?

"Lady, you actually made this pill." Nalanjing put her arm around her hand for a few minutes, and tightly circled her in her arms. "This time I returned to the Yanhuang realm and originally wanted to track down Yan. As a result of Shu's whereabouts, he accidentally obtained this pill and found a soul-raising pond."

Mu Qianyue blinked, "The pill I refined? But I haven't refined such a heaven-defying pill!"

Otherwise she would have been a true god.

"Um... I found a sound character at the bottom of the medicine bottle." Nalanjing rubbed his chin on Mu Qianyue's neck, sprayed her warm breath on her face, itchy and numb, Mu Qianyue dialed it. Open his head, "Don't make trouble."

Thinking of what he said, it was amused, "How can you say that I made it just by looking at a sound?"

"Didn’t Pan Zhijun say that? In your previous life, you were Pan Yinyin, a descendant of the Pan clan. And Pan Yinyin is a generation of Pill God, and the only Pill God on the entire continent. Apart from you, there will be no second person." Nalan Jing Rousheng analyzed.

Mu Qianyue: "..."

Sucked the corners of his mouth severely, what is the logic?

Can it be concluded that the pill was refined by her, and not someone else?

Nalanjing is my wife and I have a powerful look, which makes Mu Qianyue very helpless.

"Lady, do you want to become a true god?" Nalanjing asked with a smile and tenderness in her eyes, turned her body around, and looked at her face to face.

"You still have this kind of pill in your hand? Great, how many more?" Mu Qianyue asked quickly, her entire face flying with excitement.

There was a little amusement on Nalanjing's face, "There is no pill, but we can fix it twice..."

Mu Qianyue's face turned black, thinking that he still had such a pill in his hand, it really made her happy! Who thought this was a routine!

It is a pity that there is only one pill for such a heaven-defying pill. If there are more than ten pills, such as Rutian, Ruke, and Longying, they can all become true gods. Even if they go to the Primordial Realm, they don’t need to Afraid.

It's a pity, there is only one pill.

But also, such a heaven-defying pill, it is extremely difficult to find the medicinal materials alone, let alone refining, it is a divine pill.

Mu Qianyue simply stopped thinking about this question, her phoenix eyes raised slightly, and her eyes fell on Nalanjing again.

The slender index finger stretched out and raised Nalanjing’s white and delicate chin, Mu Qianyue bent over her body, her red lips were light, her eyes were silky, and she was indescribably seductive, "We are all old wives, think Then just put it straight, why bother to engage in double repairs."

Nalanjing twitched the corner of her mouth, put her arms around her, and walked towards the bed, "Sure enough, the one who knows me is still a lady."


After the lingering, Mu Qianyue found that her strength had really reached the realm of true gods, and Nalanjing did not lie to her!

So what? It becomes a true god, and it really feels like a trance dreaming!

It's so unreal!

The key is that there is no strange movement or pain at all, so it becomes a true **** without pain or itching or feeling.

Nalanjing got up from the bed, holding Mu Qianyue's soft body and walked to the wing next to the bedroom, where was a hot spring pool.

She leaned lazily on his chest, her beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "Jing, I heard you talk about the soul-cultivating pond before... You mean that people in the Yanhuang realm don’t know the soul-cultivating pond. ?"

Nalan said, "The old guys really don't know the existence of the soul-cultivating pond. If I accidentally broke in, I wouldn't know the secret."

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, "Then how are you sure that Yan Shu will know the soul cultivation pond?"

"Because I felt Yan Shu's breath in it, which was very weak. It seems that Yan Shu had stayed there before. She should have not been there this time." Nalan Jing thought for a while.

"It seems that you are really familiar with her." Mu Qianyue looked at him with some taste.

"Silly Yue'er, I am familiar with her because she is my enemy! My purpose in this life is to kill her! If you are not familiar with the enemy, how can I kill her? As the saying goes, the confidant can win every battle." With her slightly depressed face and cherry-red pink lips, Nalanjing couldn't help being amused. He reached out and touched her head and said softly.

"Really?" She raised her lips and smiled. The depression on her face disappeared. The beautiful face was like a begonia flower in the steaming mist, more vivid and moving, Nalanjing's breathing couldn't help but be heavy. .

It seems that Yue'er is really his culprit, eating him to death, but he is willing to eat it.

Mu Qianyue was thinking about Yan Shu and the soul-cultivating pool, and she didn't notice the change in someone's eyes. When she reacted, she realized that someone was attacking the city again in the hot spring pool...

After the matter was over, Mu Qianyue was limp by the hot spring pool, saw someone's smiling face approaching, and quickly pushed him away, staring, "I want a husband!"

"Lady, am I not satisfied with you?" Nalanjing looked resentful.


"I'm going to sleep." Mu Qianyue protested.

"Miss, although we are together during this time, you have everything you can do, and you have no time to satisfy me. Now I have a chance, of course I have to eat hard." Nalanjing said brazenly, with warm yellow glazed lights shining on him. On the exquisite and flawless face, he was so exquisite that he took up the blanket by the pool and wrapped Mu Qianyue's body, wiped the water drops on her body, and then walked towards the sleeping hall with her.

Mu Qianyue changed her clothes and lay on the bed. Nalanjing also changed into clean clothes, lying beside her, using her arm as a pillow.

Mu Qianyue carefully raised her eyes to look at him, and saw his eyes staring at her scorchingly, and she couldn't help but alarm bells in her heart, "You, what do you want to do?"

The woman's white face was blushed twice because of her shyness, and she looked as bright as a morning glow.

Nalanjing smiled, bowed her head and pressed a kiss on her forehead, brushing it like a dragonfly, her soft lips pressed on, with a warm breath, with pity and pampering.

"Although I haven't eaten enough, but for you, I will bear it again and eat tomorrow." Nalanjing's bewildered voice sounded in her ears, making her blush.

Seeing that he finally stopped tossing himself, Mu Qianyue sighed lightly, and found a comfortable place in his arms to fall asleep, "Jing, I always feel that Yan Shu is not easy..."

"How to say?"

"She is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. She can escape every time..." Mu Qianyue couldn't say anything strange, but felt that things were not that simple.

"Regardless of all the evil spirits and sprites, they will eventually show up, because evil can't overcome righteousness." A sharp light flashed in Nalanjing's purple eyes.

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