Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1565: God Punishment【3】

When his words fell and immediately stirred up waves in the crowd, what?

True God Pill? Can people instantly break through to the realm of God? !

There is such a pill in this world! ! !

Are they sure they heard it right?

Each one stared in horror, and his face was shocked and unbelievable. This is simply horrible, even more shocking than returning to life!

They know that there is a kind of pill in this world that can bring people back to life, as long as they can find medicinal materials, it is not impossible!

But it was the first time they heard that it could make people break into the realm of the real **** in an instant!

So everyone was so surprised that they almost couldn't close their chins!

Tianhui looked at the expressions on everyone's faces with satisfaction. When he heard this true **** pill, the horror on his face was no less than them! The true **** pill was personally handed over to him by the ancestor last night, and there are ten! However, he did not take it immediately. Instead, he had to select nine outstanding elders to take it together according to the ancestor's instructions, and then retreat to consolidate his strength. At that time, he must kill Mu Qianyue with one blow...

"Hall Master, what you said is true?" The Great Elder took the lead in reacting, blinking his eyes to look at the Tianhui in front of him, and his slightly rickety body couldn't help but tremble. This is because he is trying his best to restrain his inner excitement. Otherwise, it will be shaken into chaff.

"Naturally it is true. The pill given by the ancestor will be fake? Don't forget, the ancestor is a member of the Celestial race. It is normal for her to have such a heaven-defying pill in her hand!" Tianhui said lightly. The handsome face showed a proud and worshipful look, "According to the ancestor, this true **** pill has no negative effect on the user, so we don’t have to worry about any sequelae after taking it! It’s a pity, such a **** pill, the ancestor’s There are not many in hand, only these ten!"

The fifty elders in the hall lit up when they heard the words, and their faces burst out with excitement and joy, my God! This magical medicine!

They worked hard for a lifetime, two or three hundred hours, and they were only a **** emperor, or **** emperor, and even the **** emperor had not reached it. Except for the temple lord, the elder had the highest strength. The ninth-order **** emperor is only one step away from the gods.

But this step made him daunting, leaving him trapped in the same place for more than 50 years, without making any progress! At this moment, this true **** pill made him see hope and dawn!

He is about to set one of the quotas for this true **** pill!

Others also have this idea. Since it is fair competition, they must work hard, and no one will give in!

Each of them looked excited, clenched their fists with both hands, and their eyes flashed with excitement, as if they had been beaten with blood. With such a chance to become a true **** in an instant, who would give up? No matter what, they will strive for it!

If you get such a place, you will become the supreme being, the true pinnacle of world power!

That's a true god!

Not only is the improvement of strength status, but the status of God Punishment will be very high in the future! So they know that such an opportunity is extremely rare!

The strong, with an aspirational expression on his face, the weaker one secretly clenched his fists, his eyes filled with calculations...

After three days of fierce competition, nine out of fifty people finally entered the top nine, and the elder was one of them. When the other eight people got this place, they were all so excited that they couldn't sleep all night.

Early the next morning, the God Punishment Hall Lord Tianhui gathered these nine people together, one by one True God Pill, and the great elders and others holding the True God Pill, their expressions were so excited that they wanted to take it on the spot, but they didn’t. It was because of the excitement in the heart that he raised his head and looked at the sky in front of him and asked, "Hall Lord, Namu Qianyue is just a true god. It is enough for our **** to send two true gods. Why do we need ten this time?"

And even the hall master was dispatched together!

This is really surprising!

The other nine people also cast curious glances towards the sky, and they were also extremely puzzled about this in their hearts.

"According to the ancestor, Namu Qianyue was an incredible beast trainer, and she was also the reincarnation of more than 60,000 former ancestor enemies. She had gathered several ancient beasts and fierce beasts by her side, and she didn’t know what she used. The secret method can make those pet beasts who signed with her to be consistent with her strength. Now there are nine pet beasts beside her, which means that there are nine true gods around her, plus her, it is ten gods !"

hiss! ! !

As his words fell, there was a sound of air-conditioning in the hall immediately, staring one by one in disbelief, lest he had heard it wrong!

Originally, they thought that the True God Pill was enough to shock the world, but they didn't expect that there would be such a heaven-defying method in the world! It's horrible!

They couldn't believe it!

They couldn't believe it if they were killed!

But the words of the ancestors will not be fake, otherwise the ancestors will not take out ten true **** pills for them all at once...


Does the world really have such a countermeasure? They are unheard of! I thought that their talents and methods were already going against the sky, but now I found out that I was far behind the girl named Mu Qianyue!

If it hadn't been for the Hall Master to say it with their own ears today, they would have never believed it!

If others told them that, they would think that person was a lunatic!

Let all the pet beasts' strengths synchronize with her and reach the real gods together, how defying, perverted, and crazy this must be!

It is impossible to use ordinary people to locate it!

"Yeah! I didn't believe it at first, but it made the ancestor so solemnly worried. It can be seen that what the ancestor said is true, otherwise the ancestor would not have to take out ten true **** pills!" Tianhui's face appeared rare! A touch of solemnity.

The great elder and others also suddenly looked solemn.

The great elder frowned, thinking for a while, and the worry on his face grew stronger, "Hall Lord, there are ten true gods on the opposite side, and we are also ten true gods, but we may not be able to kill Mu Qianyue! Ancient beasts and fierce beasts. Their strength is stronger than ordinary monsters. Their defense, attack, and speed will be several times that of other monsters, and even twice that of humans of the same level. It would be good if we weren't killed by them..."

The other eight people nodded in agreement, with the same worry on their faces.

Although the effect of the true **** pill is very attractive, they are also afraid of death. They finally cultivate to the realm of **** emperor and **** emperor. Even if they can't reach the realm of true **** for a lifetime, at least they will not die, at least they live for thousands of years. Years are not a problem. Who knows if they will break into the realm of true gods in the next few thousand years?

After all, there is hope when you are alive. If you die, there will be nothing.

The more strength they reach, the more they cherish life, and no one wants to die.

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