Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1548: Deep obsession【1】

Early the next morning, after Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing had packed up, they said goodbye to everyone, sat on Kunpeng's back, and went to the Yanhuang Realm.

As Kunpeng, Yuan Han was extremely fast, and he reached the Kunlun Mountains in the land of Yanhuang and Huang with a single cup of tea.

Kunlun Mountain towers high into the clouds, the mountain top is covered with a layer of ice and snow, clouds and mist are hazy, the golden light of the sun shines on the cold and hard ice and snow, reflecting the gorgeous light.

The two swept down on Kunpeng's body, and Kunpeng's figure flickered, turning into a handsome and graceful man facing the wind. Under Mu Qianyue's mind, he directly entered the space of Tongtian Tower.

On the top of the mountain, only Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing were left.

The top of Kunlun Mountain is nearly 5,000 meters above sea level. It is covered with snow and snow all the year round, making it extremely cold.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing are true gods, so naturally they are not afraid of this bit of cold.

Nalanjing flicked her palm, took out the secret order of Yanhuang Realm, and opened the entrance.

A light blue aperture suddenly appeared in front of him.

Nalanjing turned around and stretched out her hand, Mu Qianyue put her hand on his palm and stepped into the light circle with him.

The gentle warmth like a spring breeze rushes towards the face, and the delicate fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose.

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes slightly, and a green verdant appeared in her eyes.

Surrounded by towering trees, towering straight into the clouds, the green vines entwined around these ancient branches, making it more quiet and desolate.

Under the towering giant tree is a field of colorful flowers, flowers blooming, butterflies flying, like a fairyland on earth.

Above is the vast firmament, the sky is blue as washing, and the white clouds are as soft as cotton floating in the sky.

Everything is too beautiful.

It's like a fairyland in the world of oil painting.

It took one morning for Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue to walk through the woods, and their eyes suddenly opened up, and a prosperous and tall city appeared in front of them.

The crowd was bustling, going in and out of the city, it was very lively.

After entering the city, Nalanjing took Mu Qianyue straight to Yanhuang Palace. Yanhuang Palace is the most powerful place in Yanhuang City. The people living there are descendants of the Yanhuang clan, and the people living in Yanhuang City are also The descendants of the Yanhuang clan, but the bloodline is very weak, the low is the first-rank and the second-rank bloodline, and the high is only the seventh-eighth rank.

But those people in Yanhuang Palace are pure Yanhuang bloodlines, and they have bloodlines of Perfect, King, and Royal. They are not comparable to those in Yanhuang City.

For example, a peerless genius who appeared during this period, the Saint-level bloodline, is said to be the reincarnation of Emperor Yan ten thousand years ago. The Yanhuang clan also became excited because of his arrival.

It seems to have seen the prosperity of the Yan and Huang clan thousands of years ago!

When Nalanjing entered Yanhuang City, he was quickly recognized by the people in the city, and his eyes were full of respect and admiration.

This is the Yan Emperor ten thousand years ago, who led the Yanhuang clan toward prosperity, but it was only because of the subsequent battle between gods and demons that the Yanhuang clan almost fell! Now seeing the reappearance of the Emperor Yan who dominated the world ten thousand years ago, everyone was naturally excited and completely ignored Mu Qianyue who was aside.

Nalanjing's enthusiasm in the face of everyone just nodded with a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then straightly held Mu Qianyue's hand and walked towards the Yanhuang Palace.

With Nalanjing's status and authority, everyone would bow to him when they saw him, let alone enter the Yanhuang Palace, the entire Yanhuang Palace, and even Yanhuang City, in his eyes, were no different from the back garden.

So Nalanjing took Mu Qianyue unimpeded all the way to the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain of Yanhuang Palace, preparing to go to the soul cultivation pond there, so that the Qinglong and Xuanwu can warm up in the soul cultivation pond.

When Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue first stepped into the martial arts field of Yanhuang Palace, they saw people standing in front of them, men, women and children.

Seeing Nalanjing's return, everyone respectfully saluted, "Welcome the return of Emperor Yan."

Nalanjing ignored the crowd, but instead focused on the pink figure in front of the crowd, her beautiful purple eyes instantly narrowed, and a cold and murderous intent flashed through her eyes.

Not only him, but Mu Qianyue on the side also widened her eyes, Yan Shu?

Yes, the pink figure in front is not someone else, but Yan Shu!

It's just that she doesn't have the embarrassment of the previous period, and is no longer a faint soul body, but a solid body, obviously she has a physical body!

The most important thing is that Mu Qianyue feels the strong breath in her body!

True spirit!

The same is true gods, Mu Qianyue can naturally feel the changes in her body, it is the breath of true gods.

This discovery made Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

Yan Shu's soul was injured and ran away. She died nine times, but in only one month, it is absolutely impossible for her to recover from her soul's injury so quickly! It is even more impossible to have the strength of the True God Realm at once!

As for her physical body, I don’t know if it was taken away, or...

Yan Shu's body at this moment is no different from her own body ten thousand years ago.

Doubts came to her mind instantly, making Mu Qianyue a warning bell in her heart, but she didn't show it.

Nalanjing squeezed Mu Qianyue's hand and looked at her with a relieved look. Mu Qianyue understood his thoughts and smiled lightly at him, meaning she was okay.

She was just a Yan Shu, she didn't care about it at all.

If she hadn't regarded her as a good friend ten thousand years ago and trusted her completely, how could Yan Shu have killed her?

Yan Shu suffered betrayal in the previous life, and she will never repeat the same mistakes in this life.

But she thought that Yan Shu had escaped, so she would hide for ten or twenty years and then come out again. What she never expected was that Yan Shu actually recovered her body, healed her soul’s injuries, and achieved even more. A true spirit.

She knew that Yan Shu alone could never do this!

Her nine soul clones, dead and wounded, even if the rest were barely merged, they would never have such strength!

Is there someone behind Yan Shu?

If there is someone behind Yan Shu, then this person is too powerful! It can be described as guarding the sky!

When this thought came out, Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly.

"Brother Yan, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you for a long time." Yan Shu Qiaoxiao walked forward and looked at Nalanjing with a smile. Her beautiful face was bathed in the sun, and the corners of her lips were gently bent. , Like a simple girl who doesn't know the world, as if no grievances had happened between her, Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue was also speechless for Yan Shu's cheeky.

Nalanjing frowned unhappily. He did not pay attention to Yan Shu. Instead, his icy stern eyes fell on the elders in front of him. The cold voice did not contain a trace of emotion, as cold as the Arctic glacier, "Who She was allowed to come in? It seems that the Yanhuang Palace should be cleaned up!"

When the elders heard this, their expressions changed drastically, and there was dissatisfaction between their brows.

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